michaeledward said:
"I'm just a 3rd Brown" ... "But as a lowly 3rd Brown" ........ "I was a bit reluctant to step up further in a class full of black-belts".
Hmmmmmm....... well Michael, IMHO, I
don't think you should be considering yourself "
JUST" a 3rd Brown or a "
LOWLY" 3rd Brown either! This is not an easy rank..... I'm sure you worked hard to "earn" it and it is nothing you should look down on or be ashamed of in any regard. I'm not saying you should not be humble of course, but not condescending to yourself either. No matter WHAT rank anyone is wearing, there is always room to learn more. As an advanced student in class, good questions should never be frowned upon...... often times, others in the room have the same question in mind or could have benefited from your question as well.
My suggestion is to focus more on the material and question it thoroughly until YOU understand it, and forget about what ranks everyone is wearing or what others think about it, you are in quest of knowledge for yourself, don't waste the opportunity to have any instructor aid you in your journey. SO ASK AWAY!!
This basic philosophy is shown on the crest where the Dragon (
Advanced Students leading the inexperienced) is
looking back at the Tiger (
Beginning Students looking up to the advanced for knowledge) always to remember that we all had to start at the beginning, where true knowledge is only gained thru the proper and legitimate "Journey" that we must all travel which includes mental knowledge gain as well as intense physical training. Any other means will only result in sub-par skills and deception.
As to the
methods of different teachers (such as Huk {or others}
possibly teaching 'mis-directs' to see who is paying attention or not)....... well, each teacher you experience will have their own personal
style of teaching, you may or may not like that style but it is unique unto that teacher. I personally have experienced many different styles of teaching and have learned much from each and especially the study of why each does what he/she does.
Being a Physical Education major in college was a true asset to me once I was afforded the opportunity to start instructing others in our great Art of Kenpo. As a teacher I try to understand each student and relate to them and their individual needs, am I
always successful.... well no, but I try to learn from my mistakes and improve.
"To get students to where you want them to be... You must first start with where they are". Sometimes this is not always comfortable but it is necessary to do.