Black Belt TV

Hope they make a mint!


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It sounds like 24 hours of mind-candy. Sometimes it is heartbreaking to watch the American public bastardize and publicize the martial arts in this manner. The first lesson I have to give my students is to get rid of all the b.s. in their heads that has been built up over time from watching movies and playing video games. For instance, a conflict situation never begins with a spinning reverse crescent kick to the head. Unfortunately this is the product that is presented when the initiator is fueled by money. Money has become the only viable form of accepted sacrifice in today's age, because it is the easiest. This is a shame. But it is a truth that martial artists have to live with every day. All in all, I will probably watch, much like I watch martial art movies and laugh in the privacy of the my home.


Dun Ringill
hehe...I know what you mean. when people find out that I do martial arts, they start jumping around and yelling "hiiiiYAH" or something equally rediculous.

Seriously, though...there's no such thing as bad publicity. I know a lot of guys who started martial arts cause they wanted to "do some of that Jackie Chan/Chuck Norris/Jet Li stuff" and they find that they like the reality even better than the fantasy.
What I am excited about being a Martial Artist and doing professional video is the chance to educate the public. Think of the Documentaries that can be produced. What about large tourneys that could be on air. There are a lot of possibilities besides just movies.

What are some of your ideas to be on air? What do you want to see a channel like this do? Just movies? Some tourneys? Documentaries? Training?

The more we are in the publics eye the more people that will have this fond idea of being Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Mr. Parker, Mr. Rhee, etc....

I think this is an awesome oppurtunity to publicize MA's in General. And as with anything there will be bad stuff to.

:soapbox: Stepping off.

I hope it comes out swinging, and last to the last bell. It would really be cool to see the black belt forms/fighting, and such from some major tournaments. How about vintage films from the Internationals. Seeing guys/ladies I've only read about. Remember Bryan Fong(sp?),Donnie Williams,Steve Saunders,JOE LEWIS,Linda Denley,Arlene Limas!!!! Maybe even watch vintage tapes from the PKA days. With "The Iceman","Superfoot",and the likes of Oaktree Edwards! Man I would really enjoy a informative,tastefully done martial arts network. Along the lines of a ESPN/ESPN Classic!!! Is this connected with Blk.Blt. Magazine?

Salute in Christ,

Well if it does happen, I hope it comes to Australia.
Originally posted by AvPKenpo

I hope the replace SeaGull with Jet Li on that pic :eek: :D


ME TOO!!! ME TOO!!! ME TOO!!! :boing2:

Thanks to jeffkyle for the wonderful news. Wooohooo!!!

Originally posted by AvPKenpo

I hope the replace SeaGull with Jet Li on that pic :eek: :D


It's Jet Li in the lower left (Legend of Fon Sai Yuk if I'm not mistaken...), maybe another, um, proper martial artist like Chuck Norris instead? :)
