

Well, sometimes I do... :D
much more than I punch to the face, that is...

I guess you could just take a swipe at their gob with the purse and let the bugs duke it out

In the reddd cornerrr... "the king of the trachea"... Heamophilus influenzae! And in the blue cornerrrr... from the darkness of the bottomless pit, next to the 50 cent peice, Enterococcus faecalis! Let's get rrready to rrrumble!!
I guess you could just take a swipe at their gob with the purse and let the bugs duke it out

In the reddd cornerrr... "the king of the trachea"... Heamophilus influenzae! And in the blue cornerrrr... from the darkness of the bottomless pit, next to the 50 cent peice, Enterococcus faecalis! Let's get rrready to rrrumble!!

I'd pay to see that fight. My money is on Heamophilus influenzae. Some thing about that name just makes it sound like a good fighter.
-Imagines two virus in an MMA ring going at, the flu being a striker around since the game began, the faecalis being a newbie grappler with an attitude problem-
Hello, Biting is just another martial art tool that can be use when NEEDED!

It may be one of the better techniques in certain situtions. DO NOT LIMIT YOUR SELF FROM BITING SOMEONE! It maybe the only way to escape?

First post mention only 140 place to bit? try biting someone ( S )? can be plenty spots upper/lower/left/right/almost endless?

The nose? ears? lips? cheeks? ....Biting works and yes there is always a risk. In any fighing situtions there is risk!

The human mouth is full of bacterial. How many people die from KISSING? The FRENCH Know how to avoid bacterial

Biting the human body? .....just another technique! Biting food is usefully too! buts put human bacterial on your food. avoid using antibacterial soap for washing the mouth? ....NO taste so good! ...but it does work killing germs and help keep others from kissing you? Avoidance!

There is NO rules in survivaling an attacker.....Bit and bit somemore..use it if you have teeth................Aloha...(just biting a ripe banana...oops forgot to peal it.........
When using the teeth; Bite, don't eat!

I've used the bite a few times before and it's only good for producing a startle/flinch response, nothing more.

I've really sank my teeth into someone before, but due to the effects of their adrenaline I never got the pain compliance I was intending to get, instead, they just got angrier!

Yet a quick and simple bite (a pinch effect using the teeth) and let go would produce a startle/flinch response enabling an opening for a 'finisher'.

Bite, don't eat!
I'm not sure if i agree with your oppion Garth Barnard. Between the muscles of the jaw and the leverage of the mandable (lower jaw bone), many can generate more force from there mouth then there fists. Highly trained Martial Artist are obiviously a possible exception. There is also the fact that teeth are sharp. I'm sure many people could bite someone in the neck hard enough to cause a cut and open the jugular.
Biting does have it's fall backs, like getting AIDS. But, it is possible to get more then just a flinch response out of somebody.
Hi CN,

You're correct, the jaw is very powerful and the teeth are very sharp, making the possibility of biting and removing flesh very likely. However, using your example, you're limiting yourself to a small target, i.e. the neck, but then on a fully clothed person that's all you're going to get.

I was coming from a more general angle. When I had the physical confrontation (whilst 'Minding') involving me resorting to biting, the aggressor was fully clothed, under the influence of alcohol and extremely aggressive. Cutting a long story short; the ONLY target available at THAT time (mid-way through the fight), and in THAT situation (I was a in a standing clinch) was to bite the shoulder/upper bicep through a T-shirt. I bit as hard as I possibly could and although I drew blood I was unable to bite through the T-shirt. I kept the bite on, but the guy just got more aggressive, probably down to another boost of adrenaline

For pain compliance to work (how I'd want it to work) it has to be short and sharp.

Once I let the bite go I was able to select another target, which happened to be further up the shoulder, nearer the neck. This time I bit hard and fast, releasing the bite as quickly as I put it on. The reaction I got was a startle/flinch response, which was enough to break one of his underhooks. I was then able to apply a one handed Thai Clinch and drive knees into his abdomen. Once I had regained the upper-hand I was able to finish the fight effectively and efficiently.

I'm not saying that biting chunks out of people isn't possible, but what I am saying is that a simple bite, in my experience, would be my prefered choice. Hence why I prefer to Bite, not eat.

Take care.
This is fine for people whose teeth don't come out when they bite!
Hi CN,

You're correct, the jaw is very powerful and the teeth are very sharp, making the possibility of biting and removing flesh very likely. However, using your example, you're limiting yourself to a small target, i.e. the neck, but then on a fully clothed person that's all you're going to get.

I was coming from a more general angle. When I had the physical confrontation (whilst 'Minding') involving me resorting to biting, the aggressor was fully clothed, under the influence of alcohol and extremely aggressive. Cutting a long story short; the ONLY target available at THAT time (mid-way through the fight), and in THAT situation (I was a in a standing clinch) was to bite the shoulder/upper bicep through a T-shirt. I bit as hard as I possibly could and although I drew blood I was unable to bite through the T-shirt. I kept the bite on, but the guy just got more aggressive, probably down to another boost of adrenaline

For pain compliance to work (how I'd want it to work) it has to be short and sharp.

Once I let the bite go I was able to select another target, which happened to be further up the shoulder, nearer the neck. This time I bit hard and fast, releasing the bite as quickly as I put it on. The reaction I got was a startle/flinch response, which was enough to break one of his underhooks. I was then able to apply a one handed Thai Clinch and drive knees into his abdomen. Once I had regained the upper-hand I was able to finish the fight effectively and efficiently.

I'm not saying that biting chunks out of people isn't possible, but what I am saying is that a simple bite, in my experience, would be my prefered choice. Hence why I prefer to Bite, not eat.

Take care.

I choose the neck because it is a big target, and I doubt anyone would say that it is not a valid target. And biting that target i don't imagine would do too much. Or striking it in general. And really the only place I would do more then bite would be the ears or maybe the nose. If you're into Pro Boxing, you can probably agree that ear eating will defenitly work!
This is fine for people whose teeth don't come out when they bite!

Tez, dont tell me yours are fake! If nothing else you can remove then and start gumming! That'll tickle 'em into leaving you alone!
The psychology of portraying myself as a psychotic, sadist, cannibal, from the darkest depths of Arkham insane asylum is kind of a total package. Growl, bite hard and shake your head. Hold his head still with a thumb gouge to the eye, pull an ear off and generally growl in extreme rage (emotional control?). It is really discouraging for an opponent unless they are as "down" as you are. Primary reason to avoid a fight is how badly you don't want to lose. How far will you go? I've been practicing on steak...
The psychology of portraying myself as a psychotic, sadist, cannibal, from the darkest depths of Arkham insane asylum is kind of a total package. Growl, bite hard and shake your head. Hold his head still with a thumb gouge to the eye, pull an ear off and generally growl in extreme rage (emotional control?). It is really discouraging for an opponent unless they are as "down" as you are. Primary reason to avoid a fight is how badly you don't want to lose. How far will you go? I've been practicing on steak...

Batman nerd Em? It shows form the Arkham line. That's really funny. I just wounder if it work on some one tripped out on LSD? OK, I dont really care cause the only thing that'll work then is there death.
Anyways, I now feel like steak!
Batman nerd Em? It shows form the Arkham line. That's really funny. I just wounder if it work on some one tripped out on LSD? OK, I dont really care cause the only thing that'll work then is there death.
Anyways, I now feel like steak!

More of a Joker nerd, lol. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the combat effects of LSD. I'm going for lunch soon...pasta doesn't fight back as much as steak...
More of a Joker nerd, lol. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the combat effects of LSD. I'm going for lunch soon...pasta doesn't fight back as much as steak...
LOL. But pasta wont clog your artiries!
Batman nerd Em? It shows form the Arkham line. That's really funny. I just wounder if it work on some one tripped out on LSD? OK, I dont really care cause the only thing that'll work then is there death.
Anyways, I now feel like steak!

I believe you're thinking of PCP? With the acidheads, you just tell them to go away or you'll sic the little red spiders on them. :rofl:
I remember using a bite to the cheek when I was a teenager and was attacked by three teenage males. It had a great psychological effect on them, as a large chunk of cheek was removed from the face of the lead attacker. Now, this was the mid 80's, we had just barely heard of AIDs, and I had very little training then. I've had numerous violent encounters since and have not needed to resort to biting. Though I have been bit, both as an LEO and in my previous career, which was working with SBH teens.
As long as someone who gets bit gets on the antibiotics at a hospital ASAP, I think it's one of the less lethal but extremely effective options available. I find the psychology of it to be the main deal but the damage can be quite extensive (and disfiguring). I consider it being willing to go "all the way", and it tests the other person's resolve in the same way. I bite because I'd never want to fight a biter.
I saw a guy at a Hardcore show inthe early 90s bite another man's lower lip off, brutal.

As a last ditch, I would bite, got a guy in Kesagatmae, bite his nose or throat, just makesure to drool alot of spit as you do it so you dot take in his blood.
just makesure to drool alot of spit as you do it so you dot take in his blood.

Or to freak him out so as to make him think that you are in fact a psychotic sadist cannibal from the darkest depths of Arkhum insane aslyum. Anouther good way to keep some body off you.

NOTE: A poke at Em MacIntosh is intended. If you don't like it, complain to him, it is his fault.

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