Bill Wallace Seminars


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
There's a couple of Bill Wallace seminars coming up here and I don't know whether to go or not. Can anyone tell me what to expect and whether it would be good to go please?
tez I can't be of much help here other than to say I have always wanted to check out a Bill Wallace Seminar and I am not one to go to seminars. Not much insight and certainly not much of a recommendation but I vote go.

I did not want to go to a Fumio Demura seminar a few years back but a friend convinced me to go and it was one of the few positive seminar experiences I had back in my youth I am thinking a Bill Wallace seminar might be much the same, but I could be wrong.

Hopefully someone pops by that can give you more direct insight
Do you like stretching and kicking and do you also have a crazy sense of humour? :)
If you have the means and it won't hurt or put you back a bit, I say do it just for the sake of meeting a ledgend. He may not be what he use to be but still. Plus I am sure there is something to learn, there always is.
They didn't call him super foot Wallace for nothing. Saw him knock people OUT with that front leg round house to the head. Had him at our DoJo many moons ago, and saw him at an Arnold Classic-world strongman competition years later with my son. Keep an open mind, and go for it.[h=3][/h]
I haven't seen Bill Wallace in fifteen years, so take this with a grain of salt.

I guess it depends on what he's teaching in the seminar. There's sure to be kicking and stretching, and in these he is unparalleled. But Billy boy is more than a kicker, he has a Masters degree in Kinesiology and knows more about the movement of the human body than any martial artist you are likely to meet. For advanced kickers he can tweak your technique to make it so much better it can startle you. He knows more about stretching, especially as it pertains to martial arts, than anyone out there. Any questions you might have on kicking and stretching - you just can't find a more reliable source. His opinions and techniques are battle tested, (also medically/physically sound due to his education) his career speaks for itself. He also has great punching, and knows more about relating punching and kicking together than anyone I've seen yet.

Yet, he is somewhat of an enigma. He has an odd sense of humor. It puts some people off. Kind of like the class clown from junior high that never quite grew up. A split second later he can debate just about anybody on just about anything. Sometimes part of both of those things runs through his seminars.

As a martial artist and fighter he is on a different plane than us. The people he fought against, hung out and trained with, are a who's who of legends from across the globe. I never saw Bill Wallace talk down to anybody, but he sometimes doesn't realize we don't know what he knows about the Arts. He never speaks theoretically about fighting, if it won't work on a regular basis, Bill will have none of it. (be that good or bad, that's the way it is) I first trained with him in the seventies, spent a month with him overseas on a fighting tour, and sat ringside for a lot of his fights. He was one of the smartest fighters I've ever seen. And there is nobody who ever had the skill set of kicking like Bill Wallace. Not even close.

I figure if you have the chance to train with him, what the heck, not much of a downside.
Thanks to everyone for answers, I thought I'd like to go because it's a once in a lifetime chance to train with a 'name' like his. As with all seminars I always worry that it's going to be full of young ripped men lol I know that doesn't sound like a bad thing especially if you are female but not if you are a female of a certain age! I reckoned though that as Bill Wallace is older than me I should be alright.
Bill is a top guy - and a great entertainer too.

How old is he - he just keeps going and going.

Hope he doesn't have tape on his Glasses still :uhyeah: