bad reputation

Isn't ALL hapkido for combat? Isn't that kind of like naming a tool for installing nails a "hammering hammer."

(grins, ducks and runs away ;))
or a "HOT WATER HEATER" why would you heat hot water...already hot...
Isn't ALL hapkido for combat? Isn't that kind of like naming a tool for installing nails a "hammering hammer."

(grins, ducks and runs away ;))

See, like I said, there's ALWAYS ONE...LOL...Running won't save you cause I can turn into a bat or a wolf..
I've only seen Combat HKD from afar, but it looks great to me. :ultracool

Thanks Kidswarrior...We are getting WAY off the topic here folks, I am partly to blame...So lets get back to the subject at hand which is the negative comments you've heard or read about your art..
i have been pracicing shaolin-do for 6 1/2 months now i am satisfied witht the instructors the material and i hvae found no reason to disagree with the history as presented with the exception of a few embelishments and i was wondering why my style has such a bad rep from what i can figure it is from like 2 schools that are the exception not the rule that everyone takes as being the entire style then they liberally talk about the badness of the art while having never seen or pericipating in a class and it is mostly the lower ranks that people have a problem with of course we can't do things perfect yet we just got it
Right you are, Drac. :cool:

OK, jagenheie, here's my take on your situation. Those who can, do--on their own side of the street; those who can't or won't or are insecure in their ability to do their art, criticize the guy on the other side of the street. When my art and my practice of it are perfect, then I might have time to critique someone else. Not before. Same for those criticizing you, imho. ;)
OK, jagenheie, here's my take on your situation. Those who can, do--on their own side of the street; those who can't or won't or are insecure in their ability to do their art, criticize the guy on the other side of the street. When my art and my practice of it are perfect, then I might have time to critique someone else. Not before. Same for those criticizing you, imho. ;)

Well said..We are martial artists..We should all be UNITED as we share a bond that those on the outside cannot and will not understand..We need to spend more time promoting commradery rather that talking bad about someone elses discipline...
Well said..We are martial artists..We should all be UNITED as we share a bond that those on the outside cannot and will not understand..We need to spend more time promoting commradery rather that talking bad about someone elses discipline...
this has been the best post yet... well said!!
Well said..We are martial artists..We should all be UNITED as we share a bond that those on the outside cannot and will not understand..We need to spend more time promoting commradery rather that talking bad about someone elses discipline...

Hear Hear.....I believe that the diversity of people and practice UNITED by our commradery and common ideas may be one of the most important aspects of martial arts.
Everyoen else have pretty well hit it on the head. If you are in any style and it is not getting bashed your school is not known to exist. All of us are getting attacked by someone at all times. Try being in a style that head of the styles passes and has not named a successor, as all the Kenpo schools and many others have went through or are going through. It is like a big game of king of the anthill, every "master" scrambling to try and knock the other guy off of the top.

It is better to not get caught up in all the trash and work on your own skills.
If everyone did what there system taught, then there would be no ego and the students would be able to decide who the best person for the job is...

But this is not a perfect world, and not every trains the way they are in that case, the senior students should decide, those who were the closest to the instructor would decide who the new leader of the organization would be...and the rest of the students will just have to trust the wisdom of the senior students, and respect there decision
Hey, I trained with Shaolin-do for over a year, and let me say it was the greatest year of my life (Until this one, totally different story). In spite of its bad reputation, Shaolin-do brought me into the martial arts world, and I only really left because it simply wasn't "my" art, ya know? Everyone has that one system that just clicks and totally sticks with them for the rest of their lives, and although Shaolin-do wasn't mine, I could easily see it was for many others.

Just train hard, really work those katas, try doing them on the reverse side even, and most importantly; do not stop.
Hey, I trained with Shaolin-do for over a year, and let me say it was the greatest year of my life (Until this one, totally different story). In spite of its bad reputation, Shaolin-do brought me into the martial arts world, and I only really left because it simply wasn't "my" art, ya know? Everyone has that one system that just clicks and totally sticks with them for the rest of their lives, and although Shaolin-do wasn't mine, I could easily see it was for many others.

Just train hard, really work those katas, try doing them on the reverse side even, and most importantly; do not stop.
Well said: eloquent but to the point. :)
Hey, I trained with Shaolin-do for over a year, and let me say it was the greatest year of my life (Until this one, totally different story). In spite of its bad reputation, Shaolin-do brought me into the martial arts world, and I only really left because it simply wasn't "my" art, ya know? Everyone has that one system that just clicks and totally sticks with them for the rest of their lives, and although Shaolin-do wasn't mine, I could easily see it was for many others.

Just train hard, really work those katas, try doing them on the reverse side even, and most importantly; do not stop.

Well said: eloquent but to the point. :)

i have been pracicing shaolin-do for 6 1/2 months now i am satisfied witht the instructors the material and i hvae found no reason to disagree with the history as presented with the exception of a few embelishments and i was wondering why my style has such a bad rep from what i can figure it is from like 2 schools that are the exception not the rule that everyone takes as being the entire style then they liberally talk about the badness of the art while having never seen or pericipating in a class and it is mostly the lower ranks that people have a problem with of course we can't do things perfect yet we just got it

People badmouth styles all the time. Unfortunately, its a fact of life in the Martial Arts world. I find that many times, the people who talk negative, have never really invested much, if any, training in said system. Instead, they go off of what they've heard from others, what they've read, demos that they have seen or a youtube clip.

In any case, I dont feel that one can really understand something until they've really looked into it.

As long as you're happy with the training you're getting and that it meets your needs, I wouldn't worry what others think.


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