Are we Family?

I see MT as different than most other sites. Our meets are about sharing and building relationships, not about ranks and pecking order.

This years meet is in October, and I'll be in Atlanta, Chattanooga and Louisville in late July & August, should anyone in those areas want to organize a regional meetup. (See events forum for various threads)

Many Years ago i had the time to travel and meet many people and exchange ideas. Since I have opened my own school, have a family, and a full time job I can no longer travel as I used to but this is the next best thing. A chance to communicate with a wide variety of people with different backrounds and view points. Sure, i consider us all a type of family. :)

Even when I am not at the school, Sensei Frank is a great friend and teacher. The friends I have made at CMA are for a lifetime. I would do anything for a Sensei Frank, his family and our students. I feel like I am letting the students down when I cannot be at the school so I do what I can to help marke the school. They are the people that put a gleam in my eye.
Even when I am not at the school, Sensei Frank is a great friend and teacher. The friends I have made at CMA are for a lifetime. I would do anything for a Sensei Frank, his family and our students. I feel like I am letting the students down when I cannot be at the school so I do what I can to help marke the school. They are the people that put a gleam in my eye.

Can you make CT any closer to NH? ;)
For me I have meet some very talented people and dedicated ones. MT has brought me the feeling as to belonging to something more, what that is I have no clue, but it is part of my life. Like anything too much and you are burned out not enough and you have withdrawals. Maybe I need counseling.
I see MT as different than most other sites. Our meets are about sharing and building relationships, not about ranks and pecking order.

This years meet is in October, and I'll be in Atlanta, Chattanooga and Louisville in late July & August, should anyone in those areas want to organize a regional meetup. (See events forum for various threads)


As long as it is not October 3rd weekend I am there. Tournament for Zachary sorry.
For me I have meet some very talented people and dedicated ones. MT has brought me the feeling as to belonging to something more, what that is I have no clue, but it is part of my life. Like anything too much and you are burned out not enough and you have withdrawals. Maybe I need counseling.

I have never met you in person, but I know I can make the statement that you are a great person; and your family and students mean the world to you!
I feel like I've been at this site forever and I'm still coming back for more. I do see this site a big family. I have gained and contributed so much from and to this community over the years. I am really proud to be a member...thus I happily support my membership each year.

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