I recently found a Martial Arts Academy that teaches "Konsei Martial Arts". It combines techniques from Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Escrima, Aikido, Grappling, Kenpo Karate and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Me and my girlfriend want to start Martial Arts, so I`d like to know if this style is useful for self-defense, particularly for women.
I found videos of two women who have been training in the Konsei Martial Arts Academy for many years. How good, fast and strong are their kicks and punches in your opinion? Are they at least good enough to beat and untrained man or an attacker?
Women's Kickboxing - YouTube
Awesome Girl Kickboxer - YouTube
This website explains the concept of "Konsei Martial Arts". Do you think it is good, effective and useful for beginners?
John Pecoraro - A martial artist making a difference - San Francisco martial arts | Examiner.com
I recently found a Martial Arts Academy that teaches "Konsei Martial Arts". It combines techniques from Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Escrima, Aikido, Grappling, Kenpo Karate and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Me and my girlfriend want to start Martial Arts, so I`d like to know if this style is useful for self-defense, particularly for women.
I found videos of two women who have been training in the Konsei Martial Arts Academy for many years. How good, fast and strong are their kicks and punches in your opinion? Are they at least good enough to beat and untrained man or an attacker?
Women's Kickboxing - YouTube
Awesome Girl Kickboxer - YouTube
This website explains the concept of "Konsei Martial Arts". Do you think it is good, effective and useful for beginners?
John Pecoraro - A martial artist making a difference - San Francisco martial arts | Examiner.com