Anyone aware of this???


Senior Master
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose
USAT is doing away with team trials. No longer will a good fighter have a chance to fight his way on to the U.S. Olympic team. Team members will now be picked by the U.S. Olympic team coaches instead.

Just found this out while I was at the Sr. Nationals in Texas last week. Many top fighters are very upset about this. Also many of the referees are also upset but the issue will not even be brought up at any council meetings until half of the council members agree to discuss the topic. I was told that the President of USAT is pressuring council members not to place this topic on the agenda and is on board with this new no team trials method.

Just thought I would put this out there and see if anyone was aware of this.
Did they give any reasoning behind such a ridiculous decision?
Did they give any reasoning behind such a ridiculous decision?
No there was a meeting and 6 members minimum must agree to bring this up as a topic and they only got 5 members on the council to mention it as a topic of discussion. So it was not even debated.

The word will soon spread and they will have no choice but to address this. I heard that it will be posted in the next regulations manual but they tried to burry it on page 38 of the manual.

But the word spread pretty fast to top Sr. fighters and Coaches.
I also heard that a few IR refs from USAT were moving over the AAU. I heard that AAU treats the refs better and pays a bit more.

I think that the AAU needs to be recognized by WTF and the IOC as a second org for the Olympics. This way there is competition. As it is now USAT is the only game in town with a path to the Olympics and the World Championships.
I can see them using the economy & expense of having a team trial as a reason for not having a team trial.

But I agree that this is a step in the wrong direction. A good example of who one knows, rather than one's ability. Sad.
Remember folks I was ask why Zachary was not going to the USAT and I said come people are going to be surprise what they will find out. It is now official kiss some *** to get anywhere with USAT, on the other hand the AAU National was fantastic great fights and alot of the USAT members was there to fight and leave to go to Austin. USAT is a mere of a figure to be calling the shots.
USAT is doing away with team trials. No longer will a good fighter have a chance to fight his way on to the U.S. Olympic team. Team members will now be picked by the U.S. Olympic team coaches instead.

Just found this out while I was at the Sr. Nationals in Texas last week. Many top fighters are very upset about this. Also many of the referees are also upset but the issue will not even be brought up at any council meetings until half of the council members agree to discuss the topic. I was told that the President of USAT is pressuring council members not to place this topic on the agenda and is on board with this new no team trials method.

Just thought I would put this out there and see if anyone was aware of this.

Is this true? I know that the 2010 World Cup team will be selected by the coaches, but are they scrapping the team trials process as a whole in the future? I helped coach in Austin last week and did notice that the number of participants seemed low. I am trying to make a comeback with regard to competing and coaching, so this is somewhat disheartening to hear.
Is this true? I know that the 2010 World Cup team will be selected by the coaches, but are they scrapping the team trials process as a whole in the future? I helped coach in Austin last week and did notice that the number of participants seemed low. I am trying to make a comeback with regard to competing and coaching, so this is somewhat disheartening to hear.
Yep it is true. There are some protests coming. I think there will be enough flack to make them re-think this. But for now the top level 2 coaches have all the power. This is why you saw Gene Lopez there trying to recruit fighters, also Juan Moreno too. I do know that the refs almost went on strike about it. They still might.
Uh... From the rumors I heard... Isn't that pretty much what happened for the last Olympics, anyway? I seem to recall seeing at least one rather questionable "fight" decision... :shrug:
Uh... From the rumors I heard... Isn't that pretty much what happened for the last Olympics, anyway? I seem to recall seeing at least one rather questionable "fight" decision... :shrug:
Yeah, but they at least had a team trails fight off. There will be no team trails at all. They at least went through the motions last year.
This is why Jean and Jaun can have everything and the rest of us are meeer puppets. So we train them for others to coach them. What a racket.
You will have to excuse me since I am not very savyin the ways of Olympic sports, but isn't there some sort of rule that says that you have to have a team try out in order to be on an olympic team? Or did they just disban that completely once they allowed such things to happen like "Dream Team" in the basketball division?
This is why Jean and Jaun can have everything and the rest of us are meeer puppets. So we train them for others to coach them. What a racket.
So we will just keep seeing the Lopez family in the olympics from now on?
So we will just keep seeing the Lopez family in the olympics from now on?
I don't think so. But you will see their school or Jean coaching for awhile. Steven will retire soon and become a coach next to his brother. Mark moved up a division so we will see him for awhile. Not sure if Diana will cut it as the rules changes will make it hard for her.

As Terry said. We train'em up and they take'em and coach'em. That is the racket for now.
You will have to excuse me since I am not very savyin the ways of Olympic sports, but isn't there some sort of rule that says that you have to have a team try out in order to be on an olympic team? Or did they just disban that completely once they allowed such things to happen like "Dream Team" in the basketball division?
The olympics is entirely about political favors, bribery, and corruption, all of which is at the athletes' expense. This is not a surprising development.
