Almost forgot!

Welcome aboard! Tell us a little about yourself. What style of MA, how long have you trained and so on.
Greetings and Welcome to MT..
Welcome to Martial Talk! :)

Thats quite the large greeting! ;) The Ninjutsu section on here seems to be a bit edgy and not the most friendly section from what I have seen sofar :( except there does seem to be some beacons of light in the darkness there. :)

Oh well.. I've been posting there and then realized I forgot to do the meet and greet!

I Started Bujinkan Ninjutsu four almost 5 years ago now, when I was 18, I studied for about a year and recieved my green somewhere in that time... then I had alot I needed to straiten out in my life and was unable to train until now.. I am now Training With James Morganelli and Joe Bunales here in Chicago/Chicago Burbs.

I just ordered all new gear!!! all of my old stuff is tooo big or is damaged so I'm quite excited about that..

In three months I will be leaving for the Marine Corps Basic Training in California.. and will be training when I can where ever I am at the time.

A little more about me: I played Ice hockey all four years of Highschool and 4 years prior (2 years of Roller 2 years of Ice). I also have been snowboarding since i was 10 and played paintball just as long :D

Thanks for the warm welcome
Thanks everyone, I posted more about me, per your request, ended up on page one.

Thannks again for welcoming me!

Best Regards!

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