Action Vs Activity



Earlier I brought up the idea of action vs activity.

Action being something that takes place when a situation demands it. Activity being something that is not demanded.

Example = if you are hungry and eat, that is action. if you are not and eat anyway, that is activity.

Does your art train in a manner that dictates you to be practicing something for action or activity?
I think its action. I see little wasted motion, and such in the techniques I've ben learning. I'm not really sure on this though. That white-belt thing. :) Seriously, What I percieved as 'activity' 6 months ago, now seems to be action.

The answer may depend on where you are in your training.

For example, my opinion on double-factor blocks has gone both depends on where you are at the moment.

That make sence?

Action wasting motion for us is a big no-no. We have ways to recover in case we do screw up. But we are taught to use the quickest and most efficient moves neccessary to end a confrontation.
In my dojo we start people with what I would call a lot of activity. Throws and joint locks are big, circular and slow. As we progress the become more action smaller, tighter faster circles. After many years of traing the action is almost gone as well, attack my Sensei "Some thing happens" and I am flying threw the air with a big grin on my face. Damned if I know what he did but it sure did work.

Despair Bear
I think with begiiners the idea is just to get them doing something, then as time progresses, you streamline what they do.