Bar Fight and Random Violence!

Regardless, that head but was a thing of beauty.

Yes I do not think that anyone can refute that! Glad I was not on the receiving end and hopefully the two people laid out were okay.
Hello, The hardest thing to train for is the 'UNEXPECTED". You could see there was NO way to know the push and punch was coming.

Most people who meet anyone or a friend expects to get hit or push?

In a will not want to advertise your attack! ..that is why sometimes hitting first is the best self-defense!

The "false crack"...rarely this is every defended against! ...the attacker will not advertise their attack or punch/kick/etc...

Tried this? ..the next time you see your students...and you rise your hand to shake hands....slap them instead? ...see how many will be able to defend against this? ...the UNEXPECTED? ...RARE to defend against

Aloha ( lets shake hands on this?)
Actually, there was a fair bit of warning, IF you are looking for it.

We don't have audio, but I bet you'd find the guy saying something along the lines of "leave my girl alone." You do see her friend (I presume) intervening with the guy. Then you see the attacker move around, and intervene. He turns the persistent victim around 180 degrees while the guy is still talking at the girl, and only then does he strike.

But... this does also illustrate why I caution people to stay and deal with the cops. Or, at least to call the cops as soon as they are somewhere safe. Lots of people have missed the behaviors that led up to what seems to be an assault -- but they're significant. The first guy got grabbed and thrown only after he'd pretty clearly forced his attention on two different girls. One tried to intervene before the guy got grabbed and thrown, and he didn't want to listen.

As I said previously -- I'd really like to hear the back story.
Is an efficient counter to a head-butt to lower you own head? Seems like a painful block (using your forehead), but it would sure beat a broken nose. Although I've never tried it other than in football, wearing a helmet, so I don't really know.
"Now you too can learn super secret WW2 commando H2H methods that enable you to dominate ANY BAR FIGHTING SCENARIO!!! Call now for your 29-DVD course, preview it FREE for only $49.95 shipping & handling! Tell 'em "Commodore Q" sent you!!!"
The push and punch was unexpected.

Not really. I picked the problem at about the 20-25 second mark.

Actually, there was a fair bit of warning, IF you are looking for it.

Absolutely. More than anything, this video indicates the need for situational awareness.

It looks like the guy who got smashed first deserved it, but had he been a bit more switched on, he would have discerned the attackers intent and been able to mount a more effective defence.
Hello, Most of us were not there...lots of confrontations happens in a bar or any place....MOST people DO NOT EXPECT BEING PUSH OR PUNCH.

Also those guys may be NOT train in any martial arts too? would they know what to do? Plus drinking any beer puts you to more a relaxation state?

To defend an unexpected attack? ...very hard to defend against.

False crack or first punch/kick is a very good weapon that surprise's anyone!

Walking down a street a person "bump"'s into you? could be accident? ....What would your first reaction be? or should be? ....again it might be accident?

Aloha ( like most car accidents....after wards there is tons of things people say you could have done? ....unexpected? happens so quickly...
Hello, Most of us were not there...lots of confrontations happens in a bar or any place....MOST people DO NOT EXPECT BEING PUSH OR PUNCH.

Also those guys may be NOT train in any martial arts too? would they know what to do? Plus drinking any beer puts you to more a relaxation state?

Since the vast majority of posters here are martial artists, we tend to view situations from a different perspective. Also, if the training we've received is based on practical technique and realistic situations, a bar is exactly the sort of place we would expect trouble to occur.

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