Not sure how many are still here that remember my Xingyi Addict posts, but here I go again...but in the Blog
I stopped training Xingyiquan due to knee issues (2 meniscus repairs and one far) and arthritis in other joints. Followed by convincing myself I'm not to old. Well, with...
Folks, I’m getting grumpy and impatient and having a hard time not posting what I’m thinking after reading some posts. I am getting easily annoyed by silliness, ego and arrogance and the continual parade of folks showing up telling others how much better their chosen MA is to anything anyone...
Well just a little
I learned a Sun taijiquan short from a few years ago, pre pandemic, from Jesse Tsao. I liked the form, but I have never been comfortable with it. Today I figured out why, and I felt that 30 years of taijiquan as well as many years in Xingyiquan gives me a bit of leeway and...
My training progression in Internal CMA over the last 30 years has been, in this order; Taijiquan, to Baguazhang, to Xingyiquan. But go back further, about 50 years, when I was in Japanese Jiujutsu, I read an article, in what was then "Kung Fu Magazine" about Xingyiquan and I was hooked. But it...
Now trying to figure out how to work with Wing Chun when I can't get back to my sifu or class until June. I have Sil Lim Tao, 4 turning drills, and that's about it. Working on the heavy bag with punching and thinking of getting an attachment for the heavy bag that is like the upper part of a...
I knew it wouldn't last..... as did just about anybody who has known me for a few years..... there has been a new development...
I am seriously considering Xingyiquan....again...
I am using the excuse that someone is trying to tell me something....or possibly teach me a lesson....
My local...
See you in the next life, wake me up for meals
Folks, I’m back training, slowly, easing into it. Have not forgotten about Wing Chun, just don’t have time to get to the class right now, it is just a bit too far of a drive at the moment. Going to the gym twice a week and working in my home gym...
Which is not as bad as it sounds.
I have for many years (about 30) had as my central style Traditional Yang Style Taijiquan. Before that was Jiujutsu and TKD. But over the last 30 years I have tried many other styles, Shaolin Long Fist, Wing Chun, JKD, Yin Baguzhang, Cheng Baguazhang, Jiang...
I’ve been rereading Wolfe Lowenthall’s book, “There are no secrets, Professor Cheng Man-ch’ing and his Tai Chi Chuan” and there is a section about Cheng Manching’s thought on push hands and fighting with taijiquan. Considering some of the recent posts about taijiquan and fighting I thought this...
I have been having issues with a hard click (aka dull thump) when I walk, and sometimes it is audible. I am working on strengthening the muscles to help prevent this, and it is helping, but I discovered something. I have known for years that my hips were set back a bit further than they should...
The knee appears to be getting better a little at a time, and I could deal with the stiffness and tightness, if this darn hard clicking would stop when I walk. Have been working on strengthening the calves and the gastrocnemius, biceps femoris and the vastus medialis of late. Was just standing...
Went to the MD/Surgeon last Friday. Every new (mechanical) part of my new knee is fine. Could be scar tissue, but he does not think it is all that major. However there is swelling, and since I'm old, and do have some varicose veins it may take much longer for the swelling to go down, or it could...
Been reading Tom Bisio’s book “Xing Yi Quan: Art of Inner Transformation”
it is nothing new or Earth shattering, but it is rather interesting and got me thinking about Xingyiquan, it health benefits and the possibility of me training it again. It is a very good book and I do recommend it, it...