Your Scariest???

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 11, 2004
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Halloween is almost upon us. What is the scariest book you've read or movie you've seen? TV series count too. :D

For me, the two scariest books I've read are The Shining and The Amityville Horror.

I can't think of a movie right now, but I loooove the "A Haunting" series on The Discovery Channel.
Book: Time Life's Enchanted World Series... the Volume on Ghosts.

Movie: Hostel. It is the kind of thing that could really happen... and it could happen to ALMOST ANY of us.
Book: Time Life's Enchanted World Series... the Volume on Ghosts.

Movie: Hostel. It is the kind of thing that could really happen... and it could happen to ALMOST ANY of us.

I saw Hostel. I like the psychological stuff better than gore, but it was still a good movie, pretty freaky. I should probably watch some of the "Saw" sequels, gore and psych. heh. I only watched the first one.

I'd like to check out that book. I'll do an online search. :)

Check out this site. The galleries and archives are wild.
I don't really watch horror flicks anymore, so my vote would have to go to the first time I say "The Exorcist" back in the 70s.
When i was a teenager i watched Salems Lot and that scared the crap out of me then, but years later i watched it with my wife and we were laughing at it .
Halloween is almost upon us. What is the scariest book you've read or movie you've seen? TV series count too. :D

The scariest book (actually it was a short story) I've ever read was Murgunstrumm by Hugh B. Cave.
I still think that the most suspensful movie I've ever watched was the original "Alien."
Since Alien is more Sci-Fi than Horror, I have to give props to "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Hostel" for pushing the limits of the horror genre.
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Check out this site. The galleries and archives are wild.

I don't know JT. I mean, I love the idea that ghosts might be real, but the vast majority of the pictures on that site looked like coincidence or flat out photoshopped fakes.

Has anyone checked out the show "Paranormal State?" Now that's an awesome show about hauntings. They don't go for sensationalism at all.
I reckon "Alien" gets my vote for scariest movie. That creature was certainly the stuff of nightmares and when the film was first shown it was groundbreaking (especially given the crop of slasher/vaudeville horror that was about at the time).

Bookwise, oddly, I suspect it's a James Herbert book whose title I have long forgotten because I only read it once - all I can recall is that it really unsettled me (could be "Shrine" but I'm not sure).
One of Stephen King's earlier books when it first came out was scary enough for me to put it down mid-way and not pick it up again for a day or two, can't remember which one it was.
Movie... oh man... there were so many that I remember scaring the crap out of me over the years... Some movie about a clown/mime that stabbed himself with a pencil while on a trapeze at the end that image/sound has stayed with me, The Birds, Exorcist, Poltergeist, Jaws, Alien, The Legend Of Boggy Creek, and so on.

TV shows... only one has stayed with me through the years... a documentary called "Mysterious Monsters" and this one part really has never left my chamber of horrors (shudders)...
particularly the scene where the girl is alone in the living room and up to the point where her boyfriend/husband opens the front door.

I can watch it now and still feel a slight tingle up the spine. :lol:
When I was 9 or so years old I read a book about alien abductions, I don't recall what it was called, anyway it scared the HELL out of me.
I still think that the most suspensful movie I've ever watched was the original "Alien."

I reckon "Alien" gets my vote for scariest movie. That creature was certainly the stuff of nightmares and when the film was first shown it was groundbreaking (especially given the crop of slasher/vaudeville horror that was about at the time).
Another vote for Alien. With the later films the franchise became more action-oriented, but the original had me on the edge of my seat when I first saw it.
Re: Hostel, I honestly thought it sucked. The FX were great, but I just couldn't get into it. I guess I just see it as a weaker version of Saw.
When I was a tween, the original "Nightmare on Elm Street" freaked me out and I didn't want to go to sleep for a long time! LOL

"Texas Chainsaw Masacre" didn't as much scare me as it did just plain disturb me. Great movie though.

As a kid "Salems Lot" did scare me too. I was like "No! Hutch! Look out!" LOL

Scary books? ....hmmm....I remember reading "The Keep" as a teen and it kinda scared me at times.
For books; Stephen King's "It" creeped me out when I first read it, and had me eyeing all sewer gratings suspiciously for a couple of months (We float down here... we all float down here...)

Movies; like many, I prefer the psychologically disturbing to the gore. Serpent and the Rainbow made me decide years ago that I wouldn't be in a hurry to vacation in Haiti. Event Horizon was a great sci-fi/horror flick. For creepy and gross-out, the original Evil Dead was pretty disturbing.
I think it has to be Simon Necronomicon.

Movie I think was Little Miss Sunshine where all the girls are dressed up they scaried me!!

My wife watches Ghost hunters every Wed:disgust:
I don't know JT. I mean, I love the idea that ghosts might be real, but the vast majority of the pictures on that site looked like coincidence or flat out photoshopped fakes.

Yeah, I know. I'm sure there are plenty of photoshopped or accidental (glare, etc.) shots. They do have a section on how to recognize *fakes* which is interesting. I just think they're creepy to look at.

As far as TV shows, "A Haunting" is the creepiest one I've seen, and I've checked out the other series out there.

Alien is a great movie. I forgot about that one. Even though I think of it as Sci-Fi, verses Horror, it's very scary and suspenseful.
I have to add Night Of The Living Dead as one that eventually gave me nightmares and then the newer version of Dawn Of The Dead where the Zombies actually RUN at you instead of shambling along... that got scary.
Re: Hostel, I honestly thought it sucked. The FX were great, but I just couldn't get into it. I guess I just see it as a weaker version of Saw.

I could see that. Teh thing that got me about it... I could easily see myself on vacation, the hot babe paying attention to me and getting my guard down, and slipping me somthing, and then its all she wrote.
Sam: Did you ever see Fatal Attraction?
Jonah: You wouldn't let me!
Sam: Well I did, scared the hell out of me, it scared the hell out of every man in America!!"
~Sleepless In Seattle

Also remember... Basic Instinct? How many guys wanted to put metal detectors around their bedroom doors after watching the first 5 minutes of that film? I sure as hell did!
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Halloween is almost upon us. What is the scariest book you've read or movie you've seen? TV series count too. :D

For me, the two scariest books I've read are The Shining and The Amityville Horror.

I can't think of a movie right now, but I loooove the "A Haunting" series on The Discovery Channel.

The scariest movie for me was "Creep Show" - with the Bugs. The bugs that come out of no where and crawl all over you and then kill you.

Most other scary movies I find funny.

As to books I will comment later
I think the scariest movie I ever saw was Napoleon Dynamite, because I realized towards the end that there was ~90 minutes of my life that I would never get back.