Wong Shun Leung & Tan Sau

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Actually to add, KG could simply have taken a step back and Obasi would have leaned over and tripped most likely. Talk about a non-existent body structure.
Actually to add, KG could simply have taken a step back and Obasi would have leaned over and tripped most likely. Talk about a non-existent body structure.
Obasi is a fool imo. He is literally leaning forward at the waist and pushes with his shoulder muscles. Who does he even learn from ?
Obasi is a fool imo. He is literally leaning forward at the waist and pushes with his shoulder muscles. Who does he even learn from ?

No one? "Everyone".

His Youtube name is Wing Chun "Ronin".
I haven't lied about anything and I am happy to have a sparring session with you or your friends. I believe this makes me not a liar and not a coward.

You on the other hand continue to be both. Stalking me like an insane person on the forum doesn't make me more likely to post videos which will help you cover up your hilariously faulty wing chun. If you want an instructional video then pay for one.

Given that we are separated by an entire ocean, video is the next best thing. So stop hiding behind excuses and cute talk. Otherwise it is becoming very clear to everyone here that you are just a talker.
Working with?

What I see is one guy trying to roll while another is in an imaginary fight by himself.

KG is not fighting back at all because he's not supposed to be fighting.

Personally, I would have stopped the nonsense much sooner, but KG does finally stop and tell him "this isn't our chi-sau", which shows what they were supposed to have been doing. SO was just in a fight in his own head.

This is a perfect example of the unproductive mess that is the result of trying to "chi-sau" with someone who is not on the same page.


That's a BS excuse. KG knew Obasi's reputation going into that and should have known exactly what to expect. If he was truly surprised by Obasi's response, then he must have been a complete idiot. When he realized that Obasi was doing more than just a "friendly roll" he could have cranked up all of that WSL/PB VT awesomeness, but he didn't. He just let Obasi shove him around.
Given that we are separated by an entire ocean, video is the next best thing. So stop hiding behind excuses and cute talk. Otherwise it is becoming very clear to everyone here that you are just a talker.

Please stop stalking me. I'm half expecting to see you lurking in the trees outside my house.

For the record I am very happy to help people that are not you. Now run along.
It is quite hard to understand what you are trying to say. Is English your second language?

I thought you wanted to spar?

Do I sound like I am a Klingon or something. Anyway, in some respect I guess English could be behind speaking Essex lol.
Please stop stalking me. I'm half expecting to see you lurking in the trees outside my house.

For the record I am very happy to help people that are not you. Now run along.

Stop hiding behind the cute comments. Put up or shut up.
Guys, what if you put half of your effort on this forum into training a bit harder?

And no I am not saying you need to, because none of you have posted any videos on your own skillset. I simply would not know. Just imagine how good you could be had you trained even more.
. KG only looked bad to equally clueless people.

Call me clueless, but I thought they both looked bad in different ways. Maybe because after following Kevin's posts I was expecting more. Other than that, I agree with what you said above.
Guys, what if you put half of your effort on this forum into training a bit harder?

And no I am not saying you need to, because none of you have posted any videos on your own skillset. I simply would not know. Just imagine how good you could be had you trained even more.

Of course you're right, but I've been down with a bad cold and this is my only outlet for the moment...
Stop hiding behind the cute comments. Put up or shut up.

For god's sake, Keith give it a rest. By refusing to let things go you end up validating guy's assertions. And, although you may not see it, you're being played. If you let these things get you mad enough, the mods may end up coming after you ...which would be a huge loss to this forum.
Do I sound like I am a Klingon or something. Anyway, in some respect I guess English could be behind speaking Essex lol.

Your English sounds as if it is being spoken by someone with severe brain damage. Like KPM please stop following all over the forum offering to fight me then running away.
For god's sake, Keith give it a rest. By refusing to let things go you end up validating guy's assertions. And, although you may not see it, you're being played. If you let these things get you mad enough, the mods may end up coming after you ...which would be a huge loss to this forum.

I don't have the time or inclination to play an elaborate game with KPM. Really at this point I just want him to stop interacting with me because it is getting a bit strange
I don't have the time or inclination to play an elaborate game with KPM. Really at this point I just want him to stop interacting with me because it is getting a bit strange

You could prove that by stopping first and just ignoring him. LFJ too. It would really improve the climate around here.
Do I sound like I am a Klingon or something. Anyway, in some respect I guess English could be behind speaking Essex lol.

How you sound? I have no idea. I only know you through the written word.

When I first started posting, I was told that sometimes I wrote with an English accent... but all the while in my own head it read like the ramblings of a proper redneck, born and raised in Arizona. I chalked it up to watching too many episodes of Red Dwarf back in the 90s.
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