Wong Shun Leung students are impressive!


Orange Belt
Feb 1, 2011
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Recently,it's safe to say that i've become a "librarian of Wing Chun". I've collected huuuge material about Wing Chun,esspecialy Grandmaster Yip Man's lineage. Be it books,videos,smaller clips,interviews,newspaper articles,live events,seminars and so on..
What i must say to pay proper respect to late Grandmaster Wong Shun Leung is,that i am,by far,very impressed by his students and their development of Wing Chun.

- Sifu Gary Lam
- Sifu Wan Kam Leung
- Sifu Philip Bayer
- Sifu David Peterson

All of them great masters of Wing Chun. Each with his own "flavour" ,each making their Master proud in the afterlife. What saddens me the most is that i was born after the era of Wong Shun Leung,i would have loved meet him.
This thread is dedicated to all practicioners of WSL Wing Chun. Respect Kung Fu brothers!
I love WSL . He fought . He produced some amazing Masters. Just a no nosense no bs system/ style of VT. I too have been collecting as much video/ literature on him and others as I can lately.

I love WSL . He fought . He produced some amazing Masters. Just a no nosense no bs system/ style of VT. I too have been collecting as much video/ literature on him and others as I can lately.
WSL was good... but Ip man had several other top flight students. Ho Kam MIng actually studied with Ip Man regularly for a longer period of time than anyone. He also produced several top flight fighting students including Tam Kam Hinh,Lui Ming Fai, Chen Tinh Yan and Fong Chi Wing(Augustine Fong). Lui Ming Fai teaches in Macao at Ho Kam Ming's old school.
Augustine Fong teaches in Tucson. Here is a compilation a kung fu brother made of some of Fong's
Few know this...Hawkings Cheung also learned some things from Ho Kam Ming.

joy chaudhuri
I love WSL . He fought . He produced some amazing Masters. Just a no nosense no bs system/ style of VT. I too have been collecting as much video/ literature on him and others as I can lately.
WSL was good... but Ip man had several other top flight students. Ho Kam MIng actually studied with Ip Man regularly for a longer period of time than anyone. He also produced several top flight fighting students including Tam Kam Hinh,Lui Ming Fai, Chen Tinh Yan and Fong Chi Wing(Augustine Fong). Lui Ming Fai teaches in Macao at Ho Kam Ming's old school.
Augustine Fong teaches in Tucson. Here is a compilation a kung fu brother made of some of Fong's
Few know this...Hawkings Cheung also learned some things from Ho Kam Ming.

joy chaudhuri


I totally agree. I am familiar with your Sifu and others you have mentioned. I have nothing but respect for them all. The thread was titled WSL and his students. I was just agreeing with the OP. I'd rather not hijack another one of his threads.


I totally agree. I am familiar with your Sifu and others you have mentioned. I have nothing but respect for them all. The thread was titled WSL and his students. I was just agreeing with the OP. I'd rather not hijack another one of his threads.
Jake-understood. No problem.I don't want to hijack any thread either..

joy chaudhuri
Do you have any links to videos of David Peterson's students? I would very much like to see them training.
At a seminar I attended year before last, the WSL students dominated in Chi Sau. There were lots of lineages there and I could see they were inpressed. It wasn't a case of lots of crap people like me and some of them were just better, 99% of them were instructor or very long term practiconers.

I did wonder why at the time and asked on here, no one could/would explain. Although I couldnt explain and still can't, how exactly they were dominating and why. I suppose I would need a video of it and a deeper understanding myself to know. An old member on here was there and I haven't had the chance to meet and train with him yet..I will...when I do I will ask him what he thinks.

I still love the Science of In fighting documentry and although it is dated and a bit funny in parts. It still explains our art to layman and shows WSL himself doing Wing Chun. At the end it said he was going to make another about Mook, Knives and pole....as I can't find anything I am assuming it never happened??
Some of the videos here might help you,perhaps you checked them already.
It's Phillip Bayer's Wing Chun channel. There are alot of old videos of Wong,not the best quality,but then again,it's treasure. Mostly are done by Phillip Bayer himself i reckon. I think in Europe,he was Wong's closest student.
No the science of in fighting was never finished. All we have is the one on youtube. Wish he would have made more. My wc comes from the wsl line and the cheung line. My mom was trained in both lineages though not directly by those two men but students of theirs.
I have also trained a small time in the duncan leung line.
No the science of in fighting was never finished. All we have is the one on youtube. Wish he would have made more. My wc comes from the wsl line and the cheung line. My mom was trained in both lineages though not directly by those two men but students of theirs.
I have also trained a small time in the duncan leung line.

WSL produce 'Wing Chun, The Science of In-Fighting' and it was distributed on video tape, in beta format, sometime in the 1980's. I know because I found a copy of it back then and converted it to VHS. It was only one video, which explored SNT, basic WC concepts, trapping, and chi sau.
I said the science of in fighting was never finished because it was supposed to be a series of videos not just the first one. Unfortunately the others were never finished. I didn't mean that the first video was incomplete, but the series was incomplete. I do believe however, that his top students have some of the unfinished material on video.
Don't mind me fix this ...

WSL produce 'Wing Chun, The Science of In-Fighting' and it was distributed on video tape, in beta and VHS formats, sometime in the 1980's. I know because I found a copy of it back then and converted it to VHS. It was only one video, which explored SNT, basic WC concepts, trapping, and chi sau.

For I still have my VHS copy in its original packaging. :bangahead:
Whose seminar was that?

Gary lam. It was in London, really good. He is a funny guy and doesn't take himself too seriously at all. WC skills too, I would like to attend his camp in Cali one day.

I wonder if David Peterson has ever thought about finishing The science of infighting? Would be quite fitting and a nice nod to WSL.
I thought the same thing bully. It would be nice to see it finished.