Wolverine's claws are not that sharp:Movie review


Master of Arts
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
I had a chance to see Wolverine X-men origins.

The movie focuses on Wolverine and Sabertooth's realtionship together which I thought was pretty cool until things get dull.

The movie becomes a revenge you killed my pa type of movie.

Not a bad thing but it seems rather messy and put pasted together rather than a nice flow.

It was cool to see Deadpool but the movie kinda of ruined the character.It did not even show his mutant power.

Gambit was pretty cool acting wise decent.
It is a fun movie a little long for my taste but it is in the lines of the X-men movies. If you have seen the X-men movies especially the third one you might not like Wolverine because the feel of it is like that. But if you like the X-men movies then Wolverine will not disappoint. I think alot of people like Rotten Tomatoes and other critics really had their hopes up for it so bitterness really is put in their reviews.
Honestly even if the reviews were bad I would still see it.
The trailers were good enough for me. Can't argue with the price! ;-)
Firstly, I hate Fox studios because Rothman ruins everything. I was never going to pay good money to watch Wolverine (I'm a DC fan btw). Oh, and one of the few Marvel characters I do like Deadpool is pretty much ruined from what I see.
My daughter has been waiting anxiously for this movie to come out. I doubt it will disappoint her. After all it has Hugh Jackman in it, now how can that not be a good movie? :uhyeah:
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I did not like Van Helsing. I thought the acting was not up to par compared to Jackson's other roles.

Dead pool is refered to as Wade and I had to look it up to see who it was suppose to be. Yes the swords are there but he does not wear a mask. Towards the end of the movie they really mess up Deadpool's character in order to work him into the plot.

Alot of it seems like that in the movie. Like in X-Men 3 how everyone is killed off and you are left with WTF??! Cyclops is still undeveloped in this movie and seems like they just threw him in there because the guy was in contract lol.

The plot is up on Wiki so you can read it if you like to see how bad the ending is.
My problem is that they got a pretty boy to play Deadpool. Fact is Deadpool's face is worse than Freddy Kruger's and that's the point of his humor, it's a defence mechanism.

Comic Deadpool



Not exactly Ryan Reynolds.

I don't normally enter into these topics, but a couple of things stood out to me here, mainly about Deadpool.

When asked (as a guest editor of one of the comic issues) what he looked like under his mask, Deadpool answered "a cross between a shar-pei and Ryan Reynolds...", so Ryan has been long linked with the character. Oh, and the mask is the result of some major disfigurement coming from an attempt to give Wade some of Logan's healing abilities, which he took, but at a cost. I think this version of Wade is pre-disfigurement.

And there may be a ray of hope for the guy, there was a Deadpool film being floated around in 2004, but there was concern for how he would be introduced to the public. Deadpool is a fan favourite, and a cult character, but not anywhere as well known as Wolverine, so the film was dropped. If Wolverine does well (box office-wise), then a Deadpool film is not out of the question, hopefully they can get closer to the real guy then!

By the way, haven't seen the film yet, so reserving judgement for the moment....
I read a review that said it was worse than X-men 1 and 2 but better than X-men 3.

I will probably watch it when it comes out on DVD.

I think a better way to put it would be "not as good as X-Men 1 and 2 but significantly better than X-men 3." :)
I saw it and was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed X-men 1&2, but hated the third one, so I expected this to be equally awful. Instead I got a halfway decent action flick that, while playing fast and loose with every possible aspect of the etablished mythology, still managed to resemble the storyline enough to be enjoyable.

It's not great, but it's not nearly as bad as number 3. So I would recommend going in with low expectations. You'll walk out satisfied.
