Wish me luck...


2nd Black Belt
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Va Beach, Virginia
... because I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. So: cross your fingers, pray to as many gods/goddesses as possible, sacrifice a farm animal if you got one, and think good thoughts so that I DON'T have any cavities!
... because I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. So: cross your fingers, pray to as many gods/goddesses as possible, sacrifice a farm animal if you got one, and think good thoughts so that I DON'T have any cavities!

I don't think that's luck - I think it's planning! As long as you've been brushing and flossing, you should be fine... and if you haven't been... well... can't help you there.

My dentist is another TKD practitioner... my dental hygiene is good, because I know my dentist can beat the crap out of me if he's so inclined - so why give him an excuse? :lol:
... because I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. So: cross your fingers, pray to as many gods/goddesses as possible, sacrifice a farm animal if you got one, and think good thoughts so that I DON'T have any cavities!

Keeping my fingers crossed...
Good luck! Some people are just more prone to tooth decay than others. Hopefully you're good dental habits will pay off and/or you're not prone to decay. If you do wind up with a cavity, keep in mind that dental services have come a long way with pain management during dental work.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you caught them quick enough for a simple filling to do the job.

Now, if cavities are the worst thing you have going on in your life then count yourself well and truly blessed.
Bad news--I have cavities! My life sux!:wah:

Better to catch - and fix - them now, than to wait until they get worse. I know this is not a happy thing, and I'm sorry this happened - but it could be worse.
Wish me luck, for tomorrow I go in to have that stupid cavity filled. Think good thoughts between 8-10 AM. I'll let you know how it went. Maybe.
Best of luck, duck but you shouldn't need it. A filling is a very routine procedure for a dentist to do and altho' the drilling can be unpleasant there's seldom any pain to speak of.
Don't worry about this, bookworm_cn317.

Dentistry is very advanced nowadays. Used to, say, when I was a child, a root canal was very traumatic. Now, however, you could actually fall asleep while having one, no joke!

As far as cavities go, a good dentist can make short work of these! It is very trivial for them to do this! They could do this almost blindfolded if they first got the target set in their mind!
