why not learn ninjutsu in your sleep?

I laughed when I first saw this.

But then it got me thinking...

Could you benefit from somthing like this...? Not to "Learn Ninjutsu"...

But playing a tape over and over in your sleep with elements like "Relax durring a confrontation" type messages.

Do these "subliminal" messages even work, with regards to other subjects?

What about Hypnosis... like they do for sports performance... ?
Elizium said:
Dread to think how your partner will sleep if you start doing Hicho in the middle of the night :whip:
Get them involved. My gf kind of enjoys helping me work on a proper tsuki...

Technopunk said:
I laughed when I first saw this.

But then it got me thinking...

Could you benefit from somthing like this...? Not to "Learn Ninjutsu"...

But playing a tape over and over in your sleep with elements like "Relax durring a confrontation" type messages.

Do these "subliminal" messages even work, with regards to other subjects?

What about Hypnosis... like they do for sports performance... ?
from what i've seen "subliminal messages" work.
Technopunk said:
I laughed when I first saw this.

But then it got me thinking...

Could you benefit from somthing like this...? Not to "Learn Ninjutsu"...

But playing a tape over and over in your sleep with elements like "Relax durring a confrontation" type messages.

Do these "subliminal" messages even work, with regards to other subjects?

What about Hypnosis... like they do for sports performance... ?
I have heard that this subliminal stuff really does work. Obviously not to learn the art, yet to address focus and a consistant mindframe about concepts in MA might be a thing to try. Interesting!
Enson said:
from what i've seen "subliminal messages" work.
True but what would happen if someone did have these tapes. Would the go and flip out? Would they go off into the mountians and start their own Uber ninjer cult claiming that they could kill anyone including the Presedent of the local golf club?
Elizium said:
True but what would happen if someone did have these tapes. Would the go and flip out? Would they go off into the mountians and start their own Uber ninjer cult claiming that they could kill anyone including the Presedent of the local golf club?
lol! i'm not saying all that. what i've seen had nothing to do with ninjutsu but a child who was having some adjustment problems. "subliminal messages" seemed to work well on him.
Elizium said:
True but what would happen if someone did have these tapes. Would the go and flip out? Would they go off into the mountians and start their own Uber ninjer cult claiming that they could kill anyone including the Presedent of the local golf club?
That was clever. But now you're on a secret service database somewhere. They're watching you, Elizium. They're watching you.
I dont know about learning from tapes while you sleep but I have seen a person going over hand/arm movements in his sleep. The arms where at almost full extension and he was defenatly doing techniques he had been shown about 4 hours earlier. I thought at first he was awake but ralised that was not the case as he was snoreing. So sleep learnig dose take place in different ways. In the morning he remembered the techniques but had no idea he had been doing them while asleep.
when i started this thread i didnt expect a serious conversation to start from it lol,but hey if tapes work for some people well then i guess they work for some...
flatlander said:
That was clever. But now you're on a secret service database somewhere. They're watching you, Elizium. They're watching you.
I never stated whch one to kill, just kill a president.

But if I am, then they can use this smiley as a footnote :2xBird2:
and watch out for the guys scaling your roof,your smashed skylight and the excessive use of smoke grenades clouding your living room might be a sign that you are indeed under attack and they have finally come for you.....
I do not care as I flip out every day and kil loads of helpless lemmings before breakfast, then a few more just after for the sheer hell of it.

:2xBird2: To the Government and their criminal justice system.

Now if that does not get their attention, nothing will hehehehe :whip:
Shogun said:
Yeah. one time a guy opened a window, and I flipped out and killed the whole town. lol.
Now that was realultimatepower.con
But my realultimatepower is being on a bus and flipping people as we go by.

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