Who would win?

Originally posted by Ceicei
Does luck and skill play a part here in this issue? A less skilled person with luck could conceivably beat a better skilled person on an off day....

- Ceicei

Luck's always a part of it, IMHO. I spar regularly with people of higher skill and experience levels. I do land shots. Heck, 1 could simply slip and open themselves up for a strike, y'know?

Katana = very powerful 2 handed weapon

TaiChi straitsword - fluid, agile, primarily thrust weapon

depends on how each swordsman handles there own strengths and the others weaknesses.
arnisandyz said:
Katana = very powerful 2 handed weapon

TaiChi straitsword - fluid, agile, primarily thrust weapon

depends on how each swordsman handles there own strengths and the others weaknesses.
Katana can be used 1 handed suchas for the case of Musashi. I know what your saying though I think
upnorthkyosa said:
Anyway, I wonder if there is not a similiar pattern among sword arts? Do fencers of differing styles get together, hammer out the rules and spar? Perhaps there are few rules and the sparring looks more like dog brothers? If so, is there a style that comes out on top?

I've done well taking Western Martial Arts (WMA) against FMA (under FMA rules with FMA sized weapons), but not even all WMA groups can agree on a single set of rules. I fight under the Assoc. For Historical Fencing rules (www.ahfi.org) for unarmored styles.

The big arguments seem to be when to call the halt. As soon as the hit lands (and thus ignoring any late hits), one fencing time after the hit, or 'a few seconds' after the hit. There are a lot of Wolverine wannabees in WMA who think that they can get hit 3 or 4 times on the way in and start grapling since they feel that adreniline conquers all.

I don't believe that people pop like baloons when they get hit, but I prefer rules that do it that way.

I truly believe its all a matter of the individual. I am also new here but the way i've always seen it when the question arises between two diffrent styles "which ones better." or "who would win." I firmly believe that the person training under the style makes the decision before he even fights because if that person thinks that he/she has learned everything that they can learn about the particular style then I think that their ignorance would get the best of them giving themselves a greater chance of losing than the person who even though he/she "mastered" a style so to speak would continue training in that style to further enhance his/her techniques in diffrent fashions or styles. Another big factor that would definetly attribute would be if he/she would continue to practice the style but look deeply into the way they executed their attacks or their defense by seeing your own flaws and weakness before the enemy does would definetly give you a greater advantage during a fight.

"You must know your limits, Then you must break them."
"To understand this you must first see the extent of your abilities then see the progression beyond yours of anothers."
Sounds like it all comes down to four things; environment, style, skill, luck. The environment effects the abilities of the style and the traits of the individual, the style effects the weapons and techniques used, skill allows for experience and conditioning, and luck is always a factor. You have to take at least these things into account over just style.
Christopher Umbs said:
I've done well taking Western Martial Arts (WMA) against FMA (under FMA rules with FMA sized weapons), but not even all WMA groups can agree on a single set of rules. I fight under the Assoc. For Historical Fencing rules (www.ahfi.org) for unarmored styles.

The big arguments seem to be when to call the halt. As soon as the hit lands (and thus ignoring any late hits), one fencing time after the hit, or 'a few seconds' after the hit. There are a lot of Wolverine wannabees in WMA who think that they can get hit 3 or 4 times on the way in and start grapling since they feel that adreniline conquers all.

I don't believe that people pop like baloons when they get hit, but I prefer rules that do it that way.


Sounds like they are discounting the effects of pain and shock. There is nothing more terrifying then knowing you are probly going to die.
I have to lean toward the fighter not the style argument here.

It comes down to system/artistic mastery/experience and personal make up.

If the kenjutsuka is more experienced at facing the opposing style, he may have the advantage - but only if he has learned to adapt his techniques and tactics to the threat (artistic mastery), is fit enough, isn't suffering some emotional/fear response to the point of incapacitation (personallity make up)...

or vice versa.

Which is a better tool a hammer or a saw? context, application, tool user, make up/quality of the tools themselves....

what is the criteria for the comparison? Are all the factors being weighed into the evaluation?
Let me give you my opinions on who would win..

Samurai vs. Ninja = Ninja
Knight vs. Ninja = Ninja
Kenjutsu Swordmaster vs. Ninja = Ninja
Tai Chi Swordmaster vs. Ninja = Ninja
Godzilla vs. Ninja = Ninja
M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank vs. Ninja = Ninja
U.S. Special Forces vs. Ninja = Ninja
God vs. Ninja = That's a tough one..but also no question who the winner is. Ninja of course! :)
Let me give you my opinions on who would win..
Samurai vs. Ninja = Ninja
Knight vs. Ninja = Ninja
Kenjutsu Swordmaster vs. Ninja = Ninja
Tai Chi Swordmaster vs. Ninja = Ninja
Godzilla vs. Ninja = Ninja
M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank vs. Ninja = Ninja
U.S. Special Forces vs. Ninja = Ninja
God vs. Ninja = That's a tough one..but also no question who the winner is. Ninja of course!

Well, it is good to see that you are unbiased, may I refer you to:


I'm sorry but you're ALL wrong. The answer to any X vs Y question is that Elvis would win. Why? He has all that cool alien technology and he's been perfecting his technique by flipping deep fried banana sandwiches at my local Burger King. It's true, I see him every time I go there.
Elvis? Oh man...that is one thing i never thought of...a Ninja would be hard pressed to beat him....

But in the end...we all know who would. :)
I would venture to say It will be the one with the most spirit!
Actually the correct answere is the one with the gun :shotgun: :samurai:
Or godzilla. Godzilla wins most of the time.
Not a difficult question. To learn the sword you learn the heart. On confrontation they both manage to have the common sense not to attack each other. They both go home, they both win!
upnorthkyosa said:
Tai Chi swordmaster vs Kenjutsu swordmaster? Why?
I think that when you have two people fighting who know what they are doing, the fight can always go either way because it only takes one slip up in a sword fight and your dead, if you go swimming, your going to get wet. If you fight, you most likely will get hit. The best fighter is not going to win 100% of the time, maybey 98%, but not 100%. There is always that chance of a lucky punch, or in this case a lucky chop.
When both are good fighters, there is always a chance for the fight to go either way.
I would guess that the kenjutsu swordman would win. As with all of the Japanese styles, they are power oriented, going right at, or, through the target, as fast as possible. They have simplified movements, which is what works when it comes down to it. The chinese systems maybe more sophisticated, but their movements are too circular, and they waste too much energy, being flowery, which would get you killed in a real self defense situation. The samurai culture was completely based on warfare and the perfection of those techniques. This is not to say the chinese styles are not, but, in my opinion, they lack that focus more than the japanese styles. If I was facing a sword duel and had to choose between these styles, I would go with the Kenjutsu, Respect to all!
appart from being a "what's your favourite?" type of question, i don't think you can get a real answer to this question.

samurai existed over a reasonably long period of time, as did chinese warriors (my knowledge of chinese history however is pretty limited).

from my understanding of samurai history, the fighting style of samurai changed as did their role within their society did. they were sometimes primarily battle orientated, sometimes duel orientated, sometimes almost law-enforcement orientated.

the european swordsman also had different style, armour and technique depending on historical circumstance and their role in society.

matching a fully armoured european knight to an unarmoured, daisho carrying samurai would probably be a fairly one sided.
matching a fully armoured samurai against an unarmoured fencing duelist from a european style would probably be a fairly uneven too.

back to the original question... from my brief research of chinese history i believe that chinese warriors from different times had various armour and sword and styles depending on their roles.

so who would win seems a bit unknowable when you take it so generally.

add to this that there were alway inept fighters, not all samurai were musahi.
Hello, Who would win? I agree with those who say, the one with the most skill, Musashi fought many different types of weapons, and style of sword fighting. Why did he win? was it his style or skill? After 60 fights and his book on the five rings....you realize it was skill.

Is that why we have challenges all the time to prove the style? but wins by his skills? ...Aloha