Who are the Top five Instructors

Originally posted by Rainman
You would like to have some lessons with and why?

Do they have to be living? Or are we talking totally fictitiously?
LIVING- you should know by now I don't like the wwf/e!
Besides my actual instructor, I would like to train with Mr Trejo, Mr Planas, Mr Tatum, Mr Conatser and one of the Tracys, just to get another flavor of kenpo.

The only one I've seen life so far is Planas, and it was only for a short semminar, but it was well worth it. Tatum has come twice to Spain, but once I didn't know the date (it was the third try) and the second time was too expensive for a poor unemployed gal like me :(
Maybe next time :D
My top five in no particular order.

Mr. Planas - because I've had 7 instructer seminars with him. Alot of knowledge there.

Mr. Wedlake - I've had numerous seminar's there on various points of view techniques. You always learn something.

Mr. Conatser - Nothing more needs to be said there. Extremely knowledgable man with awesome teaching techniques.

Dr. Chapel - Because I like what the way he talks about his SL4. They seem like very good ideas of kenpo. Variation is the key to learning.

Mr. Trejo - because I've only heard good things about the man.

My list was not to disrespect anybody here, as these are my answers to the question.
Well I'm excluding my instructor and the assistants at my school,
since I DO train with them. My list, in no particular order:

1) Huk
2) Dan Inosanto
3) Pick
4) Conatser
5) Tatum
Not in any order of preference:

Huk Planas
Zach Whitson
Ingmar Johansson
Ed Planas
Grand Master Masaaki Hatsumi

I've seen Huk, Ingmar and Ed at least once, and heard nothing but good things about Zach Whitson.

I've always had an interest in the ninja arts, and would loev the opportunity to meet GM Hatsumi. Doubt I'm anywhere near ready to train though.

People I'd like to train with ..

dan inosanto
cliff stewart
bob orlando
kelly worden
tim hartman
larry hartsell
james keating
leonard trigg
erik paulson
joe mcdaniel
steve plink
chris sayoc
felix valencia
ibu rita suwanda
rick tucci
david james
hoch hochheim
mike casto
Originally posted by jbkenpo
People I'd like to train with ..

dan inosanto
cliff stewart
bob orlando
kelly worden
tim hartman
larry hartsell
james keating
leonard trigg
erik paulson
joe mcdaniel
steve plink
chris sayoc
felix valencia
ibu rita suwanda
rick tucci
david james
hoch hochheim
mike casto

I found out where Zach got the inclination to punch people in the nutz when they're not looking. I'll be damned if Huk doesn't do it too!

**grumble grumble**

Not that I wouldn't have done the exact same thing if I had the opportunity too......heh heh heh...
Originally posted by jbkenpo
People I'd like to train with ..
mike casto

Mike Casto out of Ohio area? Nice guy. A friend of mine. Tried to stab me in a roadhouse restaurant in Windsor Ontario once. best experience I had had in a long time. The guy can really boogie.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Mike Casto out of Ohio area? Nice guy. A friend of mine. Tried to stab me in a roadhouse restaurant in Windsor Ontario once. best experience I had had in a long time. The guy can really boogie.


He came by the house a few yrs back. Great guy.

I would choose.....

Steve LaBounty
Structural Engineer and a Class Act as a Leader

Tom Kelly
Hard Core Trainer and fearless

John Sepulveda
Smooth Knowledgeable Teacher with awesome people skills

Huk Planas
A Technique & Forms Engineer

Skip Hancock
An analytical and skilled Architect

Bob White
A Teacher of Methods and a proven ring warrior

Bob Liles
Principled and a strong foundation developer

Ron Chape'l
A variable expansion and mental ozone expert

Paul Mills
A valuable analytical system sparring partner

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
My top five in no particular order.

Mr. Planas - because I've had 7 instructer seminars with him. Alot of knowledge there.

Mr. Wedlake - I've had numerous seminar's there on various points of view techniques. You always learn something.

Mr. Conatser - Nothing more needs to be said there. Extremely knowledgable man with awesome teaching techniques.

Dr. Chapel - Because I like what the way he talks about his SL4. They seem like very good ideas of kenpo. Variation is the key to learning.

Mr. Trejo - because I've only heard good things about the man.

My list was not to disrespect anybody here, as these are my answers to the question.

Well, you did, my young Jedi, you left me off the list. Now I'm ticked!:samurai:
I believe he asked for 5!!! Not 5 on each hand. ;) (even if you're one short)

Was that spot reserved for me? :angel:
In a particular order ... just to be different:)

1. Stephen LaBounty - The Heart

2. Tom Kelly - The Soul

3. John Sepulveda - The Spirit

4. Dennis Conatser - The Mind

5. Bob Liles - The Master Blaster of Disaster

With honorable mention for Ron Chapel, Larry Tatum, Frank Trejo, Huk Palanas, and literally a cast of hundreds, well maybe a hundred ... ok so it is closer to 50 or so, or maybe a few less than that.

Man I feel bad limiting it to the few that I have mentioned. I want to see Paul Mills again, do another knife seminar or 3 with Mike Pick, I always like Bryan Hawkins when he is on a roll. Howard Silva just plain inspires me ... Mr. Parker's age, and still moving like greased lightning. Love any seminar with Dian Tanaka. Gary Swan rocks and rolls. Ron Sanchez & Marcus Bonfigliano I really like. I want to meet Lee Bachman, who I have never met, just because of his writing.

Shoot, go to my links page, I want a seminar with almost every single link on there (Organizations table)
Kenpo-Texas Links

Tough call once I got going.

My picks:

Doc Chapel- Crazy- but extremely intellegent

Mr. Pick- theories on on sticky fists

Steve Mohamad- Freestyle

Bob White- Freestyle

Mr. C- Kenpo Tools

Todd Durgan (my teacher because I am 900 miles away) Checking hands and 2 man set.
1. Sigung

2. Si-Bok (My Teacher)

3. Mr. Sepulveda

4. Mr. Conatser

5. Mr. Z

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