White people gonna riot

Well, he could've talked a little more calmly but I understand that he was getting riled up and that's okay I reckon, it was kinda fun to watch. The little song he does about Obama and Sinclair ... uhh... that part could've been left out.

That white people are gonna rise up and riot? Hmm, maybe not BUT there could be a revolution. People are getting increasingly tired of the B.S. that we get every 4 years from one slick talking political candidate to another.
One of the reasons that I refuse to vote because it's all been blurred since probably before I was born. Lots of rhetoric lots of promises, some kept some broken, some totally forgotten and some renewed for the next campaign. It's still the SOS different candidate.

The two party system that we've been having for decades has got to stop and allow room for other parties to come in and at least have a shot at the oval office. Yet both Dems and Repubs have monopolized the campaign funding system that other parties can't hope to raise that much to compete on the campaign circuit.
Ross Perot had the money but rumor has it that his family was threatened with their lives if he continued to push on. Rumor has it that the two other parties KNEW he would've won if he were allowed to continue and that would've thrown a big wrench into their finely tuned political machine.


Rise up white people? I hope not... those neo-nazi nuts are bad enough in small groups.
We have the power, white, hispanic, asian & black,Americans to put a stop to it all. It's our constitutional duty to do so.

Yet who will lead?
I talked about this with one of my more '2nd amendement' happy US friends.
My point was that 'pressing the reset button' is utterly pointless, and it solves nothing.

Think about it.The 2nd is only a solution IF the government is preventing 'the people' from choosing the government it wants. And it doesn't do that. Look at the voter turnout for 2008. It was a landslide for democrats across the board, and even today, Obama's approval ratings are still positive. So there is no support for pressing the reset button.

But suppose even for the sake of the argument that enough people get behind this and oust every elected official, in effect removing the entire governmental structure. What are you going to replace it with? You don't have anything to replace it with. If you had, then you could have done so already in the last election. Look at how well Ron Paul and the constitution party (or whatever their name) have done. People don't want them.

Of course you could install those people by force, but given that the majority doesn't want them, that would be the rule of the minority by force, which is the very definition of tyrannical in the first place.
We have this little piece of paper that is called the constitution that our government is supposed to abide by. Government is getting bigger, buying companies, banks, Unions. Now they are trying to force us into the government health care system. They tax the hell out of us, income, state, property, fuel, food, telephone, water, tires for our cars, the list goes on and on look at the other thread I posted they want to tax toilet paper.
What would they be replaced with well maybe someone who read the constitution and understands it.
No special interest groups to make them tell us we have to wear seat belts, or the other countless victim less crimes that the government has no business in would also be something to look at.
Keep the same REPUBLIC system but hold the liars, cheats, and traitors accountable. Put the congress men in the state they represent make them listen to their constituents’.
Two party system also has to go….

To many things to list but people are getting sick and tired of this ****…

Not sure if you saw the video I posted and took down but that’s what this all stemmed from….
Can we just stop it with the race card already? White, black, brown, yellow, red, plaid...enough!

It only serves to keep the "people" divided and as long as we're bickering among ourselves we aren't paying attention to the fact that our government doesn't even consider using vaseline anymore before they bend us ALL over.
There have been videos floating around online of a black preacher, I think his name is Manning, that has saying that President Obama is doing wrong and white people are going to riot. And he uses the term "long legged mack daddy" about 50 bazillion times.

An attention whore by any other name....
Thats the video i put up that guy was even over the top to me, thats why I took it down...
The 2nd is only a solution IF the government is preventing 'the people' from choosing the government it wants. And it doesn't do that.

Lets say the people want a monarchy, our Government will stop the "people" from having one.
Thats why we have the second. For when they tell us what to do and we didn't ask them and thats why they are trying to take away the second now....
Lets say the people want a monarchy, our Government will stop the "people" from having one.
Thats why we have the second. For when they tell us what to do and we didn't ask them and thats why they are trying to take away the second now....

Interesing scenario. Yes, in that case it -could- be necessary to use the 2nd. However, there are a couple of prerequisites.

1) there should be a significant grassroots support already. And that would be reflected in low voter turnout. That is not the case.
2) there should be massive support for the monarch to be, otherwise you'll end in civil war. this is not the case either.

I would say that unless more than 2/3 of the country support this new monarch, it is not realistic, and any coup would be tyranny of the minority.
However, if you have that 2/3 majority, there is absolutely nothing preventing you to get chosen under the current governmental structure with a monarchy party, who then has the legal power to amend the government however they see fit. A 2/3 could do pretty much everything.

So even in that case, the US could become a monarchy without bloodshed or a need to invole the 2nd. Hypothetically speaking of course.
However, there are a couple of prerequisites

No there is not if they want to rise up and revolt they can. Anyone can,it is up to them if they will do it or not and if they win or not.
Three guys from the hills can try but they would be shot down.
Now if those guys had 3 million thats a pretty good size force.
Look at the whiskey rebellion.....