What's the popular art in your city?

I don't live in a city, but in the greater Rochester area, it's definitely TKD. The next poplar is Isshin-Ryu karate. Most of both are McDojangs, though. Sad .... very sad. There is a few other styles around, but you have to really look to find them.

Where I lived in NJ, it was TSD and TKD. But there was several styles to choose from there. It was kinda cool to have so many choices :D But I took TSD.
I grew up in Buffalo and studied Isshin-ryu there in someone's basement. Great stuff. We would visit his colleague, with whom he came up in the ranks, at his McDojo on occassion. Lots of tournamnet sparring then.

My first tournament was in Rochester at RIT. Lots of Isshin-ryu there.

San Jose, where I used to live, had a great variety including lots of FMA.
there is a mix of TSD, isshin ryu, kempo, and kung fu here in N.E. PA
as much as it saddens me to say it but here in Nashville it seems to be Tae Kwon Do... followed by various "karate" schools... plus we just got our first kenpo school its on my list of new schools to visit
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon


Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
I wonder if he's still around here. I've never seen any advertisements.

**running away screaming and flailing my hands**
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
It is a Kenpo Thing.

One of the few things left in Kenpo that I consider to be good and pure and holy. **sniff**

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
One of the GM's of American Kenpo.

Actually he's a 9th. He refuses to take a 10th on as it was the Old Man's thing. That makes him a "Master of the Arts" if you look at the ranks. He never, ever, in the time I have known him, claimed to be a GM. In fact, he just wears a black belt. In fact, the last time Renegade had him in he just wore an arnis uniform and no belt at all. (His Gi got lost on the plane) he was a 7th at the time of Parker's passing I believe. Then his 8th and 9th did not come by associations but the signitures of many different people all asking him to do so. Filing cabinets full. I believe Bill Wallace was the man who kicked him in to 9th.
Originally posted by theneuhauser
ive been to nowhere, and i think that the number one style there is cow tipping!

When I was younger and I lived in rural areas I was a proponent of this style.
Originally posted by GouRonin

You... live in the same city as Huk Planas... and you don't study with him....

:disgust: :mad: :ticked: :waah: :flammad: :angry: :eek: :mad: :confused: :cuss: :erg: :wah: :miffer: :vu:

I have no words for what I am feeling right now. Excuse me while I go hit myself repeatedly with a rubber mallet.

He lives in New Orleans, but he doesn't have a school there.
Does he take private students? I'm not sure that he does.

Originally posted by GouRonin

Actually he's a 9th. He refuses to take a 10th on as it was the Old Man's thing. That makes him a "Master of the Arts" if you look at the ranks. He never, ever, in the time I have known him, claimed to be a GM. In fact, he just wears a black belt. In fact, the last time Renegade had him in he just wore an arnis uniform and no belt at all. (His Gi got lost on the plane) he was a 7th at the time of Parker's passing I believe. Then his 8th and 9th did not come by associations but the signitures of many different people all asking him to do so. Filing cabinets full. I believe Bill Wallace was the man who kicked him in to 9th.

Actually, I heard (read) the opposite of that.
Taken from www.ckfonline.org :

"After Parkers passing other associations were formed, one of
which Promoted Planas to Eighth degree in 1991 and in 1995
several associations joined together to promote him to 9th Black.
Though his expertise is mainly in Kenpo he has studied many
other arts including Judo, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Shotokan, Silat and
the Filipino arts of his heritage being half Filipino."

The 8th was by an association. The 9th was by many groups, associations and people.
Here in my neck of the woods in the Hampton Roads area of VA it seems to prevailiantly be TKD ( big surprise ) and Shorin Ryu.
One of the first schools around here was Shorin Ryu. Since then they have sprang up all over. We have other styles but not as many of their schools. Hap Ki Do, Shito Ryu, Aikido, Small circle Aikido, Krav Maga, Wing Chun, Hung Gar, A Black Dragon school, Hwa Rang Do a little north, Kali, Shotokan, and Kuk Sool Kwan here on base. No doupt a little more out there that I'm not aquainted with.:cheers:
The most popular martial art in my city is Tae Kwan Do.
Sincerely, In Humility;

"I grew up in Buffalo and studied Isshin-ryu there in someone's basement. Great stuff. We would visit his colleague, with whom he came up in the ranks, at his McDojo on occassion. Lots of tournamnet sparring then.

My first tournament was in Rochester at RIT. Lots of Isshin-ryu there."

Dang, it's over there too, Arnis (Buffalo)? Sheesh. I live about 45 minutes from RIT. I have a friend who just graduated from there. She did Isshin-Ryu. Now she does the Navy LOL.

I guess Western NY is the hot spot for Isshin-Ryu.
When I was out in Vancouver I stayed in West Van but in the city I saw more Aikido places than I could shake a stick at!

Must be different on the island eh?
To answer your question Gou, I think TKD is the most popular art on the Island. In my area(where I have lived for over 20 years), TKD has always been around to the best of my memory, but the other arts seem to come and go. There are still a few different karate styles out there (I believe Shito-Ryu and Wado-kyu are still around) but you don't see them advertised anywhere.
In the phone book there are a couple TKD schools, 1 Aikido and 1 karate(style not mentioned), plus the Kenpo dojo that I am currently training at.
There are a total of 3 dojos on the entire Island that teach Kenpo, which leads me to my own question.

seeing as though 1 of the 3 Kenpo dojos on the Island is located in Victoria, have/do you ever train at 'Professional Self-Defense'?
just curious.

Originally posted by Chiduce

The most popular martial art in my city is Tae Kwan Do.
Sincerely, In Humility;

With all due respect to Chiduce, Greensboro is interesting because there are as many Tae Kwon Do schools as there are
Japanese Go Ju Ryu schools. The instructors in the GoJuRyu schools however are mainly spread out amongst the recreational centers, yet are very pervasive.

Seems TKD is the most popular MArtial Art. I wonder what attracts people to it, or is it just cuz its the only one around?
Here in Windsor we have many styles.. Hapkido (my fave, wink wink) AIkido, Karate, Kickboxing, Boxing, Muay Thai, TKD, Judo, ummm im sure there's more.. but im just to lazy to go and get the phone book right now.. LOL:p
Silly me.. I forgot Gou's favorite one... Mud Wrestling at Studio 4!!
HA HA HA HA HA... gotchya Gou!!:D ;)
Originally posted by Master of Blades

Seems TKD is the most popular MArtial Art. I wonder what attracts people to it, or is it just cuz its the only one around?

This has been discussed on our TKD forum. In my opinion it's that it's well-marketed and kid-friendly.

I have heard that is a good school and that ralph chinnick is a good guy. Case in point though, Professional Self Defence teaches shootfighting under Bart Vales organization. I took Kenpo for a little while at a school in Langford but it was kind of shady. Learned alot though.

Actually victoria has a very electic blend of martial arts for such a small city. We have Capoiera, Ninjutsu, A couple of kung fu qwan(hung gar, if you can find it, Wing Tsun, Tai chi and a commercial blend) we used to have a FMA instructor by the name of fred shinahan but he may be in Vancouver now, kenpo, judo, jujutsu, some BJJ, aikido. Any way a good blend. If we only has a silat instructor I would be very happy.

Originally posted by The Opal Dragon

Thanks Rich! :asian: I wonder if he's still around here. I've never seen any advertisements and the first I ever heard of "Kenpo" at all was from this site.

Robyn :asian:


Maybe you can find something useful thru this link
