The best martial arts style


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
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The best martial arts style is the one that works best for you. I do think there are some better styles depending upon what you desire in a martial art. If your objective is throwing your opponent down, Shotokan judo is an example form. If your desire is ground fighting Brazilian Ju Jitsu. If it's some sort of kick boxing, Wing Chun is outstanding. If your into more of a meditative, low impact, less intense style that anyone can learn no matter how old they are tai chi is excellent (Actually I think tai chi is excellent regardless, it's a beautiful, relaxing form with all kinds of health benefits) If you want a self defense system that is relatively easy to learn, Krav Maga is outstanding. I'm personally biased towards American combato because it's a form I have practiced for years and feel comfortable and confident in for self defense, but that's a personal bias.

All the systems have something to offer, all have some value if only peace of mind and discipline. I think it's great there is so much diversity out there, something for everyone especially if you live in a city like San Francisco or New York or Los Angeles where you can study virtually anything you desire. The best style is the one that fits your goals and works for you.
No no, it's Wing Chun regardless of who you are, preferences, styles etc etc... Wing Chun, right there, read it. ;)
I was going to say what my favorite was. but there have been enough wars here as it is...
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The best style is simple the one where I am on a cort in the middle of a deserted bech and have a fruity drink with an umbella in it.
Best for what?

This is the 'real' question. Are we talking 'Art fot art's sake' or are we talking the 'Martial' side? Is it forms/katas? Beauty and grace of movement? Realism in street defence? Warzone combat techs?

Lots of different reasons why one should override another.

I enjoy all the arts I do for different reasons. Do I have a favourite? Well, I do, but that's between my and myself:angel:

EDIT: Actually, this brings me to something I read today so will post a seperate thread about it.
No no, it's Wing Chun regardless of who you are, preferences, styles etc etc... Wing Chun, right there, read it. ;)

Grrrrrr :tantrum:

No its not its Taiji....or...Xingyi...... or Sanda.....or Bagua.....well I guess it COULD be Wing Chun too.... or Jujitsu..... or TKD...or...... :D

the best style is the one that protects you and enables you to protect those that cant protect themselves.

Everyone is missing this KEY POINT !! The best style is don't be a DUMBASS and use your Noggin !!! Smart thinking will 99.9% of the time will keep you out of trouble and then you won't even have to worry about kicking, punching, groundfighting, etc.........

Use your mind, that is exactly why it is rattling around inside your skull :p
I'm sorry folks. The best MA out there is the "Honey do this or else" system/style. I guarantee it's the strongest, best and most lethal MA out there.

I'm sorry folks. The best MA out there is the "Honey do this or else" system/style. I guarantee it's the strongest, best and most lethal MA out there.


Hell, yes. If a woman can't be as big, strong and testosterone-soaked as a man she has superior weapons. She can inspire her man to be badder. And she can raise up strong sons to kill him when he is old and feeble. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world"