What style/organization?


Yellow Belt
Oct 26, 2016
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For those of you who practice/Teach Tae kwon do, which style do you use?

I didn't see a polling option, so I thought I'd ask.

I'm pretty sure it's obvious by my posts what style I partake in (kukkiwon), but what about the rest of ya?
My earliest training was ITF. The place I study/teach is primarily a Moo Duk Kwan school, but we do teach KKW as well. I've dabbled in other arts over the years, as well.
The first time I practiced taekwondo (in college, 1978-1980) it was being called taekwondo, but in retrospect it was very karate-like. Maybe it should have been called Kong Soo Do, or something like that. Now that I'm a fat old man, I do Kukkiwon-style with my son.
Most of my students take KKW taekwondo. To be fair, it's laced with quite a bit of elements from aikido and Okinawan karate as well. I still have a few stragglers that practice the Chang Hon forms instead.
What do you do regarding technique, stances and also Korean terms when you have mixed classes?

Isn't that confusing for people?

We are far from the most rigid adherents to current KKW and ITF standards. I always explain that although our dan students can and do receive KKW rank, they will need to undertake extra effort on their own if they wish an authoritative understanding of current KKW standards and requirements. In any case, this is something serious students should elect on their own to pursue anyway.
What do you do regarding technique, stances and also Korean terms when you have mixed classes?

I can't speak for Dancingalone, but I doubt it's much of a problem. Isn't for us. When we do Moo Duk Kwan forms/stances/techniques, that's what students do. When we do KKW forms/stances/techniques, that's what they do.

Isn't that confusing for people?

People are pretty smart...
It seems that kukkiwon style is the most dominant of the styles (Truth be told there's no chang hon/ITF schools in my town, not sure about the entire state though).

There's an ATA school here, but I hear they do a lot of questionable practices, and there's a chun kuk do school here (I'm assuming it's TKD but I could be wrong).
Lol, no , just a joke, it's a Kukki school in a stripmall.
Chung Do Kwan and Kukkiwon, but I don't like many things they've done. So my relationship with the Kukkiwon is alittle shaky.