what is your least favourite area of kenpo

Billy you said ".........with "Kenpo doesn't work" as a close second".
I think I will just promote this to my least favourite, if you don't mind.
This is a personal bug bear of mine.
Bill Lear said:
My least favorite area of Kenpo is the political mudslinging that goes on these days with "Kenpo doesn't work" as a close second.


This is one that really bugs me to know end and is usually spouted by people who may have been in the art for a while but never at teh art for any real amountof time.
i will add my vote to politics and dissing other forms of kenpo.
My least favourite area of kenpo has nothing to do with the art itself, but to "echo " what has been said, the political backbitting that is associated with a group or organisation,

and second the limited availabilty of kenpo resources that are here in Australia ie, Instruction, manuals, schools, ect.

The least favorite area of kenpo for me is the abundance of self promoted people trying to pass themselves off as "masters". Get pissed at one association, quit and form their own and all of a sudden are two or three degrees higher in a matter of months. Just my take.
Kenpohermit .....My least favorite area of Kenpo is "Chinese Secrets"........
......or any other "Secret Stuff", for that matter!
My least favorite aspect would have to be that it is so .... so .... Addicting! Ahem, to be perfectly honest there are things I am not particularly fond of but that is mostly because I am weak in those areas and therefore they suck
dubljay said:
My least favorite aspect would have to be that it is so .... so .... Addicting!
Agreed:ultracool which then leads to investigation, which takes time and money, and sometimes brings on frustration and more questions to search out..... then to find someone that can answer them adequately is another issue..... so the kenpo circle turns....
Elvis. I don't study a Mitose/Chow/Parker derived branch, but that doesn't matter. All discussions about various types of kenpo with martial artists in general are invariably hampered by Elvis being an EPAK black belt, and the mocking that ensues.
Elvis! HA HA HA! Who'd a thunk? Elvis' black belt doesn't bother me. Now if Michael Jackson had a black belt in Kenpo that’d be a different story.
Bill Lear said:
Elvis! HA HA HA! Who'd a thunk? Elvis' black belt doesn't bother me. Now if Michael Jackson had a black belt in Kenpo that’d be a different story.
Methinks it has to do with Elvis dying as a grossly overweight drug addict and, apparently, spuriously claiming an 8th degree (though not through EPAK).
eyebeams said:
Methinks it has to do with Elvis dying as a grossly overweight drug addict and, apparently, spuriously claiming an 8th degree (though not through EPAK).
Sad, but true. He probably wasn't the first martial artist in the world to die in that condition, and he surely won't be the last.

Bill Lear said:
If Michael Jackson had a black belt in Kenpo .....
It would probably have little white gloves instead of stripes to indicate his rank level........ (moonwalking backwards away now.....)

I guess it would be the terminology. I think, I am into the getting deeper into the physics of the system but, I still think it goes a little overboard in over thinking. I guess in some instances its kinda like trying to reinvent the wheel. I hope I have'nt offended anyone? Just answering the question.

By His Grace,
1st John 1:9
""what is your least favourite area of kenpo ""

Well another least favourite Kenpo "statement" is ........"kenpo is the thinking man's Martial Art"....wwwhat!
I have heard this periodically pouted by some kenpoka for about 25yrs, it appears to me to be exscuse for being inadequate...........or it could be I'm a thicko.
Bill Lear said:
Elvis! HA HA HA! Who'd a thunk? Elvis' black belt doesn't bother me. Now if Michael Jackson had a black belt in Kenpo that’d be a different story.

your just jealous because micheal refuses to teach u the moonwalk techique against a front choke. Its the best, and u don't dont know it . %-}
my least favorite areas are.

* a hundred and one forms & techiques.

* making self defense into rocket science or buddist magic

* the inter-family political catfights