What is the world coming to......

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

I love this reply. :rofl:

You are really funny, and I Thank You


Thank you, Rich :angel:
better to try and get shot down than not to say anything and regret it later.

i mean...it could have been worse...she could have said that she was a guy.
Anyways, I was on the train last night and I saw the most beautiful girl walk on the train...So I thought, hmmmm lets go see if I can chat her up and stuff. So I walk over and sat next to her and start idly chatting to her. Eventually i managed to get her to talk a little more about her (I'd missed my stop by this point ). I asked her where she was going and the reply was "I'm going to meet my GIRLFRIEND". At that point I got off the train and went right back home
:rofl: yeah I have used this to get rid a bloke's unwanted attention too!:D
i mean...it could have been worse...she could have said that she was a guy

...after you took "her" home for the evening:rofl: :rofl: :shrug:

Hang in there, bud, you got to learn to enjoy the chase. As for it being a weird experience I can almost guarantee there will be even more wierd than that happen the longer you are in the chase.
tarabos: lol

MOB: Dude, don't listen to anyone, cept' maybe KenpoTess and me! And Rich, what are u tellin' this Kid...listen and learn, both of ya! :p

The secret to getting any chick temporarily is by tricking the hell out of them. Period!

Now, understand that I didn't say lying, just tricking! You need honesty if you want anything to grow long term, but you need to break down that 1st few walls of ice. The best way to break this ice is through trickery, period.

Basically, women want to be comfortable. It is hard to open up, or be comfortable with a stranger. So, you must trick their subconscience into believing that they know you, then they get comfortable, and your so in there!

Example; average cycle: I am at the bar, and I see a cute girl across the room. It's 10pm, so I have only 2-4 hours depending on how long her or I stay to get the digits (which should be my only goal at 1st; I know some people who have goals like 'meaningful relationship' when they haven't even met officially the girl yet. You are gauranteed to either give her a panic attack, or get laughed at if you don't lighten the hell up and keep it simple at first!). I need to trick her into thinking that she knows me better then a stranger. So, without making it too obvious, I try to make eye contact. When contact is made, I smile and nod like I know her, then I turn to my friend and talk like I had been having a conversation or something. The smile and nod part is very important; be polite in your expression; if you turn away like you just got caught peeping through her window she'll get uncomfortable! Remember if you get uncomfortable or embarrased, how can you expect her to act anyway but uncomfortable and embarassed also?

So, after the first smile and nod, whenever your comfortable but not too soon, try to walk by her for whatever reason. Maybe you have to go to the rest room. Perhaps you have to order a drink. It doesn't really matter the reason, but sneak in another smile and nod thing. If she starts doing it back, you so in!

Keep this up for the rest of the night; eventually the smile and nods will turn into a greeting of some sort, such as a quick "hi." or "hey."

By about your 4th or 5th exchange if your getting positive responses it is because you have just tricked her subconscience into believing that she knows you better then a stranger. Why not!?!? She has had 4 or 5 exchanges with you! She must know you better then a stranger, right? Wrong....but don't tell her that!

When you start getting that positive response; that smile and nod back, or that quicky "hi," then don't hesitate. Find an opportunity where you are not rudely interupting a conversation of some sort, and go up to her and introduce yourself. Don't chicken-s**t with this; If you wait to long then the trick will wear off, and she will realize that you are just some weirdo who nods and says hi all the time, but who she doesn't really know.

Now, when you go up to her keep it honest. Doesn't matter what it is you say, so long as it isn't rude, and as long as it is honest. Don't say "you look familiar" if they don't look familiar, for instance. You'll be like every other dude who talks to her then, focusing on what they want instead of whats going on with her.

1st, introduce yourself, and ask for her name. Then, Say something honest, then follow it up with an open-ended question. A compliment w/ open ended question is often the easiest. If you think she is pretty beyond just T & A, which you should, find out why you think that way, then ask about it. "This may sound strange, but I like your style of dress. Where do you shop?" or "You have a nice smile, are you having a good time tonight?" Something like this should start a conversation.

Then, keep her in the conversation by talking as little as possible, and letting her talk as much as possible. Use these key words: What, When, Why, Where, Who, Tell Me, How, and Give. Try to eliminate words like Will, Have, did, do, are, could, would, is, can.
So, if she mentions someones pet for instance, don't ask "Do you like dogs." she says "yes" or "no" and then you stare at each other like morons. Say, " How do you feel about dogs." She has to give more then a one word answer. Or, for a more practical example: Not "Are you dating anyone?" rather "Tell me about the kind of people you date?" Get It!?!?!

The point is, the more she talks, and the less you talk, the more she thinks she knows you. Trickery at it's best!!

When the conversation ends, it is best to walk away without asking for anything (no ph# yet) if you know you'll see her before the end of the night. That 1st conversation, she'll be waiting for the "punch-line" anyways; she'll be expecting you to ask for 'something' so the gaurd may still be up. So, if you can get away with not asking for anything, then she'll start wondering about YOU and what YOU want and why you didn't ask her for SOMETHING, and that is what you want her to do! Try to have 2 conversations, maybe one big or one small, then on the third say, "I really liked talking with you tonight, and I would like us to talk more. How about if we exchange numbers, and I can call you later on in the week?"

If you made her feel comfortable and not like a stranger, then she is bound to say yes. This is trickery at it's finest because do you think she knows you better then after the 1st nod? Not really. But if you asked for her # after the 1st nod, she probably would not have felt comfortable enough to give it to you. You fool em' into letting them think they know you better then a stranger, and you can get almost anything you want (within their boundries of course).

Longer Time Cycle: If the woman you are persuing is in a place where you know you'll see her again, like a class or something, then take your time. Use the same tactic above, but stretch it over a longer duration. In other words your exchanging smiles, nods, and quicky "hellos" for the first few classes or even weeks before that 1st conversation. Then, have more conversations before getting their #, so they are REALLY comfortable, and practically begging you to ask them out! Just remember to strike while the oven is hot, and don't hesitate!

Very short time cycle: You met this girl on a train. I'll figure that you had maybe 10-15 minutes to 1/2 hour tops to get the digits. So, what to do?? still do what you would have done if you had 2-4 hours, cept' skip the whole smile and nod and hello 5 times before you talk with her stuff. You don't have time. Just jump right into your complement/question, and GET THEM TO TALK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Then say, "I don't usually do this, but I really like talking with you, and If I don't ask you this I'll be kicking myself all the way home. Could we talk more sometime? Maybe we can exchange e-mail addresses or phone numbers? What do you think?"

Putty in your hands!

Now, keep in mind that your chances aren't as good as with longer cycles, but it is always worth a shot.

Things to remember:

#1. It is all a numbers game! Do you realize that if you went up to 100 decent looking women and said, "Hi, My name is Master of Blades. I was wondering if we could go find a quiet spot, so we can make out." at least 1 would say yes? Collectively, people are so ridiculus that no matter what you ask them to do, 1 out of 100 will say yes, and follow through. This is a true statistic. So, if you get told "no," that is just 1 more "no" before someone finally says "O.K." So Don't worry about a no!

#2 Don't ever be discourage by comments that are ment to "deflect" you. If someone says, "I have a boyfriend." Don't even flinch. Just start asking your questions and get them to talk: "Tell me about him?" "where did you two meet" "What do you like about him" When you two start dating?", Etc. etc. etc. You will find out about 1/2 the time that they aren't that serious and that they only say that they have a boyfriend as a "conditioned response" when really they are only sort of dating someone and are very willing to go out with you.

In the case of "I am going out with my girlfriend...." Dude you just hit the jack-pot! Many Lesbians aren't lesbians; they are Bisexual. Just trust me on this one. You should of fired back with your questions: "Cool, what are you two up to for tonight? Tell me about her? Where did you two meet? What does she look like? Wow, she sounds cool, just like you. I would love to meet her sometime. I was just going to go home, but I have always wanted to see that movie you guys planned on seeing tonight. Would you mind if I tagged along?" Well....you get the idea.

You just missed the jack-pot my friend. If you played your cards right, you could of had a date with 2 chicks. Don't laugh, I've done it before.

Disclaimer: keep your morals in mind ahead of time. For instance; if she says she is married and shows you a ring, you could continue the persuit, and you could get lucky. I would say that this might not be the most moral thing to have happend however. So, be careful with this one!


P.S. I am happily engaged now, and done playing the "persuit" game. So I bestow this valueable knowledge to MOB, Rich, and my other MartialTalk Bacholors. Now go, my minions! And Get many Hook Ups!!:ladysman:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Hobbits have hairy feets *G* LOTR2 out on DVD Aug 26th methinks ~!`

S'ides MOB.. ya gotta play hard to get.. dark, mysterious guys get the women wondering.. yup

Yup. exactly!

They talk & U listen = they no very little about you so they fill in the blanks with whatever is in their wildest imagination, whether Dark & Mysterious, Sincere, Funny, a good listener, "nice", A sex magnet, whatever. If you have them engaged in a conversation, what they imagine will be @ least mostly good. But they won't be sure, which is what you want! They'll want to learn more!

Basically, women want to be comfortable. It is hard to open up, or be comfortable with a stranger. So, you must trick their subconscience into believing that they know you, then they get comfortable, and your so in there!
good grief...do you think we were all born yesterday or something...you must meet alot of naive girls......:rofl:

So, after the first smile and nod, whenever your comfortable but not too soon, try to walk by her for whatever reason. Maybe you have to go to the rest room. Perhaps you have to order a drink. It doesn't really matter the reason, but sneak in another smile and nod thing. If she starts doing it back, you so in!
I am amazed you are not still single ......:D actually this sounds like a good bit of 'grooming' how a paedophile 'chats up' kids etc..no offence intended there have been a few high profile cases in the news recently. Its a bit like a cross between NLP and some other physcho-babell. Are you really engaged or is that just an anti persuit tactic?:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Taiji fan
good grief...do you think we were all born yesterday or something...you must meet alot of naive girls......:rofl:

I am amazed you are not still single ......:D actually this sounds like a good bit of 'grooming' how a paedophile 'chats up' kids etc..no offence intended there have been a few high profile cases in the news recently. Its a bit like a cross between NLP and some other physcho-babell. Are you really engaged or is that just an anti persuit tactic?

Pedophile....that's not funny! :eek:

But...the rest was!:rofl: I think my Fiance is only trying anti-persuit tactics! :p

Seriously, though, the above works on even the "smartest" of women.

You should be taking notes, Mrs. Taiji smarty-pants, if you were so "smart." You could totally turn the tables and regain control by just doing a few key things, instead of just 'thinking' your in control!

Ah well....typical "chick"......


P.S. Please, no one take offence to my posts; I am only kidding and having a little fun here! ;)
Originally posted by PAUL
tarabos: lol

MOB: Dude, don't listen to anyone, cept' maybe KenpoTess and me! And Rich, what are u tellin' this Kid...listen and learn, both of ya! :p

The secret to getting any chick temporarily is by tricking the hell out of them. Period!

Now, understand that I didn't say lying, just tricking! You need honesty if you want anything to grow long term, but you need to break down that 1st few walls of ice. The best way to break this ice is through trickery, period.

Basically, women want to be comfortable. It is hard to open up, or be comfortable with a stranger. So, you must trick their subconscience into believing that they know you, then they get comfortable, and your so in there!

Example; average cycle: I am at the bar, and I see a cute girl across the room. It's 10pm, so I have only 2-4 hours depending on how long her or I stay to get the digits (which should be my only goal at 1st; I know some people who have goals like 'meaningful relationship' when they haven't even met officially the girl yet. You are gauranteed to either give her a panic attack, or get laughed at if you don't lighten the hell up and keep it simple at first!). I need to trick her into thinking that she knows me better then a stranger. So, without making it too obvious, I try to make eye contact. When contact is made, I smile and nod like I know her, then I turn to my friend and talk like I had been having a conversation or something. The smile and nod part is very important; be polite in your expression; if you turn away like you just got caught peeping through her window she'll get uncomfortable! Remember if you get uncomfortable or embarrased, how can you expect her to act anyway but uncomfortable and embarassed also?

So, after the first smile and nod, whenever your comfortable but not too soon, try to walk by her for whatever reason. Maybe you have to go to the rest room. Perhaps you have to order a drink. It doesn't really matter the reason, but sneak in another smile and nod thing. If she starts doing it back, you so in!

Keep this up for the rest of the night; eventually the smile and nods will turn into a greeting of some sort, such as a quick "hi." or "hey."

By about your 4th or 5th exchange if your getting positive responses it is because you have just tricked her subconscience into believing that she knows you better then a stranger. Why not!?!? She has had 4 or 5 exchanges with you! She must know you better then a stranger, right? Wrong....but don't tell her that!

When you start getting that positive response; that smile and nod back, or that quicky "hi," then don't hesitate. Find an opportunity where you are not rudely interupting a conversation of some sort, and go up to her and introduce yourself. Don't chicken-s**t with this; If you wait to long then the trick will wear off, and she will realize that you are just some weirdo who nods and says hi all the time, but who she doesn't really know.

Now, when you go up to her keep it honest. Doesn't matter what it is you say, so long as it isn't rude, and as long as it is honest. Don't say "you look familiar" if they don't look familiar, for instance. You'll be like every other dude who talks to her then, focusing on what they want instead of whats going on with her.

1st, introduce yourself, and ask for her name. Then, Say something honest, then follow it up with an open-ended question. A compliment w/ open ended question is often the easiest. If you think she is pretty beyond just T & A, which you should, find out why you think that way, then ask about it. "This may sound strange, but I like your style of dress. Where do you shop?" or "You have a nice smile, are you having a good time tonight?" Something like this should start a conversation.

Then, keep her in the conversation by talking as little as possible, and letting her talk as much as possible. Use these key words: What, When, Why, Where, Who, Tell Me, How, and Give. Try to eliminate words like Will, Have, did, do, are, could, would, is, can.
So, if she mentions someones pet for instance, don't ask "Do you like dogs." she says "yes" or "no" and then you stare at each other like morons. Say, " How do you feel about dogs." She has to give more then a one word answer. Or, for a more practical example: Not "Are you dating anyone?" rather "Tell me about the kind of people you date?" Get It!?!?!

The point is, the more she talks, and the less you talk, the more she thinks she knows you. Trickery at it's best!!

When the conversation ends, it is best to walk away without asking for anything (no ph# yet) if you know you'll see her before the end of the night. That 1st conversation, she'll be waiting for the "punch-line" anyways; she'll be expecting you to ask for 'something' so the gaurd may still be up. So, if you can get away with not asking for anything, then she'll start wondering about YOU and what YOU want and why you didn't ask her for SOMETHING, and that is what you want her to do! Try to have 2 conversations, maybe one big or one small, then on the third say, "I really liked talking with you tonight, and I would like us to talk more. How about if we exchange numbers, and I can call you later on in the week?"

If you made her feel comfortable and not like a stranger, then she is bound to say yes. This is trickery at it's finest because do you think she knows you better then after the 1st nod? Not really. But if you asked for her # after the 1st nod, she probably would not have felt comfortable enough to give it to you. You fool em' into letting them think they know you better then a stranger, and you can get almost anything you want (within their boundries of course).

Longer Time Cycle: If the woman you are persuing is in a place where you know you'll see her again, like a class or something, then take your time. Use the same tactic above, but stretch it over a longer duration. In other words your exchanging smiles, nods, and quicky "hellos" for the first few classes or even weeks before that 1st conversation. Then, have more conversations before getting their #, so they are REALLY comfortable, and practically begging you to ask them out! Just remember to strike while the oven is hot, and don't hesitate!

Very short time cycle: You met this girl on a train. I'll figure that you had maybe 10-15 minutes to 1/2 hour tops to get the digits. So, what to do?? still do what you would have done if you had 2-4 hours, cept' skip the whole smile and nod and hello 5 times before you talk with her stuff. You don't have time. Just jump right into your complement/question, and GET THEM TO TALK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Then say, "I don't usually do this, but I really like talking with you, and If I don't ask you this I'll be kicking myself all the way home. Could we talk more sometime? Maybe we can exchange e-mail addresses or phone numbers? What do you think?"

Putty in your hands!

Now, keep in mind that your chances aren't as good as with longer cycles, but it is always worth a shot.

Things to remember:

#1. It is all a numbers game! Do you realize that if you went up to 100 decent looking women and said, "Hi, My name is Master of Blades. I was wondering if we could go find a quiet spot, so we can make out." at least 1 would say yes? Collectively, people are so ridiculus that no matter what you ask them to do, 1 out of 100 will say yes, and follow through. This is a true statistic. So, if you get told "no," that is just 1 more "no" before someone finally says "O.K." So Don't worry about a no!

#2 Don't ever be discourage by comments that are ment to "deflect" you. If someone says, "I have a boyfriend." Don't even flinch. Just start asking your questions and get them to talk: "Tell me about him?" "where did you two meet" "What do you like about him" When you two start dating?", Etc. etc. etc. You will find out about 1/2 the time that they aren't that serious and that they only say that they have a boyfriend as a "conditioned response" when really they are only sort of dating someone and are very willing to go out with you.

In the case of "I am going out with my girlfriend...." Dude you just hit the jack-pot! Many Lesbians aren't lesbians; they are Bisexual. Just trust me on this one. You should of fired back with your questions: "Cool, what are you two up to for tonight? Tell me about her? Where did you two meet? What does she look like? Wow, she sounds cool, just like you. I would love to meet her sometime. I was just going to go home, but I have always wanted to see that movie you guys planned on seeing tonight. Would you mind if I tagged along?" Well....you get the idea.

You just missed the jack-pot my friend. If you played your cards right, you could of had a date with 2 chicks. Don't laugh, I've done it before.

Disclaimer: keep your morals in mind ahead of time. For instance; if she says she is married and shows you a ring, you could continue the persuit, and you could get lucky. I would say that this might not be the most moral thing to have happend however. So, be careful with this one!


P.S. I am happily engaged now, and done playing the "persuit" game. So I bestow this valueable knowledge to MOB, Rich, and my other MartialTalk Bacholors. Now go, my minions! And Get many Hook Ups!!:ladysman:

I may be a little young, but that sounds like that would pull me in real quickly :). That was aidea to put MOB in the example. He sounds like he might do that. :D
Originally posted by KatGurl
I may be a little young, but that sounds like that would pull me in real quickly :). That was aidea to put MOB in the example. He sounds like he might do that. :D

LOL :rofl: I can totally see him trying that now that told him about the numbers! I'm so bad....I'm so goin' to H-E double hockey stick for this!:p :erg: :D
Originally posted by PAUL
LOL :rofl: I can totally see him trying that now that told him about the numbers! I'm so bad....I'm so goin' to H-E double hockey stick for this!:p :erg: :D

No offense, but I picture him skipping every other step :rofl:

Once again, no offense. :)
You had the chance to deliver the perfect line............

"Ya know, we have something in common".....................................

"We both like girls":rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by KatGurl
No offense, but I picture him skipping every other step :rofl:

Once again, no offense. :)

Ah, just offend him. There are plenty of us you can hide behind; katgurl.;)
Originally posted by Master of Blades
As some of you may know I'm naturally a bit of a ladies man (Yeah right!) :rolleyes:

Anyways, I was on the train last night and I saw the most beautiful girl walk on the train...So I thought, hmmmm lets go see if I can chat her up and stuff. So I walk over and sat next to her and start idly chatting to her. Eventually i managed to get her to talk a little more about her (I'd missed my stop by this point :wah: ). I asked her where she was going and the reply was "I'm going to meet my GIRLFRIEND". At that point I got off the train and went right back home :(

What is the world coming to....:wah:
That's not so bad, my ex-girlfriends usually start dating women after I'm with them.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Ah, just offend him. There are plenty of us you can hide behind; katgurl.;)

:uhoh: I don't really want to offend him :eek: :lookie:

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