Whoaa nelly, that's English, for stop a horse!
While I fully agree that there are a lot of selfish sods who don't deserve to be parents, and frankly, drag their charming offspring up, rather than bring them up, let's not label ALL parent/step/single parent arrangements.
I'm a step dad to a wonderful step daughter. She's polite, helps round the house, has a well developed manner and manners, and, although not hugely academic, will do well enough to get her onto A-levels and uni should she choose, just not likely to be Oxbridge.
I also have an incredible 2 year old daughter who says
please and
thank you already and a zest for life that astonishes me. She has her "terrible twos" moments, but not often. They're both fed healthily, watch the scant minimum tv, read a lot/are read to a lot, get to play with Jayne (the wife) and I, and we spend as much time as we can together. That said, after 8-830pm, that's adult time, our time so to speak. We devote a lot of time to them, playing with and educating them, then we get our time.
So... There are a lot of parents who do sod all with their kids. Their kids'll be fat and lazy, arrogant, uninterested in life, and "sheeple", just like the parents. I don't care if that sounds pretentious, because, in the main, it's true. Doesn't mean we're ALL like that though. It doesn't matter to the UK anymore, because we're emigrating, and taking our lucky, balanced family to another country to live soon, because of the crap parents and their snot nosed offspring.