What do you desire?


Black Belt
Jun 21, 2012
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How would you really enjoy spending your life if money were no object?


"If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living - that is to go on doing things you don't like doing. Which is stupid!

Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing then a long life spent in a miserable way. And after all, if you do really like what you are doing, it doesn't really matter what it is, you can eventually become a master of it.

The only way of becoming the master of something, is to be really with it. And then you will be able to get a good fee for whatever it is.

So don't worry too much, somebody is interested in everything. Anything you can be interested in, you'll find others who are too.

But it's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like in order to go on spending things you don't like, doing things you don't like, and then to teach your children to follow in the same track.

See, what we are doing is we are bringing up children and educating them to live the same sort of lives we are living. In order that they may justify themselves, and find satisfaction in life by bringing up their children to bring up their children to do the same thing."

Bob Hubbard

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Land of the Free
If money weren't a hold back...

100 acres, nice 3,000 sqr ft house, top line entertainment and electronics including the desktops.
Nice furniture.
Probably install a moat...no alligators though. :D

I'd travel, photograph the world, or at least the US (some places I'd like to go aren't safe, and I dislike flying)

I'd take MT to the limit, KT too, and launch the other communities I want to.

I'd spend time helping my family more than I currently can. My friends too.

I'd do the photo projects I want to see happen.

Spend more time with my wife who could be home not having to work.

I'd quit job #4, lol.


2nd Black Belt
Oct 31, 2006
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Like 'youth is wasted on the young', money is wasted on the wealthy. I'm a master of being poor...wouldn't mind the opportunity of being a rich 'white belt'. ;)


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
Building my scouts a new hut, taking them places they would never get to see otherwise.

Take the high school band places they would never get to see.

Build the house with man cave and his&her bathrooms. And man cave.
And build a girl cave as well, no boys allowed.

Help my mom and dad out more.

spoil my pets some.
Spoil the kids less.

and buy every game console/game available (and never play them)

start a company that makes socks for real people!
and real jeans for women, that don't stretch. Denim is not supposed to do that!


2nd Black Belt
Sep 5, 2012
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Bristol - UK
First quit my job and find a new one that I actually enjoyed doing.

Sort my parents out with whatever they needed.

Put aside a vast amount so that my daughter did not have to want for anything when she is older.

Help friends out.

Take time to relax and watch the world go by, taking note of the small things for a change.

Buy that ideal house and spend more time with my daughter.

Oh and a nice car or 2 or...

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
Stay home
take care of my kids, house and yard
Train the rest of the time
Go to China every now and then as well as other places
And go back and finish that Chinese Studies Degree Life made me stop


Senior Master
Jun 25, 2011
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Money isnt the most important thing? Okay. Sell your computer, sell everything you own, donate the money to charity, and rid yourself of money. Then go live naked under a bridge.

Ill be up here buying a pair of gloves tomorrow, because the nights are cold and id rather be warm.

If money werent a hinderance, id still be getting a pair of gloves tomorrow. I just wouldnt be paying for them. Afterward, id do what i normally do in my spare time all the time. Forever.

Also, presumably some champ would be using the lack of money-based hinderances to research the secrets of immortality. Then i could live that way forever. *nods


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
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The absolute pursuit of money is pointless but in the society we have developed over millennia, sufficient money is an unfortunate necessity. If you believe otherwise travel to a place like Bangladesh to see how people live without money. It is an argument you can only have in a wealthy society.

But having said that, my wife and I worked very long hours for a time to build enough wealth to stop working at a relatively young age. Our plans were partially derailed by the GFC but basically all we do now are the things we want to do. In the Western world it is called early retirement and I can highly recommend it. :)

One thing I do disagree with though is providing for our children's future. Sure, assist them in lots of ways, but if you give too much it may well destroy their ability to develop their full potential.



El Oso de Dios!
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Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
No one has ever accomplished anything of merit or note simply because they wanted to make a lot of money. Real accomplishments come from enthusiasm, drive and vision. Most people who "made a lot of money" did so without even realizing it-the money was a byproduct, and almost never the goal.

Nothing wrong with having a lot of money, though-one less thing to worry about.....:lol:


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
I know that's not what grumpy intended with the question but all I want out of life is my wife back. Sadly, no amount of money or any other resource is going to achieve that so, for me, there is nothing to wish for that would make my existence any better than it is ... except perhaps enough money that I don't have to waste the rest of what I have left working on tasks that don't mean a whole lot to me anymore.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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I know that's not what grumpy intended with the question but all I want out of life is my wife back. Sadly, no amount of money or any other resource is going to achieve that so, for me, there is nothing to wish for in life that would make it any better than it is ... except perhaps enough money that I don't have to waste the rest of what I have left working on tasks that don't mean a whole lot to me anymore.

I suppose it's just paper in the end. This realization must seem particularly bitter when compared with things that are infinitely more precious. My condolences again, Mark. Here's a hug from Hawaii.



Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
Nothing wrong with having a lot of money, though-one less thing to worry about.....:lol:

LOL, but I get the impression that too many people worry about keeping it/getting more of it.

The money does not make happy, the things you can do with it have the potential.....


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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Hard question for me. I am genuinely happy with my life and Id worry large amounts of money would change things too much. I love my job but with money I couldnt do it anymore too tempting for people to sue me if they found out. I also dont want my kids to grow up spoiled brats Id rather them work for a living when they get older. So I guess if I could have anything it would be enough money for my kids to go school and not have loans to pay off and enough for them to get a place to live when they get out of school so they start out a step up. My wifes been re-purposing old furniture she enjoys it and she really wants a store or showroom to sell her items so Id get her a building or store front. Id send my parents on a nice trip and for me Id like a 68 GTO to treat myself


Senior Master
Jun 25, 2011
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The absolute pursuit of money is pointless but in the society we have developed over millennia, sufficient money is an unfortunate necessity.

And prior to that, pillaging was the best way of getting what we needed :)


2nd Black Belt
Sep 5, 2012
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Bristol - UK
I can't remember where I heard it, but it did make a lot of sense: Money can't buy happiness, but it makes it a damn sight easier.

I think in all honesty money can buy you a freedom of sorts. Freedom to pretty much go anywhere at anytime without the consequences of being tied down to work, or not being able to afford it. Freedom to decide on what you want to do, where you want to live, what house or even what food you buy as with enough money there really is not many restrictions or obstacles in place to prevent you from doing so.

But I don't think it can ever truly bring you happiness.

My main reason for why I would want a lot of money would be so that I could quit my current job. I don't dislike it that much, it just isn't much of a challenge or that enjoyable. I also wouldn't not work, I find taking too much time off of work I feel at a loss of what to do, but if I could I would pursue that career or job path that I would like to do, as inevitably, the jobs you really want to do, in the majority, don't pay all that much.

However, in all honesty, if I could remove the millstone from around my neck that is my mortgage, I would truly be a rich man. That is my main monthly expense and without that I would truly have enough money to live comfortably without wanting for much.

And unfortunately money can't give me my health back or that of my mother which is truly what I wish I could fix.