What are you most confident defending against

What are you most confident defending against

  • Grabs and Tackles

  • Pushes

  • Punches

  • Kicks

  • Hugs and Holds

  • Chokes and Locks

  • Weapons

  • Multiple Attacks

Results are only viewable after voting.


It was suggest with my other poll what they pesron felt most confidefending against so here it is.
Kicks for me...I block with head too much other ways. :)
I have to answer chokes and locks again on this one. Even
before taking any M.A. training .. now I've learned very effective
ways to get out of a lot of locks ... before, I'd just try to muscle
out of them.
hummm anyone find the results so far interesting if you look at this one and compare it with the other poll about defenses... everyone was picking multiple attackers yet on this one no one has picked them... just an observation...
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan

hummm anyone find the results so far interesting if you look at this one and compare it with the other poll about defenses... everyone was picking multiple attackers yet on this one no one has picked them... just an observation...

This is why I set up the first poll, and any idea sprang from a comment from another person that prompted the second poll. I have had the theory that most people in Kenpo what ever variety they choose like to use the more elaborate and difficult techniques, but hey are more confident with the more simplistic attacks. I can't wait to see what the results will be like by the end of the month.
Do you feel that your opinion on this changed throughout
your training, or stayed the same?
I'm not sure who you are talking to but as for me...... it definately has changed over the years....... In the beginning I couldn't handle one person doing anything much less multiple....... now It doesn't matter. Skill and knowledge results in greater courage which in turn eases stress and builds confidence.

I asking anyone and everyone .. thanks for replying :)
Well put GD :cool: Hence the saying, "experience and treachery will beat youth and skill" or something to that effect.

Well that 'experience and treachery' stuff sure works for me! LOL
Hee hee hee , doesn't it just! They may be young, and they may be skillful, but I'm a 'baaaad ole putty-tat'! LMAO
Jeesh GD, get with the 21st Century! Those old tanks are totally outa style now! I wear a nifty little black air machine around my neck and ya can barely notice it inside my gi! This may be Canada but it ain't the bush!
I am pretty confident defending against everything except my wifes cooking. I know it is dangerous, and it is usually horrible, but i keep going back everytime she makes something in hopes that it will be better.

Her food is a weapon attack, that gets you form the inside.
Oh you guys and your food. One day I'm gonna haveta cook all you poor blokes some REAL food! When I get my Black Belt GD can throw a party and I'll do the cookin! NO ONE has yet devised a defense against the power of my meals!!! :rofl: