watching black belt classes

And I don't go to class to meditate, I go to learn, and fight. But why does this chick have a black belt if she isn't ready for the class? I still say something is wrong here, and not to point fingers (especially since I have limited info) but the instructor set the tone for the school. Either the class is out of hand, or this girl should not have a black belt. I know that's a black & white way of looking at it, but I call 'em as I see them.

Intersting points. Let's say someone can perform all of the forms, sets, self-defense techniques, sparring techniques, breaking, basics and answer advanced questions about the art. (Or whatever it is you do in your art). If the individual in question can do all of this and pass the test do you not pass them? If this particular woman in question can't hang with the guys so to speak do you not give her the promotion based upon her skills as a martial artist? How would we know what her skills were like on the first day vs. the day she said she really wasn't interested in doing that class? Which by the way is what she really should have said not that it was too violent. I'm just curious on the viewpoints out there.
just because someone is not interested in these types of classes does not mean that they would not be able to defend themselves on the street.

i dont think it would be right to judge someone based on a specific skill. you must look at the whole picture. i know alot of black belts that are not aggressive in class, but they can handle themselves in other situations.

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