watching black belt classes


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
In your school can the lower ranking students watch the black belt classes work out? In my school they don't let you do that.curious .
Sure they can. It's not like there's something secretly secret going on in class. In mine there's a guy that shows up with his notebook and he's wearing a purple belt. The instructor doesn't care because he knows the guy can't participate but parents or other students watch all of the time. This doesn't distract me cause I could care less who is there.
In mine, the lower belts are welcome to not only watch, but participate if they like. The only 'limit' is that that class is for the blackbelts to work on their material, so if youre gonna play ya better be able to keep up.

Black belts hav to train with lower belts...
they hav to work hard here so that lower belt can see n feel what it makes to be BB...
No closed door teaching...
if u need any help my teacher wouldn't mind u helping anytime(even in his free time), i used to go to his house in chill winter around 5.35 Am n used to wake him up so that we can go n practice before class :D if he didn't get up i used to hang up notes(sometimes with faces :D) on his doors
class r basically for 60 minutes but before that everyone r supposed to do warm up for at least 20 minutes

Black belt classes?

You first have to ask if most of the people are worthy of having a black belt. And black belt classes that are as secretive as the CIA gives weird impressions.

Black belt classes IMO should be viewed by everyone. They should even participate if they want to although not getting in the black belts' way.

The only real danger is if they watch and think they can do the techniques just by watching other people do it. And a lot of the times, the technique is bad. To make matters worse, you get no teaching so you're going to have it even worse. It's like thinking you can box Klitschko in Las Vegas because you just studied how he fought against Byrd. Or you trying to do a pile driver because you watched one soap opera episode of the WWF.

But if a lower-ranked student wants to drill with the higher belts and maybe even spar if they don't go full-contact against the lower belts, they can learn a lot.

To learn, you must train with the best
Yes, at my dojang the lower ranking practitioners are allowed to watch the black belts train, but, I've never seen any stick around to do so. :shrug:

I think it's good to let the junior ranks watch so that they can get an idea of what will be expected of them when they do join the BB club.
The Belt only Covers 2 inches of the Behined
The Rest is up To u.

All Belts are Welcome.
In my dojang, all the advanced ranks (from blue on up) train together. But they do have a seperate BB class on wednsdays. That gives the BB's a chance to work on their stuff with people of the same rank. I saw a BB class once, and I hear all the time what goes on in that class. But I work on wednsday nights, so it's hard to watch that night. I don't even know if it's allowed.:shrug:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
In mine, the lower belts are welcome to not only watch, but participate if they like. The only 'limit' is that that class is for the blackbelts to work on their material, so if youre gonna play ya better be able to keep up.


And so it is in Yiliquan training.

Sometimes I can see excluding others from participating in senior level classes (for their own safety), but to keep them from watching? I suppose the argument could be made that you wouldn't want a junior student trying something he/she saw but did not "learn" in a class, and thereby getting injured, but then you'd have to restrict them from watching videos and movies to boot...

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
And so it is in Yiliquan training.

Sometimes I can see excluding others from participating in senior level classes (for their own safety), but to keep them from watching? I suppose the argument could be made that you wouldn't want a junior student trying something he/she saw but did not "learn" in a class, and thereby getting injured, but then you'd have to restrict them from watching videos and movies to boot...


Right again. How are you going to stop them from watching those videos and movies? You just can't.

IMHO, it's still better not to keep it such a big secret, and just let the lower ranks watch so that they'll know what they're in for... :asian:
Originally posted by white belt
Let me guess, the classes are 45-60 minutes in length?

white belt

I don't understand who this was directed to or what it means. Elaborate if you like.

I think it the Journey that Mr. Hebler or Mr. Sullivan said that they used to close the doors for the Black Belt workouts and no one was allowed to watch because they didn't want to scare off the new people.

I've heard new students comment "I could never do that..." so I think I understand their point.

I agree with Yiliquan1 that you can't keep someone from seeing something so that is not a good reason to exclude them from watching a workout. Besides, if you your students at your school don't know that they might not be able to do or perhaps should not even try to do everything they see then there is a teaching deficiency. The Head Instructor should know his students well enough to know if they can "hurt themselves" by watching a class.

I can see both sides of the issue. In my original studio you had to get an invitation to come and watch. In my current school the Black Belts don't have a dedicated workout so they are in with the Brown Belts anyway, sort of like having your goal right in front of you, but if they did have their own class I'd imagine that anyone could come and watch if they did not interfere.

I was invited to watch some Black Belt private lessons for a while and I volunteered to take notes for them. I took over 50 pages of notes through Purple Belt I think. They were reviewing etc, but eventually they asked me to join them and I kept up but it was not my class to ask questions... I just participated and it was a great experience.
Dave Hebler told me once that they used to have exclusive black belt classes back in the day where they would lock the doors and no one but browns and blacks could get in. Mostly to keep the material secret, because back then the EPAK was newer, but also because they used to be violent as hell and people watching were really upset and often they lost students because of it.

I asked him one day why they locked the doors, to keep people out? He told me also to keep people IN...
In my school anyone can watch the bb class. My old classmates watch from time to time to see what they are going for, and sometimes the beginners will stick around. My training partner & I, along with a couple of others at times, come in 2 hours early to stretch & work out, practice, etc. So we sometimes point out to a admiring white belt how that technique they are working on is right here in this kata, that they are learning the foundation now, and will build on it every day. I hope that is encouraging.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Dave Hebler told me once that they used to have exclusive black belt classes back in the day where they would lock the doors and no one but browns and blacks could get in. Mostly to keep the material secret, because back then the EPAK was newer, but also because they used to be violent as hell and people watching were really upset and often they lost students because of it.

I asked him one day why they locked the doors, to keep people out? He told me also to keep people IN...
If every person who ran a school had that attitude, then there would be no talk on McDojos, etc.
Originally posted by GouRonin
I asked him one day why they locked the doors, to keep people out? He told me also to keep people IN...

This reminds me of the movie A Bronx Tale. When the bikers go into the bar and the owner locks the door and tells them now they cant' leave.:rofl: And yes. This would eliminate all of the crap teaching out there.
lower ranks in my school can watch a black belt class. they are not able to participate unless they will be testing soon.

i think BB classes are good. sometimes you dont get a chance to go over the advanced material when there are different ranks on the floor.:karate: