Using the Clock to help direct our Motion


Black Belt
Founding Member
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
I am starting to get the idea this might be a bit
out dated now.
I mean we live in the digital age and all.
Ask your children's class to run, say clockwise, or counter clockwise, see what happens.
Heck, even the adults have a lot of trouble with it.
There are a lot of children out there now who can not even tell time using a clock face.
So, is this another sign of Social decay, and do we need to do something about this?
Or, do WE need to move on, become even more creative, and go with the flow, so to speak, and come up with something new and or 'better'?
Something to think about anyway!

We need to keep the clock principle alive. If I say step out to 45 degrees you have 8 choices, where there is only 1:30. I used a sheet of foam bard and vinyl numbers to make a clock to teach childrens class. I had it as part of the yellow belt requirements and many of the parents were quite pleased with the results.

There are a lot of drills you can use to teach the clock principle and to keep it fun for the kids. I don't see myself ever replacing it with anything else.
I agree with Rob, keep the clock principle alive. We have out of date round mechanical clocks on the walls to help with visual aids if needed by any of the students.

The clock princple is a great training tool! Sorta the yin/yang in the bing/bang of it all. Yet, if one would consider it in the more technical aspect; the clock can always become an elastic half-space. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

We need to keep the clock principle alive. If I say step out to 45 degrees you have 8 choices, where there is only 1:30.

I think that says it all.