Does anyone have a favorite weapon ...if so why..?


I love traditional Chinese Weapons...... I have an extensive collection....

spear (lots of fun)
wolf tooth mace (looks like a hemoroid remover)lol
Monks spade
Searn do
Darn do
hook swords (another fav)
butterfly knives
Crescent Spear... (one of my fav's)
Thundering Hammers
Battle Axes
rope Darts
deer horn swords
Fire wind wheels
and a whole lot more

of course I have all the Japanese/Okinawan traditionals as well.... nunchaku, sai, kama, tonfa, staff, etc.

I have done many in tournaments and have been quite successful. How bout you.
For tournaments....... the Saber (Darn do) has been the most successful.
too many to choose from to pick just one lol... my top picks would be three section staff... nine section steel whip... monks spade... katana... kama... and anything from the jutte family of weapons... love the chinese weapons got to love the creativity it took to come up with those weapons
We must think alike I love the 3 sectional staff..... Eric Lee showed me some with that and Douglas Wong. I also like the others you mentioned

that is so awesome... eric lee and douglas wong are incredible... i have a 10 foot long wall of MA weapons and im stilling adding to it lol im lucky enough to have a few 6th and 7th dan friends in varying styles of praying mantis that i get to work with on them... i love the challenge and the variety of chinese weapons... plus if your going to compete nothing wows the judges more than a well performed 3 section staff set or a nine section whip set
quite a few friends....... for the chain whip Y.C. Wong is great. of course Douglas's white lotus system does all the cool weapons. Al Leong and James Lew are friends....... I also used to talk a bit wioth Anthony Chan and Brendan Lai (praning Mantis) and who could forget Al Knovak! lol I miss going to San Fran on a regular basis. lol

lol man thats pretty cool wish i could say i knew some of the big key players in the arts but i know very few the only ones i know are david deaton dale kirby and seung yui shin... lol of course you have been at this alot longer than i have lol by the way GD7 did you happen to see my post asking if anyone knew of any Kenpo schools or instructors in the Nashville Tn area? i figured if anyone would know it would probably be you
You caught me on a good day! :lol:

My favorite weapons, in order of utility and functionality are:
1. Glock Model 22 .40 cal with laser sight and two 15 round clips.
2. Auto Ordinanced .45 cal
3. S&W .357 magnum with 2.5 inch barrel
4. Shaolin Sabre
5. Tai Chi Swords.
6. Chinese throwing stars

I like the first three because they take very little effort. I like the last three because they take so much effort.

Dan ":mp5:" Farmer
It depends. I love to play with a few weapons- particularly the okinawan weapons because I always have! I didn't learn an appreciation for the Kali sticks until I trained in Kenpo- and they remain my fave, for the reasons that they become extensions of your arms and they are practical.

I love the kama, sai, and nunchaku because they are so beautiful in practice! The motion is incomparable, with the exception of the Chinese weapons (in which I have no experience). I had my beginnings in Okinawan Karate, and I will always love those weapons even if they are not practical. I think the shuriken is a total waste of time, other than to play darts with- it would have to be coated with curare to be effective in a situation!

My current toys of choice are the long staff and the Kali sticks. (And I do consider them toys, because I would be more comfortable defending myself with my bare hands)

well mondern weapons would have to be...

1. Colt 1991A1 government model .45
2. Beretta 92FS 9mm
3. Colt M-16A2... and yes i mean the M-16 not the cheap knock
offs known as AR-15's
4. SKS
5. M1 Garand
6. Pistol Grip 12 Gauge
I don't have any ancient weapons at all.

I have a pair of escrima sticks, 24" long I believe and a pair of modern nunchaku with ball bearings and chain.

Modern weapons of choice - Browning Hi-Power 9mm

That's all I have really, and I work for the post office, the most heavely armed civilians in the world :rofl:

I love my bo(understated elegance and power)
spear (same a bo with a neat poits and tassles)
kama ( they demand patience)
sai (shiny)
Gil Hibben Kenpo 1 knife (My wife bought it for my birthday)

I salivate when I see my three sectional staff(not sure if it is because I love working with it or from hitting myself in the head too manytimes)

But my favorite is my chinese hook swords (they look cool, and make you focus on what you are doing more than any other weapon I have listed)

As for a modern weapon to get the neighbor to turn down their stereo I like an RPG,( it makes a big noise)
lol rob i have to agree that kama's and tiger hook swords are very demanding and require great attention other wise you end up in a hospital or a morgue... but have you tried a nine section steel whip??? now that takes extreme concentration on wrong move and you end up with a spike imbedded in you or your skull cracked open not a very forgiving weapon lol id much rather be cut lol
Originally posted by TLH3rdDan

lol rob i have to agree that kama's and tiger hook swords are very demanding and require great attention other wise you end up in a hospital or a morgue... but have you tried a nine section steel whip??? now that takes extreme concentration on wrong move and you end up with a spike imbedded in you or your skull cracked open not a very forgiving weapon lol id much rather be cut lol

I would love to play with a 9 section steel whip but they are illegal Ontario as many weapons are, so I have been limited in my exposure to the truly fun weapons.
if you ever get down to Tennessee look me up and ill let ya mess around with my collection of weapons lol
I could use a little help here on what some of these weapons look like.

What's a Quando spear look like? Searn Do & Darn Do?

And when I saw Thundering Hammers, I thought you were talking about the CD :D

Originally posted by Klondike93

I could use a little help here on what some of these weapons look like.

What's a Quando spear look like? Searn Do & Darn Do?

And when I saw Thundering Hammers, I thought you were talking about the CD :D


Cappi's singing can be considered a weapon at times. At least he's not playing horse shoes on the CD.
quando or kwan dao... a 5 foot long staff with a 2 foot long blade at one end and a steel spike at the other... darn do or darn dao i believe is a straight double edged sword... searn do im not familiar with at all... thundering hammers or golden melon hammers... well a little hard to describe but they are brutal hehe ill try to post some pics of them all

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