need some help


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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some of you may know that i have been working at a mcdonalds for the last two months. well earlier today (11 am local time) i had to work. no big deal. well, when i got there, i was asked to temp at anouther one (not sure why). well, at 4 local time one of my co-workers (from my acctule store) came and gave me a ride back (i was needed). so when i get there all is good and fine. until 7.
then i asked a manager named ashley if i could take my break (if you did the math then you would notice that was 8 hours). she freaked out and after a minute of yelling at me she said fine. now, we get (in addiition to 5.50 an hour) one free meal and one half off. she gave me a half off, even though i didn't have my free yet. still, no problem really.
know i actully clocked out at 707. i wolfed down a big mac meal, and took a leak (sorry, but it is relivent). as i'm running back to the break room, ashley freaks and yells at me "JOHN!! ARE YOU EVER GOING TO CLOCK BACK ON!?!?". i calmly replied "i clocked out at 707, it's 724, i'll be back on in just a sec."
AND THEN IT HAPPENED! she says under her breath "i don't know why i even care. you don't even do anything, when you're on". i stopped dead in tracks. i just stood there for a moment, thinking to myself 'know did she just call me lazy? i think she did. well that's it! i've had it.' i get back to te break room and decide, i'm going to quite, unless that nut job appologises.
a little back story is that the two of us haven't liked each other since i started. i don't know why. she just doesn't like meand she has driven others to quite also.
anyways. so i go out, intending to give it to her. and there is a costumer. and no matter what, i refuse to do this in front of a costumer. so i go back, take my shirt off, and sit down for a moment. then i go out and tell her "alright, i'm leaving. and don't expect to ever see me again. because i QUITE!!" and just walked outside and sat down. i don't have a car, so was waiting for my ride.
in the mean time a costumer (who seemed really nice) askes me if i was off, and i told him i quite, and the story. and he tells me, after checking that his family wasn't in ear shoot, "i agree with you man. that's bull ..." and one of my coworkers who hasn't started yet tells me that only reason she hasn't quite is beacuse she has too much to pay for to quite, because ashley is a nut to her also.
was i justified in quitting? it's been bugging me. sorry.

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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My advice at this point is to get a friend that you can ask a favor of and just use him/her to vent for a while. It does not matter if they can do anything or not. Just have them listen as you let your feelings out. It can do wonders. The internet is not nearly as good.

Then come back and look at the situation from a position of being more calm and knowing that you have friends in your corner. Don't try to make any choices while your are still upset over the matter.


Black Belt
Jul 30, 2004
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Rochester, NY
-Often it is not the job itself that drives us to madness, rather the people we work with. Having someone to vent to is quite important, even for those of us who are usually on the recieving end. I willingly lend an ear to many people for the express purpose of letting off steam. For some reason, I can take a fair amount of verbal abuse; helps when it's not directed at me;-) More importantly, I would complain to the management at the next level, or even go corporate against your direct supervisor. Its a situation like this where often nobody will speak up and the problem persists. However, should you be able to get other employees who have also quit or are otherwise unhappy with the supervisor's performance together, you can present a strong case to have her removed.

-I did it once with a few others when I first started working security several years ago. It took awhile to pull it off but finally the head office removed the supervisor. Many good officers had left because of him and it made for an unhealthy, aggravating workplace. Course, all they did was move him to another site that paid more money but thats management for you. Always using their brains and thinking ahead...just like our government.

-Hope you find a satisfying conclusion to all this.



Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 13, 2005
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Saint Cloud, Florida
I agree with Don at this point. However, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have shown any anger and as soon as I heard her say that I would have quickly and coldly confronted her about it and asked that she explain herself. I would have insisted she detail exactly what she means. If it is in fact unfounded I would then let her know I am reporting her behavior to her manager, immediately, then proceed to do exactly I told her.

At this point it is a little late. If she is on a power trip then someone is going to have to calmly take her task on her comments, rather than get upset and leave. Otherwise, she will continue to run people off.


May 17, 2004
Reaction score
The Canuckistan Plains
This type of behaviour is commonplace in the foodservice industry. Employees of quality, especially those suited to management roles generally tend to move on to better places in short time. Because foodservice is challenging work for very little pay, it isn't particularly attractive to good quality people who have demonstrated the ability to work well with others. That's why it is important to cultivate a good work ethic, and try to move on from those types of jobs. They tend to be unenjoyable places to work.

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
Reaction score
This type of behaviour is commonplace in the foodservice industry. Employees of quality, especially those suited to management roles generally tend to move on to better places in short time. Because foodservice is challenging work for very little pay, it isn't particularly attractive to good quality people who have demonstrated the ability to work well with others. That's why it is important to cultivate a good work ethic, and try to move on from those types of jobs. They tend to be unenjoyable places to work.

Having started my work experience in such a place, I could not agree more. The common workers are all over the specturm from the best to the worst of society. But those that end up working there long enough to make it to management don't seem to have a snowball's chance in hell of making it in anything else.

The main purpose of jobs like that seem to be to show that you can handle it and move on to a better job. No one will hire you if you don't have work experience except the fast food industry it seems. Once you put in the time to show you can show up for work on time, get orders right and work well with other people, get your resumes out ASAP.


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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If your manager is being abusive, then speak with the chief manager at the restaurant, and if that falls on deaf ears, speak with the district manager. It doesn't matter if you work there or not.


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Man, I've been busy latey. I haven't had time to update this. Last Wednesday I went in to tell one of the other managers I quite (in case they didn't know), turn in my uniform, and tell them what happened. They do, after all, deserve to know. I didn't get to explain (dinner rush after all). So I'm going in on friday (I can pick up my last paycheck at the same time). I do feel better. I don't really want her fired, in fact I think she has ten year some how. I really just want to make sure that everyone else is aware that she is doing this. And that she has driven at least one good worker to leave also. And on atleast one occasion she kicked out a costumer for asking if he could be served. Theres a story behind me knowing that.
I feel alot better now. i've also told a freind of mine named Ashli (irony I know). When I finished, she just looked at me for a moment, slack jawed and with a blank look on her face. Finally she says "YOU!?! She called YOU lazy!?! What was she stoned or something?" Now this girl has seen me help teach 2 classes and do my homework at the same time. And on more the a few occasions. She has also seen about four people takeing turns insulting and threating me. With the amount of abusse she has seen me take, I don't quite blame her for being so amazed.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my mindless rant. And for those who are intrested, I don't plan on applying anywere until summer. And not to a fast food joint if I can help it.

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