USA TKD Junior Olympics

Rick J said:
This is more for next year, around what time is the site for the Junior Olympics announced/decided upon? Our Grand Master asked my 2 kids to go this year but the wife and I decided to hold them out for one more year. IMO they need more tournament experience before going to the big dance. They will be 8 and 10 next year and with the experience of 5 or 6 tournaments they should be ready for next summer. On the down side of that, both will be 1st Poom by then so their competition will be tougher than what it would be this year.

Take Care and Good Luck, we do have one competitor from our school going this year, he's 11 and will be in the Green Belt Elite Open class.

Hopefully your kids won't have their Kukikwon certificates, so that they can compete at 1st Gup level. If not I'd wait until they have enough competition at the black belt level before going to nationals it's a big step up.
I m gonna be in the junior olympics but ill be in the one for AAU
yea we also do the AAU jr olympics it is right next door thank god des moines was a drive for us. see yea there
One young man from our school, Zachary Holtgrewe, went to the Jr Olympics competing in the 10-11 Green Belt Open division, he won Gold in Forms doing Taeguk 4. We haven't heard his sparring results yet but we're just happy Zack was successful.

Anyway, just wanted to share some good news about one of the competitors.

Take Care,

Rick Jenson
Belleville, IL
TX_BB said:
Hopefully your kids won't have their Kukikwon certificates, so that they can compete at 1st Gup level. If not I'd wait until they have enough competition at the black belt level before going to nationals it's a big step up.
TX_BB, I was worried about this issue as they may be testing for BB before the next Jr Olympics. Since they're kids I may hold them up until they do get more experience. The other kids they train with will reach BB first if I hold them back and that will be tough for them to handle so if I do slow them down, I hope they understand the reasons why. OTOH, since they're 9 and 7 right now, they have plenty of time before they would need to compete nationally. Also, plenty of tournaments would get them used to pressure and the waiting that competitors go thru. I'll have to consult with GM Park and see what he recommends for next year as well.

Take Care,

Rick Jenson
Belleville IL
Well another Jr Olympics we has a whole did a great job with holding the school honor we only came back with three medals but the experience that they got will be forever. On a sidenote Rick J if your childern are trained they will be able to handle the pressure and de just fine in there respected division me and TX BB are good friends and I believe he would say the same thing as far as tournaments goes. Treat it as another tourny and they will be fine.

Terry Lee Stoker
terryl965 said:
Well another Jr Olympics we has a whole did a great job with holding the school honor we only came back with three medals but the experience that they got will be forever. On a sidenote Rick J if your childern are trained they will be able to handle the pressure and de just fine in there respected division me and TX BB are good friends and I believe he would say the same thing as far as tournaments goes. Treat it as another tourny and they will be fine.

Terry Lee Stoker
Thanks the for encouragement Terry. I spoke with Zack's Mom last night about the tournament and sparring in particular. Now, she does have 3 1/2 years involvement in TKD with Zach, who was in an ITF school for 3 years before moving to GM Park, so I would think she understands most of what goes on. Anyway, she was telling me that the sparring at the JO's was brutal. She said that an excessive number of competitors were injured, some to the point of being carried away on a stretcher - this in the age groups of 11 and below. She also mentioned that the girls were even more aggressive than the boys. Now I wasn't there so I can't confirm or refute but she made it sound that unless the kids at our school (my two as well as a couple more) get way more aggressive they'll have their butts handed to them. What's ironic is that my boy began at 8 years old and he was all over his opponent but GM Park has stressed more strategy and counter attacks versus straight out assaults like he did before.

Anyway Terry, if you wouldn't mind posting your impressions of the sparring intensity I'd sure appreciate it.


Belleville, IL

Congrats to you and your kids. They should be proud. The experience is worth so much more than the medals. Hopefully, next year school will end before the tournament and I'll get to meet you.

*Slightly Off Topic*
Yong-In is hosting an international tournament at DePaul University this October. Being so close, maybe you can make it. It's definately a worth while tournament.

Sorry, carry on...

*On Topic*
Well agree the 14-17 years old was brutal at times but the elite division was evenly matched for the most part. I know everybody has there opion on this matter but in reality it is up to you as parents and your instructor GM Park to decide. I know for myself and my school even if you lose the experience is wroth the time and effort. Olympic style sparrers tend to try and counter for the most part as with the ITF it go and attack we do both Olympic and point sparring through the AAU and USAT is just that Olympic if they kick they will stay in a match and if they wait they will be become counter fighters in Olympic style.Terry L Stoker
P.S. thanks for the support Gemini it's not about the medals at this age it is about experience for the future, of course my three son's did not place in this tournament but they did a great job coming in the top of there divisions, my 6 yr. old did great lost 13-10 but got 10 points he keep starring at the score broad and then getting hit. We did have three that medal from the school and one was TX BB youngest he got a bronze he is 7 just got tired the last match but he did a fine job.
Congratulations Terry to your students as well as all of those whose students competed.

Congrats to your students Terry. I know your sons will become better because of the experience. Typical of that age, to look at the scoreboard or get distracted then pow. Also congrats to others who competed. TW

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