Tradional and Modern



I agree with the post that even if they ravel diffrent paths.For the most part Modern and Tradional are heading to the same place.
I also feel there is to much argument between both sides.
I think that if people could set aside this squabble over this is better and that is better. And view both sides of the arts as a way of learning. The martial arts as a whole would grately improve.
Not only that but it would also improve ones fighting skills emensely.
Bruce Lee said it best use what works for you and discard what dosnt.
If tradional and modern martial artist would get past the debate of this is better and that is better.
And see that martial arts as a whole is simply knowledge.
The fact that what works for one may not work for another dosnt mean its better or worse It simply means the knowledge was viewed and used diffrently.
Martial arts Tradional and Modern is just knowledge how we learn it and how we use it and how its taught is what makes it good or bad.Being modern or tradional does not...Just my thoughts..........
Originally posted by SteelShadow
I agree with the post that even if they ravel diffrent paths.For the most part Modern and Tradional are heading to the same place.
I also feel there is to much argument between both sides.
I think that if people could set aside this squabble over this is better and that is better. And view both sides of the arts as a way of learning. The martial arts as a whole would grately improve.
Not only that but it would also improve ones fighting skills emensely.
Bruce Lee said it best use what works for you and discard what dosnt.
If tradional and modern martial artist would get past the debate of this is better and that is better.
And see that martial arts as a whole is simply knowledge.
The fact that what works for one may not work for another dosnt mean its better or worse It simply means the knowledge was viewed and used diffrently.
Martial arts Tradional and Modern is just knowledge how we learn it and how we use it and how its taught is what makes it good or bad.Being modern or tradional does not...Just my thoughts..........
Good post
But what makes a martial art modern? What makes a martial art traditional?

I completely agree with you however, but I feel people are to busy trying to define what they are doing rather than just doing it.
Well for the most part i think the diffrence in terms is this
(modern)For the most part is attached to systems of mixed martial arts or systems that are more street oriented.
And also alot of hybrid sytems or eclectic systems use the term to describe there not using katas.
(traditional)on the other hand is just that they teach the traditions behind the art and the katas and tend to lean more towards the old ways.And also (even if its not the case)tradional schools are more associated with the tournement aspect of martial arts.Like i said I know its not always the case but to alot of the general public the tradional schools seem more tournement oriented.

This post was in no way meant to discredit tradional arts or say they arnt good self defense.I believe all arts have value traditional or modern.It was simply my oppion on what the diffrences of the terms modern and tradional are..
Originally posted by SteelShadow

I think that if people could set aside this squabble over this is better and that is better.

This I agree with.

And view both sides of the arts as a way of learning. The martial arts as a whole would grately improve.
Not only that but it would also improve ones fighting skills emensely.

Don't agree with. There is no way you can take it all in and then evaluate what to choose and discard. You'll start from day 1 evaluating what your doing, and problebly be discarding things you'll pick up later, and doing things you'll discard later. The only way to shorten this learning process is to listen/trust people who've either done something, or who pratice an art that has a "record". But that means you'll have to set aside your ego to learn, and this is were the debate starts... ;)

Bruce Lee said it best use what works for you and discard what dosnt.

Ahh, now the problem starts... To be able to discard, how can one define when a person can do this? If it dosen't work for me, and I've tried it for 10 times, shoudl I discard it? Or 10 years?
I never understood this. It's simple one way logic. But that doesn't mean that it's logical the other way around= what you discard will not work for you. Therefor you'll always be discarding something you'll be needing.

And see that martial arts as a whole is simply knowledge.

Another problem; to have knowledge is to know why and why not. To evaluate is part of knowledge. You can't have knowledge without evaluating the knowledge you've learned.Another part of it is that to understand knowledge you have to have a fixation point or there will be no understanding. Therefor you'll start to evaluating things as 'better' or 'worse' for yourself.

Martial arts Tradional and Modern is just knowledge how we learn it and how we use it and how its taught is what makes it good or bad.

true, but as long as people have differnt views they will have diffrent views, and the discussions will follow. It's in the natur of man. It's the karma of life.

Even if I agree with you the direction your pointing I don't think it's that simple, because life isn't like that. And if life is to be like that I'm asking people to change their minds, and how can I say my idea is better than anothers?

I'll stop now, and tell you I'm happy you wrote this. It's a good thread about this, and I'm not trying to disrespect you or convince you of anything else. Just using your input to tell about mine (and why).

Take care

traditional to me is much like doing it in a age old i m learning in same way my teacher hav learnt it from his teacher n he too learned that way ... so it's my tradition which wouldnm't mind to follow because i know wat my teacher is capable of or wat my teacher's teacher is capable of...or better wat i m capable of...
to me wat is modern? anything which is new or discoverd ...
re-discovering is not a modern from any sort... so wat else is modern in MA? BJJ or MMA or JKD, systema etc etc ...don't u think ppl hav just applied their knowledge n extended some system...
how could that be modern... if they hav found something new ie.. hand granades disarms, ak 47 defense :D ;) :p then i'll call it modern
things will change surely with the passage of time it's due to nature...
about discarding or not i 'll agree with Yari's point...
how could u discard just some techniques because it doesn't work for u?
well it's better that u should discard the thigns u can't make it work because it would be worthless teaching someone that crap... but does that mean that discarded tech doesn't work for everyone?u cannot be sure of that...
so if i m learning a style which will hav things that didn't work for me i won't discard it..i practiced to utmost perfection n later may be i won't care about that but i'll teach my students may be someone of them make it work for themselves...
the prob is ppl just consider too much traditional as kata's, long lineages, old masters etc etc...which i think starts this troubles with traditional n Modern
If a MA is going to be traditional then it should be so in discipline, traditions, rituals, additudes, but not in techniques and ideologies. If a system does not change to the times and with it and other system it becomes stagnent, a dinosar. Even in my system of traditional Hapkido, it is in mindset, not techniques. By defenition traditional HKD is an eclectic progressive system that changes and adapts to other arts and the times. All system shoud be the same unless they want to become nothing more than a show, a ballet of the MA.