Told you I’d rant again.

All of these that have been posted are exactly what I am talking about, with the possible exception of saving money on your car insurance :), but that may also be part of it too. And all of the things you feel have been effected by MA training are important.

Obviously some of us, myself included, got into MA to be able to fight, or do what you saw on TV, or to become dangerous. But I would hope that somewhere along the way a Martial Artists realizes that there is so much more to martial arts than being able to beat up everyone in the room. That Martial arts impacts the life of the practitioner in may other very good ways.

As to which is gooder or more better it ain't not no problem either way. :)

Thanks for the responses so far.

Now has anyone else feel that have had experience with something positive they were able to accomplish because of their martial arts training?"

Xue Sheng,

Great thread! I trained in TKD for a little while when I was younger and ended up as one of those weird kids. Personally, I love it but not everyone agreed/agrees. :D A couple of positive experiences I had that I think may have been from my martial arts training were:

1. Was at a gun/sword shop with a friend where we were drooling over some katanas. Something started to feel really wrong. Then something felt so wrong that I had to get us out of there immediately - which was really freaking out, and slightly pissing off, my friend. 5 minutes after we'd pulled away, the guy who'd just robbed the store next door is making his escape and blows the face off of a grandmother that had happened to be walking towards the store that he was running from. She fell right in front of the store I'd been in. It was messy.

2. I was getting ready to go hang out at a shopping mall and had that same bad feeling again. I decided to stay home. About 2 hours later, there was a live story of a guy freaking out and killing a bunch of people at the food court I would've been at before being killed, himself, by the police.

** "Anything at all be it wining a contest, getting the job, helping a child, getting healthier and being a better person for it or to saving a life, anything at all."

I think many of the aspects I've picked up along the way have enabled me to do all of these things.


Fu Bag

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