Senior Master
Last night was a self defense class in the dojan, we practiced SD againts kinife atacks, we practice the defense against a trusting knife to the stomach, a trusting knife upside down o the head and slashing to the neck.
In one demostration the sambunim used his son (a very tall and slender kid, boy he's resembles me in the golen days) and asked to perform a slashin to the neck, sambunim bloqued and graved the atackin hand (the one that has the knive) and deliver a good elbow to the face of his son, the kid didn't seet it come and SLAM!!!! the kid did not dodge or rotate and even the elbow was controled by sambunim his son got the blow in the mouth. Yes the kid was hurt, the sambunim apoligiced to his son, take care of the bleeding and all.
Afther class I stayed with the sambunim's son and Roberto and has a chat about the use of the knife an show them how dificult is to defend against a good knife atacker, I told the kids that' the first thing to do and to do well is to grab the atacker wrist and control the hand that has the knife then quickly deliver a good blow and disarm or perform an arm lock (elbow and/or wrist) or take down to the oponet diarming him/her.
I use AikiDo movements to perform the proyection,take dows moves disarmin the guy using the knive and the guys were amazed.
The class was good and only performed one single kick, a low kick to the groin to help to control the atacker.
TKD is not onli kiks, no sir, is much more, I liked the class.
In one demostration the sambunim used his son (a very tall and slender kid, boy he's resembles me in the golen days) and asked to perform a slashin to the neck, sambunim bloqued and graved the atackin hand (the one that has the knive) and deliver a good elbow to the face of his son, the kid didn't seet it come and SLAM!!!! the kid did not dodge or rotate and even the elbow was controled by sambunim his son got the blow in the mouth. Yes the kid was hurt, the sambunim apoligiced to his son, take care of the bleeding and all.
Afther class I stayed with the sambunim's son and Roberto and has a chat about the use of the knife an show them how dificult is to defend against a good knife atacker, I told the kids that' the first thing to do and to do well is to grab the atacker wrist and control the hand that has the knife then quickly deliver a good blow and disarm or perform an arm lock (elbow and/or wrist) or take down to the oponet diarming him/her.
I use AikiDo movements to perform the proyection,take dows moves disarmin the guy using the knive and the guys were amazed.
The class was good and only performed one single kick, a low kick to the groin to help to control the atacker.
TKD is not onli kiks, no sir, is much more, I liked the class.