TKD is strong


Senior Master
Last night was a self defense class in the dojan, we practiced SD againts kinife atacks, we practice the defense against a trusting knife to the stomach, a trusting knife upside down o the head and slashing to the neck.

In one demostration the sambunim used his son (a very tall and slender kid, boy he's resembles me in the golen days) and asked to perform a slashin to the neck, sambunim bloqued and graved the atackin hand (the one that has the knive) and deliver a good elbow to the face of his son, the kid didn't seet it come and SLAM!!!! the kid did not dodge or rotate and even the elbow was controled by sambunim his son got the blow in the mouth. Yes the kid was hurt, the sambunim apoligiced to his son, take care of the bleeding and all.

Afther class I stayed with the sambunim's son and Roberto and has a chat about the use of the knife an show them how dificult is to defend against a good knife atacker, I told the kids that' the first thing to do and to do well is to grab the atacker wrist and control the hand that has the knife then quickly deliver a good blow and disarm or perform an arm lock (elbow and/or wrist) or take down to the oponet diarming him/her.

I use AikiDo movements to perform the proyection,take dows moves disarmin the guy using the knive and the guys were amazed.

The class was good and only performed one single kick, a low kick to the groin to help to control the atacker.

TKD is not onli kiks, no sir, is much more, I liked the class.

Right on target, Manny.

A well-simulated knife attack, or an attack with some other weapon, is a wonderfully sobering kind of exercise to put yourself through, because it leaves you with so small a margin of error. The techs you use must be fast, effective and safe, without an awful lot of complexity or flash. I suspect that under those kinds of conditions, a lot of seemingly very different MAs will start looking an awful lot like each other. Apart from certain fundamental strategic differences, the contrast among different MA styles is probably more emphasized the further away you get from very awkward RL situations of danger.
Manny this is what IO have been peaching for years on deaf ears, most people only see a tidbit of real TKD because of the sport side of it. Welcome to the world of TKD.
That's why I love MA, TKD and SD. When I do SD with the kids I'am a rough man, I mean I do all the punches,grabs,take downs,arm locks,etc,etc, at full speed and hard but with CONTROL so the kids can feel how is to be atacked by a large man. The kids (mostly 15 to 19) have to block my punch and have to take me down quick and hard cause I will not be a doll trying to get them. My classmates really understand it because I told them in street the things occur pretty fast and without a warning and... if they can control a big grown man in the dojan there is a chance they can control a scum bag in the steet or a bully in the school, but please read this CONTROL this is the key.

The thing is, at least Roberto has understand this and now is taking me more effort to try to pin him to the floor, he does not give up so easily, he fights and try to break my arm locks and it's pretty fun cause he's learning how to deal with it.

I know a good kick can be devastating, but is not a quick as a punch and there are some scenarios were a kicks is almost imposible to perform, cause timing,cause reach, cause is too close, here you have to use your hands to punch,to block, to grab.

In the SD class I told you before I showed the kids how even with an X's block (where the hands perform an X to block and then grab the knive hand) one can be seriusly cut (wrist,arteries and that) and how to try to grab the offending arm. Also I cut some times the kids showing them two points: a) You can be cut no matter how fast you are is the technik is not good or out of timing and b) things hapens pretty fast.

Terry, this is the kind of TKD we have to recover, is worthless for a kid to be an exelente head kicker (olimpic style TKD) if he/she can't defend in the streets cause he/she does not know how to deflect a blow, or a stab, or does not have any clue how to take advantage of space and time. Can you imaging a kid who is confident in he can kick flashy and be beaten by a BULLY in school cause he does know nothing of SD?

Clasic TKD is what has to be teach in the dojans, equally to Olimpic TKD at least.


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