Those dam quotes


Senior Master
May 12, 2002
Reaction score
Southern California

BB: Do you feel that Parker named you the IKKA's executive vice-president because he felt you were his most knowledgeable assistant?

PLANAS: There are probably several reasons why the old man (Parker) chose me. He used to get mad at me for teaching too much and for teaching some people material that he didn't want them to know. After that, when I did a seminar, I would clear with the o ld man what he did and didn't want me to teach. There was a lot of material I know he didn't cover with certain people. The reasons why he selectively taught this way, we'll probably never know.

First of all...this is an excellent article, but dated. It doesn't make some of it any less relevant but some it needs a context. An example is that Huk no longer is with the WKKA. But everyone ought to read it.

Originally posted by Doc
BB: Do you feel that Parker named you the IKKA's executive vice-president because he felt you were his most knowledgeable assistant?

PLANAS: There are probably several reasons why the old man (Parker) chose me. He used to get mad at me for teaching too much and for teaching some people material that he didn't want them to know. After that, when I did a seminar, I would clear with the o ld man what he did and didn't want me to teach. There was a lot of material I know he didn't cover with certain people. The reasons why he selectively taught this way, we'll probably never know.

In the same article Mr. Planas also says, "Kenpo is nothing but principles of motion."


"Everyone wanted to be Mr. Parker's right-hand man. He told many people things that led them to believe they were going to be put in certain positions or given certain roles within the organization. He often told people what they wanted to hear and led people to believe that he was teaching them when he really wasn't. I would hear how certain people claimed to have taken private lessons with Mr. Parker for years. So I would watch them and think to myself that if they had taken privates, they hadn't learned anything. I would then talk to the old man about these people and he would tell me what was really going on. There are lots of people Mr. Parker didn't want to teach, and didn't teach, although they thought they were being taught by him. Basically, he would give them the runaround.

One of the most relevant parts of it for me was, "No one is ever going to fill the old man's shoes. He is going to be bigger in death than he was in life."

It's an interesting article.

All around.
Originally posted by GouRonin

First of all...this is an excellent article, but dated. It doesn't make some of it any less relevant but some it needs a context. An example is that Huk no longer is with the WKKA. But everyone ought to read it.

In the same article Mr. Planas also says, "Kenpo is nothing but principles of motion."


"Everyone wanted to be Mr. Parker's right-hand man. He told many people things that led them to believe they were going to be put in certain positions or given certain roles within the organization. He often told people what they wanted to hear and led people to believe that he was teaching them when he really wasn't. I would hear how certain people claimed to have taken private lessons with Mr. Parker for years. So I would watch them and think to myself that if they had taken privates, they hadn't learned anything. I would then talk to the old man about these people and he would tell me what was really going on. There are lots of people Mr. Parker didn't want to teach, and didn't teach, although they thought they were being taught by him. Basically, he would give them the runaround.

One of the most relevant parts of it for me was, "No one is ever going to fill the old man's shoes. He is going to be bigger in death than he was in life."

It's an interesting article.

All around.

I agree context is important, that is why I let people read the whole thing for themselves. It says many things about how Parker did things, and Planas' perspectives. Not meant to prove or disprove anything but to show there is much diversity and where some fall within that patchwork.

Aren't you pictured in Infinite Insights Books 3, 4 and 5?

And is that you in Book 5 on pg 181 pictured clearly as a 6th, the same rank as Mr. Trejo is wearing on pg 173?

I had not really looked at this before but I think it might be relevant to some of the recent discussions.
Originally posted by cdhall


Aren't you pictured in Infinite Insights Books 3, 4 and 5?

And is that you in Book 5 on pg 181 pictured clearly as a 6th, the same rank as Mr. Trejo is wearing on pg 173?

I had not really looked at this before but I think it might be relevant to some of the recent discussions.

Yes sir that's correct and my name is in all of the volumes, but there are people for reasons of their own who will tell you different and there is nothing you can say to convince them otherwise. The funny thing is the vocal couple weren't even in Kenpo when I was wearing a 6th and a black belt before they were born. But they would rather believe what someone else is telling them than use logical reasoning. I'm also wearing the same rank in footage we shot for the videos. There is plenty of documentation for the rational but I don't need to prove anything to neophites. Thanks for the reminder.
Originally posted by Doc

Yes sir that's correct and my name is in all of the volumes...I'm also wearing the same rank in footage we shot for the videos. There is plenty of documentation for the rational but I don't need to prove anything to neophites. Thanks for the reminder.

Thank you, sir I know some of the neophites, perhaps including myself, need to be reminded of some Kenpo history now and then.

Also, were you referring to the two Sophisticated Basics videos?
Originally posted by Doc

BB: Do you feel that Parker named you the IKKA's executive vice-president because he felt you were his most knowledgeable assistant?

PLANAS: There are probably several reasons why the old man (Parker) chose me. He used to get mad at me for teaching too much and for teaching some people material that he didn't want them to know. After that, when I did a seminar, I would clear with the o ld man what he did and didn't want me to teach. There was a lot of material I know he didn't cover with certain people. The reasons why he selectively taught this way, we'll probably never know.

Certainly you should be allowed your freedoms, but this feels like an attempt to further promote some credibility. Why not just let it go? Parker put rank on some who deserved it, gave it to others for strickly business, gave it to some as a friendly gift, and let even others (who put it on themselves) continue to hang around and be in pictures.

There is no shame in your lineage, what ever it may be. I invite you to simply flourish in your discoveries, share as generously as you do, and discontinue a campaigne that is not necessary. You don't need validation, do you?

I didn't think so. Your own practice will speak for itself.


Well put Gou!

From Ft. Riley, KS (still):D

Originally posted by GouRonin

First of all...this is an excellent article, but dated. It doesn't make some of it any less relevant but some it needs a context. An example is that Huk no longer is with the WKKA. But everyone ought to read it.

In the same article Mr. Planas also says, "Kenpo is nothing but principles of motion."


"Everyone wanted to be Mr. Parker's right-hand man. He told many people things that led them to believe they were going to be put in certain positions or given certain roles within the organization. He often told people what they wanted to hear and led people to believe that he was teaching them when he really wasn't. I would hear how certain people claimed to have taken private lessons with Mr. Parker for years. So I would watch them and think to myself that if they had taken privates, they hadn't learned anything. I would then talk to the old man about these people and he would tell me what was really going on. There are lots of people Mr. Parker didn't want to teach, and didn't teach, although they thought they were being taught by him. Basically, he would give them the runaround.

One of the most relevant parts of it for me was, "No one is ever going to fill the old man's shoes. He is going to be bigger in death than he was in life."

It's an interesting article.

All around.
Took almost a month to get this one drug back up again? Must be slow where you are. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just re-read my post on this thread, and realized it is unclear.

I want no one to think that I was aiming the comment at Doc Chapél, but rather at certain people who tend to be around the fringes of, or within, many of the controversies that are promulgated on various Kenpo forums.

For anyone mistakenly thinking I was posting to them, you have my apology.

Most Sincerely,

Dan Farmer
Originally posted by Sigung86

I just re-read my post on this thread, and realized it is unclear.

I want no one to think that I was aiming the comment at Doc Chapél, but rather at certain people who tend to be around the fringes of, or within, many of the controversies that are promulgated on various Kenpo forums.

For anyone mistakenly thinking I was posting to them, you have my apology.

Most Sincerely,

Dan Farmer

Mr. Farmer, I had no doubt where your post was directed. This is really one of the most transparent attempts of “smiling derision” yet. They constantly speak of how they allow “your truth” and “respect” your position, etc, while they twist the knife and call you names or causally refer to you by your initials or first name like they know you.

“Certainly you should be allowed your freedoms, but this feels like an attempt to further promote some credibility.”

See what I mean? I was simply acknowledging a post directed to me almost a month ago.

"Why not just let it go?"

This is a question that some should have asked a long time ago by others who should know better. Anyone who really wanted to let it go would have no need of a comment here.

"Parker put rank on some who deserved it, gave it to others for strickly business, gave it to some as a friendly gift, and let even others (who put it on themselves) continue to hang around and be in pictures."

I guess they covered all the bases so he can fit people in where he thinks they should be. (Although I don’t know of anyone who Parker allowed to be in his organization, run a school with his name on it, wear his patch, put on whatever rank they wanted, and took pictures with and for him. Do you?) I wonder which category he fits in. Wait! (E) None of the above.

“There is no shame in your lineage, what ever it may be.”

I can’t believe he said. A moron could translate that dig. There are a lot of intelligent people on the net that could see through that like glass.

'I invite you to simply flourish in your discoveries, share as generously as you do,..."

Well Mr. Farmer, now I it’s OK with him for me to continue to do what I have been doing since before he was born. Isn’t that awfully generous of him? It's amazing how he can be so generous on one hand and take it back on the other. They'd be great selling used cars, and beach front property near Dennis Conatser's house.

".....and discontinue a campaigne that is not necessary."

Funny all the e-mail I got suggests that I was not the one with a “campaign.” Everyone seemed to wonder why these people were even doing this. It’s one thing to make a comment, but the “stalking” campaign was obvious to the intelligent. They’ve changed positions so many times it was obvious nonsensical.

“You don't need validation, do you? I didn't think so. Your own practice will speak for itself.”

Just the same obviously false comments. Maybe he doesn’t realize there are people smart as he. He always leaves himself “wiggle room” so he can make it mean whatever he wants and say, “I didn’t say that.” The more said the worse they look.


Mr. Farmer, he actually said “respectfully.” After all the accusations, mud slinging, innuendos, name calling, and pure DIS respect against my character and lineage he actually said “respectfully.” Wow. Smiling derision. I’ve been patient and civil through it all but this really is too much.

The real mistake and cardinal sin here is a simple one. This campaign was generated by a select few who have been around for a while who have their own agenda. Some are personal, some business related. They have projected their prejudices onto their students and associates and have allowed and even pushed them out front in public to go and spout their unrestrained bias.

I know enough myself to make a bunch that claim to be “close to Parker” cringe, and can back it all up. But those things serve no purpose nor do they give me any personal satisfaction.

It is one thing to have an opinion based on what someone has told you. It is quite another to challenge and deride another publicly about issues of which you have no personal knowledge. When the best you can say is, “Someone told me…” you should at the least keep that on a personal level and close your public mouth. I have “heard” many things said about many people, and although I may be wary, I only treat people based on their dealings with me personally. One of many lessons taught to me by Parker himself.

It is funny, that in some quests for the so-called truth, some are investigated while others words are simply treated as gospel. Some with well-established lineage are suspect while others who accelerated themselves to grand mastership from nowhere are not challenged. Still others only come back to “Kenpo” with an opportunity to make money periodically and must “protect” their reputation.

Through all of this I have continued to do what I have always done, share information and teach my students. I’ve suggested to many that what I teach is not for them. I’ve always made a point that people should stay where they are happy and will not give out rank to “distance” people. Obviously this is not a “growth campaign,” or some attempt, as some have suggested, to “take over Kenpo.”

What I have simply reminded some is that Ed Parker simply had more information to share than most have seen. For those who choose to “sit pat” on what they have and whose only motives are business and ego, this may present a problem. I have no secrets (I didn’t title that article in Black Belt Mag), and what I know I share freely. Many I have never met can tell you that, and I haven’t asked for money. I will continue to teach and do what I have always done until I can no longer do it. I have respected the memory of my friend and teacher as well as some and better than most. Everything I am as a teacher and practitioner of Kenpo I owe to him. He had a healthy hand as well in making me into a man, and that is why I am not shaken or deterred.

Those who really want to find truth should start at home with the same scruitiny they reserve for others less annointed. All in all I find this one of the many most disingenuous post ever. Now let’s see if they really want to “let it go.” Thanks for your support Mr. Farmer and excuse the rant.

Ed Parker lives,