Interesting Class Last Night



We warmed up, we did our calisthenics, and then we all gathered
in front of the T.V. and watched kenpo videos. I welcomed the
change, since I was still sore from my test!!!

So we got to watch a Tatum Video, and a Trejo Video.
I can't remember the name of the Tatum vid, but he was a 7th at
the time, so it must've been awhile ago. His dummy was a guy
named Rick- ... somebody? He was 2nd brown in the video. We
were told before we watched it, that we move a bit differently
than he does, he moves more like Ed Parker, while we move more
like Huk. I hadn't seen kenpo videos before, so this was cool. I
liked how he taught principles in the video (accenting angle of
destruction), and it was cool seeing him move, in what seemed
like realistic combat (I know it wasn't, but still). Pretty neat stuff.
Just idle curiosity, is this guy Rick still active in the Tatum camp?
What rank is he now?

Mr Trejo's video was really cool, with the exception of the camera
work. It was called something like "10 Self Defense Techniques
Every Martial Artist Should Know" or something to that effect. It
was down and dirty, teaching the techs, and then Mr Trejo did it
fast, where it just looked mean:cool: . It was nice seeing a big
guy move, and it was inspiring. The camera work sucked royally
on this film though. Anyone know who the cameraman was???:confused:
It was like " HEY! A big ol' close up of Mr Trejo's left eye!! Too
Originally posted by Kirk

We warmed up, we did our calisthenics, and then we all gathered
in front of the T.V. and watched kenpo videos. I welcomed the
change, since I was still sore from my test!!!

So we got to watch a Tatum Video, and a Trejo Video.
I can't remember the name of the Tatum vid, but he was a 7th at
the time, so it must've been awhile ago. His dummy was a guy
named Rick- ... somebody? He was 2nd brown in the video. We
were told before we watched it, that we move a bit differently
than he does, he moves more like Ed Parker, while we move more
like Huk. I hadn't seen kenpo videos before, so this was cool. I
liked how he taught principles in the video (accenting angle of
destruction), and it was cool seeing him move, in what seemed
like realistic combat (I know it wasn't, but still). Pretty neat stuff.
Just idle curiosity, is this guy Rick still active in the Tatum camp?
What rank is he now?

Mr Trejo's video was really cool, with the exception of the camera
work. It was called something like "10 Self Defense Techniques
Every Martial Artist Should Know" or something to that effect. It
was down and dirty, teaching the techs, and then Mr Trejo did it
fast, where it just looked mean:cool: . It was nice seeing a big
guy move, and it was inspiring. The camera work sucked royally
on this film though. Anyone know who the cameraman was???:confused:
It was like " HEY! A big ol' close up of Mr Trejo's left eye!! Too

Those Tatum videos were the Panther series that you were watching, i believe. Those were done back in the late 80s. If you look at Mr. Tatum's Gi very carefully you can see where the IKKA patch and a rocker patch used to be on his left side. The guy with him was Rick Jeffcoat, now a 6th degree and running his own place in Pasadena, Ca. Apparently Rick is Very fast, from what Clyde has told me. In Mr. Tatum's technique videos done in 93, Rick is a 3rd black and still being a dummy for Mr. Tatum.
I have the whole series of the technique videos from him. He moves VERY well and actually makes all of the techniques look VERY easy. I sure wish i knew how. :);)
I also have a copy of the Trejo video, and i have to agree about that camera man. What was he thinking?? :confused: :(
"We were told before we watched it, that we move a bit differentlythan he does, he moves more like Ed Parker, while we move more like Huk. "

Nothing wrong with being able to move like any of these men, Tatum, Mr. Parker or Huk.

Sounds like it was an interesting night.
Must admit, I've never had a video class.

Your Brother
I've got that series of videos too. Theres plenty to learn from them.

Did you see the one called 'Walls of Defence', which was shot in Jersey. CI Europe? Mr Tatum filmed that one with some of the European Black Belts. It was filmed in a castle near where I grew up.

I always felt sorry for Rick, continually being swatted by Mr Tatum, but he just kept coming back for more.

Just like Mr Alan Jacob, and Mr Bernie Drakes do in Vegas. :p

Originally posted by Les

I always felt sorry for Rick, continually being swatted by Mr Tatum, but he just kept coming back for more.


If you talk to Clyde (If he ever comes back around) he thinks "You can learn a lot from a dummy", He told me he learned a tremendous amount traveling around and getting beat on.

I have the Trejo video too, and it looked like the "Kenpo witch project" because of the camera work I felt like taking some dramamine! But Mr.Trejo did have some good info on the tape and an interesting choice of techniques.

You should try to see some of the Tatum technique videos Kirk I can bring some down in May when we come but they are excellant viewing, great quality, and full of info my kids will even watch them with me LOL "we watching Kenpo daddy?"
Originally posted by Les

I've got that series of videos too. Theres plenty to learn from them.

Definitely! Sold me on his currently available tapes, that's for
sure. Paycheck permitting of course. :D

Originally posted by Les

Did you see the one called 'Walls of Defence', which was shot in Jersey. CI Europe? Mr Tatum filmed that one with some of the European Black Belts. It was filmed in a castle near where I grew up.

No, this one just covered pushes and pulls. The intro to the tape
was done outdoors, on a rocky hillside. That was pretty cool
scenery in itself.

Originally posted by brianhunter

You should try to see some of the Tatum technique videos Kirk I can bring some down in May when we come but they are excellent viewing, great quality, and full of info my kids will even watch them with me LOL "we watching Kenpo daddy?"

Yeah, I'm sold. He teaches well.
Originally posted by brianhunter

If you talk to Clyde (If he ever comes back around) he thinks "You can learn a lot from a dummy", He told me he learned a tremendous amount traveling around and getting beat on...
You should try to see some of the Tatum technique videos Kirk I can bring some down in May when we come but they are excellant viewing, great quality, and full of info my kids will even watch them with me LOL "we watching Kenpo daddy?"


If there is going to be a Video night before the Alamo Clinic, I'm in! I have not seen many videos of anyone. I would like to see these that you guys are discussing. I can come down a night in advance perhaps for this, Kirk you are now charged with coordinating this informal event. :) Or getting Mr. Abernathy to let us cram into the studio on Thurs night to watch stuff. :confused:

I can also confirm that being a dummy is an excellent learning experience. Highly effective way to learn. :karate:
Originally posted by cdhall


If there is going to be a Video night before the Alamo Clinic, I'm in! I have not seen many videos of anyone. I would like to see these that you guys are discussing. I can come down a night in advance perhaps for this, Kirk you are now charged with coordinating this informal event. :) Or getting Mr. Abernathy to let us cram into the studio on Thurs night to watch stuff. :confused:

I can also confirm that being a dummy is an excellent learning experience. Highly effective way to learn. :karate:

Well Im gonna be in Hawaii untill that Thurs so count me out HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Long overdue vacation week) But seriously I can bring down some different videos i have to watch if you want over the weekend. Could make for some fun
There is no question but that Rick Jeffcoat is the uberdummy. Clyde's insanely tough, Tim Bulot suffered the best knockout (see Unwinding Pendulum..."You may lose him on the elbow") on tape, but watch Rick dummy up for the ending of Grip of Death, or for any of the arm breaks. I'm baffled.

Originally posted by rmcrobertson

There is no question but that Rick Jeffcoat is the uberdummy. Clyde's insanely tough, Tim Bulot suffered the best knockout (see Unwinding Pendulum..."You may lose him on the elbow") on tape, but watch Rick dummy up for the ending of Grip of Death, or for any of the arm breaks. I'm baffled.


LOL I can't remember which technique it was but if you watch the Green belt extensions one technique Mr. Tatum couldn't help but crack a smile and say "way to dummy up" after one technique.
Mr. Jeffcoat has a mutant power to dummy up if you ask me ;)