Things you are grateful for this past 2005


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
1) My loving family
2) My dojang students and friends
3) My new found MT family
4) God and his glory
5) The wisdom that has come from another year
6) The beginning of a New and wonderful year
7) Everyday that I'm able to train

The statements are not in any particular order.

I wish evrybody here on MT a very blessed New Year

Terry Lee Stoker & Family
Things I am thankful for this year.

The gift of Jesus, the light of the world.

That my family is healthy, that we have a roof over our heads and food to eat.

For my friends online and in person as well as my co workers.

I am thankful that I was lucky enough to get involved in Kenpo and find a good instructor and school the first try.

And for a place like this MT, where I can ask questions of those that have been were I am, and are where I want to be.

Merry Christmas, may God Bless and keep everyone safe this next year.

Phil Schoen and family

Jesus, my lord
Jacquie my wife and the acceptance she has of me with all my faults,
my two sons, the children we have fostered, the love we share.
and our many friends;
everthing else is an out growth of them or is superficial and means little.

I'm Thankful for My Family and that they are Healthy,and that we have a roof over our heads and food on the table...
What am I thankful for? Hmmm...
- the 20 lbs. I gained eating delicious holiday desserts
- the 100's of $$$ spent on making the season jolly
- my very own menagerie right in the comfort of my own home
- the countless woman-hours spent hanging holiday decorations - notice I wrote woman:lol2:

No - seriously: I am very thankful for my wonderful, exciting, intelligent and sexy husband. (Tee-hee :rolleyes: ) I am thankful for my sweet little angels. ( Zach, Caleb, and Michael) I am especially thankful for my patience which always helps me get through each day without hanging one of my 5th grade students from their toe- nails. For being so blessed to have a wonderful family and good friends. And I am thankful for being able to share my love of martial arts with future generations.
Being with my girls
The lift on my jeep and Russ for helping me.
The (not as much drama this year) Happy Holidays I spent with my family.
How the Martial Arts have helped me grow.
Quiting smoking.
Mount Saint Helens for keeping life interesting.
The camping I did.
All the Soldiers that have passed, And the ones that have come back.
Hello, When you hit over 50 years old.....the the thing you feel most grateful for is to be able to get up everyday and feel the life you still have to enjoy.

Good health will always be the number one thing people wish for.....or untill you know you had one.

Younger people want more material things and that is part of a accepted thought for many.

America is still one of the best places to live...? Freedom is nice....Aloha
God has given me so many blessings this past year, I don't know where to begin! I have a million things to be thankful for! In no particular order...

1] One of our black belts came back to our class and started teaching again and we all improved a lot because of that.

2] Blessed to have had good teachers in college who really wanted to help us students if we needed it.

3] Sharing super special times with old friends and making new ones.

4] Getting to go to California to be in my cousin's wedding and having so much fun with my cousins.

5] Our house only had minor damage from Katrina.

6] Despite dear friends who lost everything in Katrina, they are safe!

7] After evacuating, ending up in Maine for 1 1/2 glorious months of spending time with my beloved sister and her family!!!!!

8] Getting my old job back with better pay and the chance to work more hours.

9] Being kept safe when I was in a car accident and my newer used car is a million times better and safer than my really old one that got totaled.

10] My family and friends who love and pray for me.

Robyn :asian:
1. I'm thankful for the beautiful wedding I had on July 30th

2. I'm thankful to my dad for paying for it:rolleyes:

3. I'm most thankful for the best husband alive who keeps me laughing, training, loves me, and helps me to keep going on

4. My kitten, who's also my baby, Rolo

5. For King Jesus, who has healed every martial art and emotional wound

6. That God spared my knee from not working ever again due to my own stupidity

7. For the roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in, someone warm hearted to sleep with, yummy food to eat, stuffed animals, and ofc my martial arts and sai

I'm thankful for alot more too, but it would take a long time to type. :)

I'm thankful I've made it another year on this earth :)
I'm so thankful to my Seig for putting up with me ;)
That Seig's and my house is being built by our own four hands.
Our journey to Australia brought many new friends and wonderful memories.
My fellow black belt returned to training with us.
For friends.
And a whole lot more ~!
There's a lot to be thankful for:
0) the knowledge of a greater power and the ability to commune therein
1) the open and compassionate dialogue I have with my 13 year old daughter
2) the presence and love of my wife and my steppies
3) the support and compassion of MT staff and members
4) the pure unadulterated joy of MA (legit style or not)
5) laughter

there's more petty, fun stuff:
0) Playstation!
1) Jackie Chan
2) RC Cars
3) pancakes.
I'm thankful for:

My man still has his job (lay-off scares last year and the past few years).
My mom, Grandmom, and my man for being there for me
My MA training. If it wasn't for MA, I'd be a totally different person (not a good one either)
My good friends
House, food, clothing, ect
Everything and Everyone.

For without them I would not be where I am today. :)
Soooo many things!

1. I'm still alive.
2. My wife and kids are healthy.
3. I can still train.
4. I again have a god job that is challenging.
5. I didn't blow my engine racing.
6. My school is still open and doing well.
7. The e-friends I've made here in the past year.
8. The intelligence to appreciate all these things because they could all pass in the next year.
9. And most of all, I saved 15% on my car insurance....:p (Sorry. Couldn't resist)
Things I'm thankful for in 2005.

Celebrating our 1st year wedding anniversary!.
My mom getting remarried after my dad's death in 2002.
God, who has brought us past just being consumers of His love to sharing it with others.
Getting back into traditional MA after a long absence.

May you all experience God's blessings in the coming year.
I am grateful for:

My children, who teach me that the world is still a wonderous place.

The Art, for teaching me a framework within which to guide my life.

My wife, for teaching me every day to be stronger than I think I can be.

My sister-in-law, for teaching me to laugh.

My job, for teaching me how to deal in the business world.

Martial Talk, for teaching me that so many other Artists struglle with the same things I do.

Myself, for being wise enough to try and learn all the lessons from above.
Even though 2005 was by far not the greatest of years for me and especially at the very end, I am thankful for a lot of things, I recieved my doctoral degree, I am healthy, I have a wonderful family, my sister is getting married to a great guy pretty soon, and I am very thankful for all my close friends who stood by me and proved how long time friends can become a part of your extended family. And how true friends will come to the aid of another when that person needs them most. So with all crappy moments, 2005 did have for me and even at the very end of the year with regards to a very personal matter, it was not a complete waste of a year for me either.