they just dont know



why do ppl who dont kick claim it to be for wooses?
non martial artists i mean.:shrug:
It's the usual thing--it's way of setting the rules in one's favor. Hence the high school ethos where kicking, biting, and other forms of equalizers that smaller people could use against larger people are ruled 'unfair/unmanly' by those who want the rules to favor the large and strong.
yea thats about it...

If i ever get into that situation where im in a fight and the guy starts whining about my kicks being cheap and wussy like, ill tell him im not gonna stop doing them and if he wants he can do them too and i wont mind. :D

Not that he's gonna have time to start whining about kicks ;) lol
I'd kick him while he was whining then run away in the unlikely event he was still standing. :D
Originally posted by arnisador

It's the usual thing--it's way of setting the rules in one's favor. Hence the high school ethos where kicking, biting, and other forms of equalizers that smaller people could use against larger people are ruled 'unfair/unmanly' by those who want the rules to favor the large and strong.

I think the bully thing is very important to understand. I has someone that wanted me the kick box them. Sure, I kicked him in the legs. I did not know he meant only throw the kicks high enough for him to easily block them.

In High School people also complained about the wrestlers or huggers, they seemed to win most of their combats.

I agree with Arnisador on the setting the rules in one's favor.

Good Luck

To add another view on this those that train with their hands dislike the idea of not being able to use them in tournaments or being given less points for a hand tech then a kick.
Hand people fell that one shoul;d be able to block, evade, whatever both hads and feet.
Ya know, it just don't make sense.

I have had the "kicks are unmanly" debate with people before, and I always resort to the same question: Why?

Ever watch the Muay Thai guys go at it? Vale Tudo? Savate? How about any art that targets a nice kick into the side of the knee?

Hm. Unmanly? Doubtful. Then again, I don't check how my hair looks when I spar, either. I worry more about what is working and what is not, rather than if I am looking or acting "manly" enough. Get me in a real fight, and I will use anything and everything in my arsenal, manly or not, to win. Essentially, if I am dragged into fighting, then it must be important enough to fight for, and "manliness" is not going to be part of the equation.

Unless, of course, I am somehow involved in a gentleman's duel with swords and clearly established rules. :D

Kicks being "unmanly".....sheeesh......puh-leeeeze. People who think like that should get kicked in the head at least once by a well executed roundhouse. That should clear up the debate a bit. :D

in street fights, it is important to take down the opponents as fast as possible. but in MA tournaments, its important to get points, where there are rules which u cant do this or that.

i think ppl are too hung up in getting points than in taking down the opponent. one of my MT friends was in a fight(street) and i was watching(no intention of jumping in), well the fight lasted a pretty long time because he used only kicks and punches. whereas he could have used knees and elbows(whcih werent allowed in tourns). so ppl are too adapted to rules
hehe. If I'm in a street fight, I'm sure not gonna punch my opponent in the chest. I'm gonna kick out his knee and get the heck outa there! If someone wants to start something with me, they've given me the right to defend myself with whatever means I deem necessary. Kicking, scratching, clawing, biting, whatever. As long as it means I walk away and make sure he's in no condition to follow me, there's nothing "wussy" about it.
This reminds me of a fight I had when I was about 13. My Irish temper had got me in a fight again, but this time with a guy a foot taller than me. Since I wasn't mad after the first time I hit him I just started circling and kicking his knees. he made some comment about kicking like a girl. I got so mad I punched him. I had to jump he was so tall. Well it worked and it got to go down in the books as funny with me jumping and all.

Ah, nostalgia,

Originally posted by nightingale8472

hehe. If I'm in a street fight, I'm sure not gonna punch my opponent in the chest. I'm gonna kick out his knee and get the heck outa there! If someone wants to start something with me, they've given me the right to defend myself with whatever means I deem necessary. Kicking, scratching, clawing, biting, whatever. As long as it means I walk away and make sure he's in no condition to follow me, there's nothing "wussy" about it.

It is called Successful Self-Defence.
Most of my fights prior to my jr. year in high school were full of kicks. I must have been the smallest guy in school. Then God looked at me and said, "Oh, I forgot about you" and stretched me and made me one of the tallest guys during the summer ...that's when I realized that I need to learn how to punch also ...:shrug:
once, i was fighting this guy where i kicked his thigh hard. then he says "why u gotta kick like a .......(before he finished he got kicked in the mouth). his two front teeth were knock out. nasty sight,blood gushed.:cheers:
With all due respect, I find such post disturbing. I don't see what is there to rejoice over injuring people. We have law in this part of the world. One does not go out to inflict injury w/o legal justification.
Kicking is useful just like grappling and punching.
For some reason I don't believe hand2handcombat. Kicking him in the thigh?

Yes maybe after alot of kicks it would start bothering him but no real damage can be given to a muscle so large.

Yes you can disagree with this but its true that hitting something with little protection would hurt alot more.
For some reason I don't believe hand2handcombat. Kicking him in the thigh?

Yea but he never said it did any damage. He did it and didn't state reason why he picked the target wheather there was one or not.
getting kicked in the thigh can cause a lot of pain, especially if the muscle is flexed, but it won't really cause a lot of damage. Pain yes. Injury other than a bruise...probably not.
kicking the thigh can be very effective. Aside from the pain, and possible damage, it can be very dibilitating during a fight. I can put that leg almost out of commision during a fight by a well executed thigh kick. Also, being so far up the leg, you can really control the whole body with a thigh kick. But I don't believe many systems use this type of kick.
