The Ultimate in No Touch Knock Outs!

Bob, um, what ...the...hell... was that????
Him and dillman should get together for a knock down drag out free for all
Benny Hinn! HAHAHAHAHA! That is funny as hell! :roflmao:

OK, got it---from Wikipedia:

Benny Hinn is well known for his flamboyant, highly theatrical and often controversial style of ministry, at which members of the congregation and the choir are frequently "slain in the Spirit" en masse...

I read that last sentence as meaning that the choir are slain frequently, which seemed odd until I considered what BH's powers must be---kind of like bowling, he knocks 'em down and sets 'em up again, eh?

Terry said:
Him and dillman should get together for a knock down drag out free for all

No contest! Dillman couldn't slay the choir more than once, I'd bet... :D
Benny Hinn. ack. What a crock. The video is hilarious!
Bob, um, what ...the...hell... was that????

That is what some Christians refer to as being Slain in the Spirit

Benny Hinn! HAHAHAHAHA! That is funny as hell

I found that humurous as well!

Glad you got a good laugh out of that. I imagine you would have found Jesus pretty funny then, as well as the apostles. Most of the Old Testament must be a rib tickler too.

I don't agree with every guy on TV, but I do refrain from laughing at them. The presentation was humorous I suppose, but the insinuations were not.
That was hilarious

But I can’t help but thinking a no touch knockout, healing and soul saving a 3 for 1 deal

Hallelujah sigh me up……:angel:
Benny Hinn - Benny Hill. Shoot only a couple of letters different, but both are funny as heck to watch.
I found the clip on someones live journal, and had no idea who it was, just that it looked, rather funny to me. Apologies if it's offended anyone, but the theatrics of the whole things made me laugh and I wanted to share.
I liked the Music. :D
Im all for freedom of religious expression and if these people believe in and follow that sort of thing more power to them. But if you are going to televise and publicize that stuff be ready for some criticism/humor. I have to admit that I got a chuckle out of it.
The guy gets his kicks outta knocking down old ladies??? Great music though! Wonder how his bouncers manage to resist his mystical powers.... Maybe they're zombies??!
Everybody knows bouncers are immune to Qi attacks, its one of the requirements and part of thier kamayyamayya training

Yes we all learned when to lift our right big tow, and when to cross our left tow. ;) Or was that they I just do not believe it until it hits me theory. Not sure. :D :) ;)

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