Knock Out!!!



Just thinking about this, I've never actually known what goes on inside a person when they've been knocked out or what exactly cause someone to be knocked out from a strike. I've seen some boxing fights and sometimes it takes the person to come conscious like a couple of minutes but sometimes it can take up to 10 to 15 minutes for the guy to come back.

Anyone know why it takes some people longer to arise from a knock out than others and what exactly happens when someone gets knocked out ?

thats the mind telling the body it's had Enough
:revenge: :revenge: :revenge:
Sorry, I meant how does a knock out occur when a pressure point for example on the neck or jaw is hit.
In a live fight.

The Chin is the button to the knock out.
I understand that principle LoL but i wanted to know what actually causes the person's to fall unconcious like does the brain hit a nerve when the chin is punched.
"The jaw hinge is hammered back to where it is hinged and that point is at the base of the skull. The concussive shockwave is the result that causes a KO."

This is taken from a previous post. Originally posted by GouRonin. The explanation given is for the cause of a knockout by a punch to the chin of course. Depending on the target area, the cause of knockout can differ.
Thanks that's exactly what I wanted to know!
its also worth noting tht the back of the skull near the base is where the cardiac and pulmonary systems are controled
It's the wait in the locker room that Get Your Nerves
But if U come prepared than half the Battel is Over

The pressure point on the front/side of the neck (the carotid vagus) is different. It isn't the direct shock to the brain, but the sudden drop in blood pressure that puts you out. This happens because the body is tricked into thinnking the blood pressure is too high.
There are actually various different reasons for a knock-out,where knock-outs then,are different.
As previously mentioned and a popular one that most are aware of,is that of brains moving and smashing to wall of skull which then shocks the brain causing the knock-out.
Then it could also be of nervous disruption (my own term) as if one gets hit to a certain nerve center etc. this causes a fast nervous energy blast to travel trough the body and brain are not able to handle this quickly enough which then results in them telling to shut down the body (this is my explanation at best)
Different reasons include blockage of blood and oxygen flow and from oriental view,pressure points etc.