The Technique line at the Homecoming


Iron Dog

First of all thank you Mr. Conaster for those great pictures. About the technique line: Who ran it? what was the structure? Eggman talked about the excitement of it, was that shared by all? What was the best part of the line? Someone wrote earlier that he felt bad not going. I share that too now but appreciate the input from those who made it.
I was curious about a lot of that too. In addition, Clyde said
there was one purple belt in attendance, which made me
curious ... what did the lower ranked belts do, once you guys
got higher up in techniques? Wing it? Sit it out?
Originally posted by Iron Dog
First of all thank you Mr. Conaster for those great pictures. About the technique line: Who ran it? what was the structure? Eggman talked about the excitement of it, was that shared by all? What was the best part of the line? Someone wrote earlier that he felt bad not going. I share that too now but appreciate the input from those who made it.

Every line was different with one of the Big Wigs running it. They would change places as well. Mr. LaBounty and Mr. Hebler were on the line I was in and we let the person that was starting the line call the technique, then the next in line etc.. Then they wanted to see some spontaneity and just said, right punch, left kick, front grab, then it was on to weapons spontaneity. It was an intense line where I was at with lots of hard hitting from Paul Dye, Dave Thompson, Scott Higgins, Wes, Billy, Doreen Cogliandro, Clint Hughes and a bunch of others, I can't remember their names. It was like going back in time to the West LA studio for some of us. Only had to tell a few to put their purse down when they were doing techniques on me LOL. There were a few colored belts there (about 8-10), yellow and up but I wasn't paying much attention to what they were doing or who was running their line, sorry.

Have a great Kenpo day

i was next to the lower ranks and saw that they were doing a lot of improv techniques. The intensity of seeing that many people giving 110 percent was the rush.

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