The Real World


MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2002
Reaction score
Mountaineer Martial Arts - Shepherdstown,WV
Have you ever had one of your students come up to you and tell you/ thank you about/for what you taught them coming in to play in the real world? How many times you have doubted their story just to have it verified by an idependent third party?
Ok, here is an example:
Last year at my college class, I taught an escape froma rear grab. A few days later, the young lady was accosted in the parking lot late one night. She used the technique I taught her, dumped the attacker and was able to get away. Went to the police. As it turns out the, Officer she reported to was a friend/student of mine. He found and arrested the guy and told me about it the next day. The following week the young lady told me about the incident, and I knew she was telling me the truth.
Hope that helps clarify.
Ohhhh.. heh ok.

Yes a few times that has happened over the years. It's just about the most gratifying thing in the world to find out what you taught helped someone. I teach to help people and when I find out the information did actually do some good it makes me feel like I'm changing the world in a very small but positive way. It's a great feeling.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Yep, a similar story to yours. A woman started because she needed a restraining order against her X. She was on the heavy side and maybe looked like an easy target. A car pulled up behind her and a guy got out and tried to grab her purse. She knocked his hand away, palm stike to the face. He fell and she ran.

But her being aware and not freezing was just as effective as a simple palm strike.
Real life tales of techniques in the real world. Share yours :)