the new karate kid movie


Black Belt
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
san ysidro
will be called the kung fu kid , jackie chan will be the myagi , i think it takes place in china ... :jediduel:
Me too, are there no new ideas?

No. Writers believe all plots can be classified as one of these seven main categories:

A quest. Voyage and return.
Overcoming the monster.
Rags to riches.

By the way, I'm not sure why you all think the movie will automatically be bad. It's not like The Karate Kid was any huge innovation and yet it was a very successful movie, still quoted today in t-shirts and still representing the eighties as an iconic entry.

I imagine with Jackie Chan being involved, there should at least be some cool fight choreography.
No. Writers believe all plots can be classified as one of these seven main categories:

A quest. Voyage and return.
Overcoming the monster.
Rags to riches.

By the way, I'm not sure why you all think the movie will automatically be bad. It's not like The Karate Kid was any huge innovation and yet it was a very successful movie, still quoted today in t-shirts and still representing the eighties as an iconic entry.
I think that a big issue that people have is that they have openly stated that they are redoing The Karate Kid, but changing the name, the martial art, and apparently, even the setting (if it is indeed taking place in China). I would also assume that they are changing the name of Mister Myagi, as Myagi is not a Chinese name.

If they simply said that they wanted to do a movie inspired by The Karate Kid, I think that people would be more enthusiastic. As it is, my expectations are low.

And while I generally like Jackie Chan, not all of his movies are exactly high cinema, and the original film really had very little to do with the fight chorography. Chan is no Pat Morita as far as being an actor and I have never seen Smith's son in a movie. I thought that he was substantially younger than Machio was when Machio made the origininal movie, though.

I imagine with Jackie Chan being involved, there should at least be some cool fight choreography.
As I said above, fight choreography was really only a small part of the original movie (abeit very important). Also, in the original, Myagi did very little fighting.

As for Chan being a guarantee of good fight Choreography, I gave up on accepting that as an axiom after seeing The Myth.

Will Smith's son plays... Will Smith's son in The Pursuit of Happyness. He was good in it. But he's awfully young. It's going to be a very different evolution to Ralph Macchio's awkward teenager in the original.

That said, I have no issue one way or the other. Either it'll be good or it won't. I'll either see it or I won't. Either way, it's not going to do anything to harm the original. (Nothing that the three existing sequels didn't already do anyway.)

Will Smith's son plays... Will Smith's son in The Pursuit of Happyness. He was good in it. But he's awfully young. It's going to be a very different evolution to Ralph Macchio's awkward teenager in the original.

That said, I have no issue one way or the other. Either it'll be good or it won't. I'll either see it or I won't. Either way, it's not going to do anything to harm the original. (Nothing that the three existing sequels didn't already do anyway.)

I thought that the first sequel was good and it should have ended there. The third was horrid and the fourth (Next Karate Kid) was not even a decent apology for the third.

Frankly, I would like to see them do one with Mister Laruso (Daniel) as the school owner or teacher.

Karate Kid was one of those movies too perfect for people to leave the hell alone. Everything from that movie in my eyes is perfect, and connected with me growing up being a martial artist and the son of a scientist and economist so I was constantly moving around and getting into scrapes in every country.
The Karate Kid (along with Rocky 3) is far too precious and entangled within my formative childhood years for me not to have an issue with a remake! I could readily accept another sequel and I could just about accept an "inspired by" production but I could never accept anything describing itself as a remake! It does not need to be re-made! There is only one Mr Mayagi, only one Daniel LaRusso and only one Cobra Kai!

I will probably watch it though just to confirm my prejudgemental and close minded suspicion!
They're going to annoy the fans of the original anyway, so they ought to have Daniel LaRusso as the head of the evil school. Picture it: after the death of Miyagi, Daniel-san opens a national chain of Miyagi-do House of Karate and Waffles (tm) and becomes a ruthless corporate juggernaut who vows to crush the upstart kung fu teacher with his cohort of evil henchman/students. The final battle features Jackie Chan doing a series of pratfalls and defending himself with chairs, ladders, and very large plastic spheres while Ralph Macchio chases him about the room, hopping on one foot trying to crane-kick Chan.
I thought that the first sequel was good and it should have ended there. The third was horrid and the fourth (Next Karate Kid) was not even a decent apology for the third.

That's pretty much how it shakes out for me too. Though, ironically, Hillary Swank went on to be a much more convincing screen fighter (Million Dollar Baby) than Ralph Macchio ever was.
That's pretty much how it shakes out for me too. Though, ironically, Hillary Swank went on to be a much more convincing screen fighter (Million Dollar Baby) than Ralph Macchio ever was.

If Swank many of her own stunts as I recall that she did, she was and is far more athletic than Ralph Macchio.

I winced every time I think of how uncoordinated Macchio was. He still couldn't punch correctly by the third movie...
i think it all depends on the budget too , i dont think will smith will let his son go and make a fool of him self and plus jackie is a vet im sure they got something cooking in the lab , as corny *** daniel larussos moves were i still like watching karate kid part 1 - the cobra kai guys made it look tite for what its worth - the story line was cool as well , when i was younger that movie made me want to do MA and i bet we´ve all played around and done that crane kick with our buddys %-}
i think it all depends on the budget too , i dont think will smith will let his son go and make a fool of him self and plus jackie is a vet im sure they got something cooking in the lab
After the Myth, I no longer consider Chan a guarantee of good fights, and after Sean Connory did the Avengers, I have come to realize that if there is money involved, anyone will make a fool of themselves.

Also, if a big budget were a guarantee that the actor would not look like an idiot, then the cast of Transformers would not have looked like collective idiots for doing that huge waste of money.

i happen to like the transformers part 1 and 2 but thats just me - i come from them tranformers and g i joe days i seen nothing wrong with them movies there the type of movies were you just let your imagination flow ... im waiting for that voltron thats supposed to be in the making.