Hanzo04 said:
i completely disagree. I think it is our place to defend the people that can't regardless of status. that's why we learn our system, to protect ourselves and others. i don't want to be that person known as shoulda, coulda, woulda but didn't. "Oh i saw the stabbing happen as clear as day, but i didn't want to go to jail for intervening, despite the fact that i'm a black belt." Bull! that's why other people teach regular people like me and you to defend themselves. it has nothing to do with being a superhero but defending life itself who ever it is. i wouldn't call the cops until the altercation was over.
personally i think this government gives criminals to much rights. too much technicalities. it's stupid.
I am not saying do nothing. I am saying that assuming that a 'martial arts' response is the only tactically sound one for every reality situation is living outside reality/practical sense. Hang on....
WARNING: I am going to repeat myself for those who have been here a while
THere are three major areas that I consider essential for civilian self defense training:
1. Internal (stress management, emotional/mental control....)
2. External (tactics, awareness, physical threats - Bad guys, first aid...)
3. Societal/Legal (police procedures, use of force laws/deadly force, reporting procedures, communication with authorities....)
IMO, if you are not at least reasonably versed in all three of these areas, you are not prepared/trained/equipt for the reality of self defense. Most martial hobbyiests are sort of/to reasonably well versed in #1 and #2, but tend to get frustrated because they don't know or choose to ignore the realities of #3. This attitude will land you in jail, sued and facing culture shock when the cops don't high five you but put you in hand cuffs along with everyone else.
If you wait to call the authorities that means that you are also delaying the call out for an ambulance to treat the victim's (and possibly your) injuries which could cause a death that you thought to prevent just as easily as if you had walked away. The timely arrival of the guys with guns and body armor who are better equipt to deal with the guy with a gun that you haven't seen yet...is a great comfort to the victim who will not recognize you and might react badly if he/she/they fear that you are another bad guy they need to pepper spray, shoot, beat with a 2x4....
Most of the time, just drawing attention to the criminal act and letting them know that they have been spotted is more than enough.
Diving into every situation with 'martial arts' in mind will make for a very short career and reduce the number of lives you can save in your lifetime because you are dead.
Talk to your mother about this stuff and see how she feels about the cape image (that's a joke btw). Seriously though, I have a son and wife at home that I have responsibilities too and responding 'martially' to every response will mean making a widow and depending on the circumstance an orphan out of these people. I love humanity, but I love my family too.