The iBreath


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
This new device seems on the surface like a great idea...
And granted it probably is. Considering the dealings that LEO's have to contend with as people insist that they can handle more drink than they actually can.
One of the things begs to be asked is ... will they use it... and more importantly will they STOP after reaching a legal drunk limit??
It won't prevent them from driving home or doing the usual stupid stuff that drunk people are wont to do.
Am wondering if LEOs on this board think of the device as being useful at least to get folks to cut back (or even stop) on their amounts of consumption should they be required to drive?
I've dated a gal who had a breath-analyzer hooked up to her vehicle and it wouldn't start unless she blew into a hose hooked up to the device first and it assessed her alcohol content. But of course she found ways around that... getting a sober friend to blow into it for her. :rolleyes:
I can see a few people using this to see if they are drunk or not.

The biggest drawback I see is how accurate is it? For breathalyzers to be used in court they have a VERY strict procedure to make sure they are calibrated and accurate. The national limit is .08 BAC I can see someone getting one of these devices and it showing a legal limit and they get stopped and sue the company for their arrest.

Another drawback that I could see is it only goes up to .10 BAC where is the fun for all the drunks to have "who is drunker" contests? LOL
Another drawback that I could see is it only goes up to .10 BAC where is the fun for all the drunks to have "who is drunker" contests? LOL

Yup. I remember when they installed a coin-op breathalyzer in a local bar. Several friends of mine would stand around with a pitcher of beer and a handful of coins trying to see who could get the high score.
Yup. I remember when they installed a coin-op breathalyzer in a local bar. Several friends of mine would stand around with a pitcher of beer and a handful of coins trying to see who could get the high score.
I kind of like a pass/fail approach, for just this reason.

Overall, it's not a bad idea. It'll catch the generally responsible and honest guy who has a few too many at a holiday party, and may keep him from driving. It'll probably help the guy with a bit of a problem, who knows it -- but doesn't quite want to stop drinking, either, too. Maybe some college kids...

But the real problem drinkers? Nope. All it'll do is let 'em "prove" that they can drive just fine drunk or sober.
When I turned 21, my roommates already frequented a bar with its own breathalyzer, located near the front door. I think it was mostly for entertainment purposes, because you had to pay to use it ($0.25) and use your own straw to blow into the machine.

But we would take turns seeing who would get a higher BAC. We were dumb, stupid kids with new jobs and enough disposable income (those were the days...) to afford a cab ride home every other night.

Personally, I don't think it would work as a deterrent from drunken driving. I think it would act more as a novelty and would hasten the "finer" qualities of alcohol binging. The evidence after a traffic stop or accident would only incriminate the already incriminated.

But it would be fun to have.
Personally, I don't think it would work as a deterrent from drunken driving.

Yep..How hard would it be to find a sober person to blow into it...

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