Terrorist attack London

Why am I not surprised?
One thing that is worth discussion is something that comes up here a lot, 'you fight how you train' in this case it's 'you react how you've been trained'. The policeman who was killed, undoubtedly a hero, went forward to deal with the terrorist who was armed with large knives and was a soldier before he joined the police service, the first man who saw the attack and went to give first aid to the police officer was an ex soldier ( more about him in a minute), the Member of Parliament who ignored instructions to go back into the House and went to help the police officer and gave him CPR along with the first chap was also an ex soldier. These men did as their nature and training told them to.

The civilian who went to help first Darlington boxing coach tried to save police officer stabbed in terror attack
One thing that is worth discussion is something that comes up here a lot, 'you fight how you train' in this case it's 'you react how you've been trained'. The policeman who was killed, undoubtedly a hero, went forward to deal with the terrorist who was armed with large knives and was a soldier before he joined the police service, the first man who saw the attack and went to give first aid to the police officer was an ex soldier ( more about him in a minute), the Member of Parliament who ignored instructions to go back into the House and went to help the police officer and gave him CPR along with the first chap was also an ex soldier. These men did as their nature and training told them to.

The civilian who went to help first Darlington boxing coach tried to save police officer stabbed in terror attack
Courageous Men. Full Salute!
The funeral in Southwark Cathedral this afternoon was private but police from every force in the UK lined the routed from Westminster in tribute. Police horses accompanied the cortege and the police helicopters 'bowed' in homage to a brave officer. What was especially touching was that uniformed police officers from New York and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police also came to pay their respects and join fellow officers. A family.
Around the country a minutes silence was held outside all police stations, our local one is a joint North Yorkshire and Royal Military Police station so we went up there to stand. Poignant for all as PC Palmer had previously been a soldier.
PC Keith Palmer: Funeral for officer killed in London attacks - BBC News
Life has been busy lately, and I don't hang out in this sub-forum much anyway, so I totally missed this thread. It has all been said so I will just echo the comments already said. Sad.

Your post #23 was very poignant. Police and soldiers tend to run to the sound of guns. Even when not armed.

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